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Death Wish (2018) - Nightclub Shootout Scene | Movieclips

I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Monday, November 7, 2022

JIM FARLEY FOR PRESIDENT #CHRISCUOMO Nice Show last night (NewsNation, Nov. 7, 2022). My spouse says you looked great as far as grooming. I agreed with her premise*

Now you take a Henry Ford, muss him up a bit like Matt Miller 1973 and you've got a Ford Farley. Speculative Fiction Bonus: https://wordpress.com/post/johnrubens.wordpress.com/29282?fbclid=IwAR04jgrSI7fafUk9nSj0hnUithMxJd1CGnfBzTpJErLqabupsu0tnE7migE copyrights reserved, John Rubens *premise: Newsnation makes CHRIS CUOMO up "better" than CNN did. I agreed with her. REDNECK [to niece: I don't go for that "WOKE" stuff...Pknowing she might well}. Provoke conversation. In my view, subtext: Buddha thought of WOKE before an African-American wanting to march, but American Buddhism may have coined it new]. NIECE: [Conversation over]. Q: Does a professional have a right to serve a patient that was not first in line? DHS: Let's check with the affirmative action department. Was this person white? RUBENS: Why do you ask? As a matter of fact she was, so what? DHS: The white person cut in line? RUBENS: Both patients were white. DISCLOSURE: Like an independent private eye [operative]: It's our neighborhood. #NeighborhoodWatch without being spied upon by "the others". LAPD Hollywood. FOP: Paint the streets, buy UAS helicopters with a warrant. BIDEN [fiction]: It's warranted. TRUMP [fiction]: That guy. MUSK [fiction]: That's better. FICTIONAL DERSHOWITZ: That's just fine and dandy, Equal Protection, but as far as I'm concerned, Due Process rules the day in a Constitutional Crisis. REPORTER: What do you think of Dershowitz' position? Fictional TRIBE: I think he's crazy.

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