Hi John,
Thank you to all of the discussion leaders and regular members who were able to join our discussion of the Introduction and Guide last week! By now you should have read the first chapter of Schooltalk (available here)
Please go ahead and read the following message, from Dr. Pollock:
Hi, everyone! As we read Chapter 1 (Group Talk), let’s consider when labels for “types of kids” enable student support and when they get in the way.
Keep looking at our Equity Line and the Foundational Principles of Schooltalking for Equity, both on page 8.
Ask yourself: Do labels express belief in young people and care for them? Do they describe youth accurately rather than falsely? Pinpoint a need? Enable opportunity? If not, the label use is probably a problem.
THINK/DISCUSS: Make a list of some of the labels you’ve heard used in a school community you know well. Now use our Equity Line to consider a couple of them. Do you have any gut feelings about which help and which harm? (What seems to characterize a helpful label? A harmful one? Is it all in how labels are used?)
Share your thoughts, and your own questions, in our Online Forum (http://ucsdeducation.
Following supplemental compilation by John Rubens:
#labels fit well in social media posts but is that alone a good enough reason to use them is a less onerous alternative is available? #Schooltalk #MicaPollock #PBCGuru @JonSeipp @UCSDalumni #Flowers, a film by @maxwinkler starring @dylangelula. https://u2523822.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=vR0XD2l8mipW5GqV-2FsEmBI6Ft1Za3LOtKmyUnZsbz88rGVmD8F0BFtETDyBzzcjo9chhzOwjo-2BYdCgUPPlu-2FvB3HXYK96WuyrOKsXOZ6WgINuytpeVCoyxZVCbrja75i_Yrigd4vGoarGoM-2FBc3NZ1m7Dgf8pohYXuvDQ2PSWbIe8Jpjk-2F-2B-2FVUehLUFi1nCto-2FwtKZwLiV77-2B8tyaXX4LwAJ8A0i5-2FaPCzzThGZiVatfpw-2BCpgviNmTN6WQMtbqvyODRdGEtOP-2B0Tev8vL9-2FMSfKJsPqVmtcWg-2Fn6UFc6JIVACXTolP9ALg23RxMouUGST6EhRvbBM-2FWqwjpXyhA9QU7yp-2Fnf9-2BfVLkExhvtfZ9VHzXxpTsYeXAqorA0CKBWHQOrh-2Fls9em9g2vebOvf42wIBNbakbhyitcDvhN-2B0yUn2g7-2FVSBJBlKz4qRYEU4bCF2QKMCz-2FCRCaeJ5ZzUcCEw-3D-3D
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