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Death Wish (2018) - Nightclub Shootout Scene | Movieclips

I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Friday, August 31, 2018

The Wife of Bath, Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer "Very posh in Bath."--Mijour, formerly of the music groups "Slick" "The Rich Kids" now "ultravox" "Vienna" circa 1980-1981 #Kilburn [unverified, phonetics used, unsolicited].

"Very posh in Bath, like Bristol."--Mijour formerly of #Slick, "The Rich Kids". #PeterGabriel "I hear they got someone to come out from Hollywood to make the mansion look like [the Getty Museum]. #ElRey Mijour Tonight! 9 pm. @StanfordLibs  Don't forget the #WifeOfBath! #GeoffreyChaucer #CanterburyTales

Fresh #Parsley garnish

Dear @RobertSRoyal and Reverend Murray, Roman Catholic Canon Law Priest and Theologian: I saw your show @EWTN then stayed "tuned" for @EWTNNewsNightly. Bob reminds me of @DonaldRumsfeld in that he is a civilian leader of a large process. When Don resigned, I held less esteem for him.  #GWBLibrary [Fiction]: You ought not to diminish your admiration of Don.


  1. John Rubens @raftofwater 3 minutes ago
  1. Dear : RE: traffic/demonstrations/boycotts at In and Out Burger/; I suppose you have good reasons to organize in supermarket parking lots for disturbances which interrupt access to wholesome food.
    1. 5 minutes ago
    1. I'm on notice. "[Things are gonna get a little rough around here {twitter}.]"--, performer.

  • Thursday, August 30, 2018

    Francis "Speaks": "Sue me once, shame on you. Sue me twice, no word fodder from me. Parse that!" #Fiction @EWTN

    1. John Rubens @raftofwater 4 minutes ago
    1. Embrace our suffering. A sign of the times. Dear carry on. will be Pontifex. In defense of the Chair. Ave Maria, Florida Jim Towey. My mom taught grain of salt for Papal dictates like birth control. No dog in fight.
    2. 1 reply 1 retweet
    3. Show this thread

    Hospitality is a business. #GoodSamaritan is a parable--not even real. Rare outside LA or its churches.

    1. Harold Pinter-Quotes @Pinter_Quotes 51 seconds ago
    1. They're right to believe in you, why shouldn't they believe in you?
    2. 1 reply 1 retweet 1 like

    1. 7 seconds ago
    1. Replying to
    2. You caught me. Sometimes I want "them" to fall short of my doorstep.
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    Say a prayer 'till the morning after...