Kathy Griffin "no longer sorry" for decapitated @readDonaldTrump photo
I wouldn't call it a crime. I thought of something naughty recently. May have written about it. #Frankenstein's Monster,oh it was a lawyer.
Twitter images show #DoD, @USCG efforts during #Harvey: Here are some of the most captivating & where to find help https://go.usa.gov/xRAx5
Is #AI the change we've all been waiting for in fighting #cybercrime? Find out the pros and cons: http://msft.social/dGxZO8
Things you should know if you have been impacted by #HurricaneHarvey or know someone who has →
These numbers suggest Conor McGregor is a better boxer than Manny Pacquiao
Why the U.S. needs to define clear expectations as it tries to advance the Israeli-Palestinian peace process:
'West Indies must build on a special win at Headingley'.
More from @Aggerscricket http://bbc.in/2x2nmNz
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nasa's photo https://instagram.com/p/BYYk7h4BUmj/
frankie.. Retweeted
Sarah Palin just tried to sue the New York Times and failed
Opinion: Will Hurricane Harvey prompt a Trump ‘reset’? His megalomania probably won’t allow it.
TSA Retweeted
If you were affected by #Harvey, you can apply for assistance at https://www.disasterassistance.gov/ . This also helps connect you to other resources.
Trump is obsessed with crowds and ratings, even in flood-ravaged Texas http://on.mash.to/2vq1T1r
- New conversation
Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church opens its doors to those seeking shelter from Harvey http://a.msn.com/01/en-us/AAqWTiV?ocid=st … Osteens A SNAKE OIL SALESMAN.
osteen got alot of criticism for NOT opening his mega church doors to help TEXANS .. he finally did ..hes an imposter.
10 more signed copies of this bad boy! Come and get yours! #brucespringsteen #signedcopy #bookwormofedwards @springsteen @SimonBooks
nytimes's photo https://instagram.com/p/BYY2KQ9gKGY/
Texas Lake Breached, ‘Get Out Now’ http://trib.al/HtpRjwy
Best Buy apologizes after Houston store sold $42 cases of water after Harvey. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/348454-best-buy-apologizes-after-houston-store-sold-42-cases-of-water#.WaXdc0_M8V0.twitter …
Tina Patel Retweeted Victorville PD
Update to our story last night. Suspect has been caught, arrested for murder of his girlfriend/accomplice. @CBSLA
Tina Patel added,
JUST IN: Victorville man runs down, kills girlfriend during U-Haul carjacking, police say.
In this installment of our My Terrible Boss series: "He showed me a dick pic and got promoted"
Nick Short
🇺🇸 Retweeted Longue Carabine
It's called weather, it happens.
Nick Short
🇺🇸 added,
Military response to Hurricane Harvey could soon expand http://cbsn.ws/2wmwjiA
UK Today Retweeted
Stupidity grows like crazy this days
Transforming long-term care into a higher-quality, better-paid job could support the middle class of the future
"Trump’s default response to tragedy is clear: Politicize and provoke," writes @AaronBlake
Lebanon rejects changes to mandate for UNIFIL peacekeeping force http://www.timesofisrael.com/lebanon-rejects-changes-to-mandate-for-unifil-peacekeeping-force/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter …
Jordan king hopes for bigger Syria ceasefire http://f24.my/1h2U.t
The evacuation center/shelter inside the Houston Convention Center is packed.
Cedar Bayou, Texas hits record for most rainfall in Continental US at 51.88 inches, as heavy rain continues.
Trump says Apple will build three U.S. plants. It won't https://bloom.bg/2vCAipW
Losing $650 million a quarter isn't something a good CEO alone can fix https://bloom.bg/2x2onVT
Interest-only home loan restrictions are starting to bite in Australia https://bloom.bg/2x2kpNd
Shirley Retweeted
Hate crimes are a felony in California so the Alameda da can easily being such charges
Thanks @iTunes App store!!
