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Title and the right of first refusal: Re: What is YOUR email?


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wetbacks... . Is that alright Mr. Reagan? Illegal Aliens... . Is that alright La Raza? Those with something to lose, like a law license, will tend to keep quiet. Pity, the regulators keep us from their "superiors" under the auspices of so-called government. Government suffers under weight of influx.

Dear #CoLaw: This [Field Marshall Rommel quote on training as priority number one for the "welfare" of his troops] is the "negative" way of looking at "#integrity". Use/Mission; Mere Survival vs. Learning/Living. #ChristianBrother: According to one's need. @EWTN #ProfessionalismMatters [caveat: form over substance; #algorithms]. Master plan [Third Reich, born out of a coherent "will"] must not have been #KingdomofGod's.

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