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Monday, December 18, 2017

Dear @POTUS: It's not #RodRosenstein, it's the legal 'apparatus'. Re: @TheHill online article on @twitter; #GarryKasparov #MamaToldMeNotToCome #3DogNight

Dear @JonesysJukebox When I used "An Enemy of the People" or #EnemyofthePeople, in a #tweet earlier this week, I was referring to Henrik Ibsen and Steve McQueen's work on the subject. @CIA @PutinRF_Eng #Georgia #Ukraine @NatGeo

In reply to Kasparov regarding his tweets claiming Trump calls us names, e.g., "treasonous" or letting rednecks huff and puff not merely alone, but in packs, and who want to supercede jurisprudence with martial law--all the while speaking languages I didn't understand.  So Ukrainian. What's that Georgian's name Shikishvilli? [Don't want to know more]. Mama Told Me Not To Come

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