Another big thumbs up for @TripScoutApp
Congratulations to @malcolmacs and @goKonrad
For sale on EBAY: rare #cultfilm 13 Ghosts 1960 William Castle #Ghostviewer #onesheet #movieposter Click here~> https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_id=114&ipn=icep&toolid=20004&campid=5337982451&mpre=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2F13-GHOSTS-1960-3340-%2F371890306940 …
Make chicken tortilla soup with Raddish and get ready for Back To School! Learn more http://raddishkids.com
We need @kelliwardaz to defeat the Flake and help @realDonaldTrump #DrainTheSwamp... https://www.pscp.tv/w/bGxsYzFXZ0tnVm9XQURRdlB8MUx5R0JFalBtcGtLThWl3QchGjkNSUAv0XWurAlxABVOYF48QPnxQBkoiGCX … by #HenshallHarold
Well, d'uh! Anyone with a pulse has known this for years. “Scientists say they've been wrong about fatty foods”
Claim It. Own It. Be It! Be The Rich, Wealthy, Impactful Leader You Are! - http://rosemarynonnyknight.com/rich-wealth-impactful/ …
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There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate. Linda Grayson #quotestoliveby
LEAP Retweeted
Hear from Dr. Boccellari from SF Trauma Recovery and @RobertRooks5 on supporting crime survivors. #SurvivorsSpeak
Selena Gomez's Insta account has 125M followers—so it was quite the place for hackers to post nude photos of Bieber http://thebea.st/2xvaUng
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. @RobinGivhan's take on Melania's heels is the only one worth reading
Maggie Haberman Retweeted
Laura Rozen Retweeted Eric Geller
More than 4 feet
Laura Rozen added,
Today is your day! http://bit.ly/2mi7KRH
.@wbpictures, I know many think we’re the same person but I’d rather get Sigourney’s residuals than screeners next time #SusanNotSigourney
Who doesn't like a fun cocktail party?
2 MIT grads built an algorithm to ID your personal taste palate. Take the quiz to see your top 4 wine matches!
I'm all for people of various ethnicities 'coming together, but if ethnicity is the motive for such gestures, then, you can count me out.
Hollywood rallies for the Harvey relief effort http://cnn.it/2x2aiI9
Erykah . Retweeted Erykah .
We safe
Erykah . added,
Tommy Campbell Retweeted Joel Osteen
Only because you caved to the Internet you tax-dodging religious con job.
Tommy Campbell added,
John Rubens Retweeted Newsweek
The day of reckoning. "The money will be distributed...while y'all are working and in school."
John Rubens added,
UC liked
Nicholas Silva Retweeted UC
A great idea! Provide mentorship w/ mentors and students that share the same story. #FirstGeneration #diversity
Nicholas Silva added,
Several people were inside at time of house explosion and at least two are still missing, Belgian media reports http://dailym.ai/2vpUDTs
Hectic day? Get a handle on it w/ state-of-the-art storage flexibility.
We stick together
David Frum Retweeted Washington Post
well that explains a lot
David Frum added,
The resignation of GitHub CEO Chris Wanstrath is a powerful lesson in emotional intelligence
South Carolina couple arrested after they were caught having sex on a golf course
hope my friend @debbiethetexan and her family,friends & dog;) are okay...
For more communications stats on Harvey, read the FCC's latest status report here: https://go.usa.gov/xRAZN #Harvey #PublicSafety
Glasses Wearers Can't Get Enough of This Website...
Welcome Dr @CarlEllisJr & @K_A_Ellis to the @ReformTheoSem family! http://rts.edu/seminary/newsevents/newsdetails.aspx?id=2565 … – at Reformed Theological Seminary
Crystal Wright Retweeted Matt McDermott
This is how humanity should act.
Crystal Wright added,
Mary Taylor Retweeted
Google Hire launches today. Welcome Google to recruitment software and ATS market. Focus on integration w/G Suite. https://www.blog.google/products/g-suite/google-introduces-hire-new-recruiting-app-integrates-g-suite/ …
Amid rising floodwaters from Harvey, some head to Houston area w/ boats to help w/ rescues, @ChipYost reports
90 minutes! Tune in to hear from @robbysoave, @krystalball and @lachlan, as well as more folks experiencing Hurricane Harvey firsthand.
GOP (do-nothing) Congress brace yourself for more challenges like this.
Neo-Nazi site Stormfront goes offline http://dlvr.it/PjTsqF
TEXAS WOMAN NUKES CNN: People Are Breaking Down and You're Here Asking "What the F*ck is Wrong With Us!?" (VIDEO)
The Bible says, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
When he was fingerprinted his true identity was revealed, along with his telltale partially amputated middle finger
US Coast Guard saves Texans from #Harvey flooding http://u.afp.com/4LXp
Hooked on the Heavens – how Caroline Herschel, the first woman astronomer, nearly died by meathook for science
.@jeffsalkin has been reminded recently that "Jews and blacks are joined together at the hip."
Kevin Baron Retweeted Josh Rogin
In that case, we should all be so lucky to have a chance to live in Australia! Nice scoop, Joshy.
Kevin Baron added,
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