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I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Fine People On Both Sides/subtext: [just maybe not in pockets and extreme fringes, which are set apart anyway, like mother fuckers 1 Corinthians 5, and Cain in the Book of Genesis].

Dear Jarrett:

Thanks for printing my email to the alumni in the Triton this quarter.

I was thinking about the article on page 36 of the current issue. Here are my thoughts outlined:

Dear Garza and Darden:

Re: About Ferguson, MO

Permitting: What was the permitting like for such event in Ferguson on that fateful afternoon without a leader in charge?  Pressures on both sides in a common area is the responsibility of the government.

Chris Cuomo rails and picks at President Trump for saying “Fine people on both sides” but we must look at the permit to assemble on the streets of Ferguson, not the core constituency pushing for an “incident” on the opposition's side [driver/killer of white protester influenced by fringe group as was Timothy McVeigh and perhaps Lee Harvey Oswald?].

How humble were Black Lives Matter [#BlackLivesMatter, #BLM, BLM] at the event in Ferguson?

Liberation: Did the amalgamation of “activists” at the Ferguson event knowingly provoke a foreseeable criminal reaction in the nexus of ideological extremes in regard to racial relations [i.e., segregation, busing, abortion, voting rights, affirmative action, equal protection].

History: Jackson, Popkin, Marcuse, Davis, Garza, Darden


John Rubens ‘81

Warren College

Earl Warren: Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; Leader of the Warren Report on Kennedy’s Death

Cc: @ChrisCuomo @twitter; POTUS


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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