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Title and the right of first refusal: Re: What is YOUR email?


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

#TimeCapsuleZeitgeist "We're on Top!"--#HenselHerrig, U.C. Davis, Stanford Alumni Association 1970's-81-ish. I'm descended from Ashkenazi Jews but am not a Jew I'm told. My mother says to consider myself one-quarter Jew-ish though. Is that how Hollywood came up with the title for the show "Black-ish?"

No moron, that's how you came up with the spelling of "Jewish" as "Jew-ish".

Oh. Potato Potato. Timecapsule,  zeitgeist.

He's a new year's gift for you too:  Where radio is available: @JonesysJukebox @ Noon PT and the sarcasm of Norway by #JimSvejda @ClassicalKUSC 7 p.m. PT #Sarcasm abounds, or at least I hope it's Norweigen #truth slowly told. "Truth? What is truth? There are no absolutes!...dialectic. movement > opposing > enveloped." speculative fiction by John Rubens

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