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I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Ghost Stories

I've always hesitated to write fiction about spirits and metaphysics because many don't believe and would think I was rather crazy, but I am getting quite old, near death actually and people are going to call me crazy anyway.  We called Ben Stein crazy and he was a staid speechwriter for Richard M. Nixon.  You don't get much more strait-laced than that, except that he was mischievous in his spare time at the White House.

It's past midnight now. Twelve forty eight. Time for a ghost story.  My ears are ringing.  Just watched Get Out (2017), A Film by Jordan Peele.  He thinks by producing he can get away from us--his lily white competition. Little does he know the lilies are fragrant and have their own method of hypnosis.  Wait, I hear a tapping on the roof of the cabin. Now it's a scrapping. Oh dear God help us tonight! Five hours till daybreak. Probably someone wanting to scare us because they know we believe in the occult.  We live next to the Magic Castle in Hollywood.  I used to look up from the Biltmore Apartments on Orange Drive and wonder what the castle was.  Then I moved in with my bride in the guest house next to it.  It used to be called "The Inner Circle" but was converted to a guest house when the caretaker couple passed away two years ago.

You don't mind if I blurt out what's happening without filters.  If I beat around the bush, I might not get it all down!  Don't know shorthand.

I hear a car coming up the driveway.  Who can it be at this hour?  Branches blown to the ground by the wind were crackling under the wheels of the automobile as it creeped towards us. I got up to look through the window and saw an old man with white hair dressed in white behind the wheel. He looked up at our window as if he knew where we might be staying. Just then he stopped the car and got out, looked around and picked up a laptop from the passenger seat and began to fiddle with its keyboard.  He pointed the edge at our window and a laser beam struck my left eye blinding me and causing pain.  I wondered if I'd see out of that eye again.

I screamed out, "Laurie! Get up!"

She was out cold.  We had finished four quarts of beer a few hours back and hadn't slept the night before due to the strong winds that lashed at the guesthouse, keeping us up.

I heard a man on the roof scream in agony.  He must have got hit by the same laser from the white guy's laptop.  I heard him fall to the ground with a thud. Everything was eerily silent.

From behind me, I heard a thunderous shout, "Go into the village where you will find a man carrying a pitcher of water.  Go to him and ask about the difference between synchronicity and serendipity.  One has synchronicity implies algorithms that are more easily studied and applied by scientific principles.  Serendipity is not constrained by its 'readership'."

"David Bowie was everywhere yesterday," I replied in awe.

"Yes he was, now he's here. 'Ground control to Major Thom'."

Texas Cheer Mallory M tweet sent me a B/W tweet.  She's never done that before.

"Like I said, #earlslick." @JonesysJukebox I understand the David Bowie part.  He's in heaven now? Did you know about the rocket ships? #MikeGarson: What do you think? #Spontaneity #Synchronicity, and during the show, #serendipity for me @955KLOS

@JordanPeele #GetOut brings up #hypnoenslavement but you absolve @TSA.  #ComedyAfterAll Today’s false prophets, the pope wrote, “can appear as ‘snake charmers,’ who manipulate human emotions in order to enslave others and lead them where they would have them go.” @JonesysJukebox


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