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Monday, January 15, 2018

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, January 15, 2018: Outnumbered or not, the Doctor went forth like David. The U.S.Constitution Abides

As warriors we train daily to be prepared for the worst day of our lives. That day could be in combat against a numerically superior enemy force! Physically, mentally and emotionally we prepare ourselves to fight and win!
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I was reading about the outnumbered part recently. I saw the photo of the seal coming out of the water in gear looking through a scope at the ready with automatic rifle. The technology, the training. The Courage, the determination, the know how...past ...[?]
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John Rubens Tweet text
Hopefully, times  feel alone are few.  I forgot recently soldiers fight for --each other.  When home, Veterans may pass an American Legion like the one near the Hollywood Bowl. USConstitution abides as written and we fight for it still-- are babysteps

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