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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Algorithms: bio and data merge #HomoDeus by #Hariri of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem speaking at @UCSantaBarbara's SAGE Center of the Mind

? We have one of those on Sunset. Free to be atheist.

"Freedom is a myth."--Harari

Weird, I just tweeted about that and there's a siren outside. #synchronicity? "No, 'they' know you better than you know yourself. #Harari on #Algorithms "When they know you better than you know yourself," RC>Gutenberg Bible>Humanism>Algorithms. #Harari of #HUoJerusalem #HomoDeus

 #CrimeOnline When 'they' know you better than you know yourself.  #Harari #HUJ #HomoDeus #SAGECenteroftheMind @ucsantabarbara When they know you better than you know yourself re: RC>Gutenberg Bible>Humanism>#Algorithms. #HomoDeus I've told you, you can do something about it @jack

Reminds me of...1977..., guitarist for appearing on "A very very nice surprise, I'm thrilled [to be here Steve]." He was in a band called 1984 "from the science fiction novel." : How algorithms will be our judges.

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