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Death Wish (2018) - Nightclub Shootout Scene | Movieclips

I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

DAVID E. KELLEY: I must have been doing something right. TV Writer/Producer; Compare: #TaylorSheridan

Look to how others react. When the opposition wants to dispense with you or your position/situation, reflect using an examen prayer [St. Ignatius, founder of the Jesuits]. Examples: Wall Street Oliver Stone. TRUMP: Embarassing secrets. Who likes the Twitter board member who's also a head honcho at Salesforce? "John, why do you do this?" "'Acting Out' I guess. Letting off steam." See Skyscraper Heavens John Rubens (2015); David E. Kelley: "I must have been doing something right." TAYLOR SHERIDAN: Oh yeah? DEK: We're both Irish. TS: Aye, so we are. JR: Arrrr. PR: I'm Irish too and you are crazy more than Irish. JR: I've outlived a couple of other heavy drinkers in my bloodline. My grandpa was more moderate, but he had tb as a young man. Got cured in open air hospital in Colorado. HENRY WINKLER: Yeah John. RON HOWARD: You're not Irish Fonz. HW: Who said I was Italian? #BARRY HBO JB: Open air. I can go for some of that John. KH: Why not? JR: Yeah, the tone is oppressive, but the aftermath may be due in part to the COVID-19 pandemic and USA response. I would say TRUMP did the heavy lifting. BIDEN and HARRIS won't let us go, Soylent Green (c.1973) comes to mind. I'm less than 6 months away from 65 years old. "Oh no!" JB: Try 70. KH: 80. JR: TRUMP! TRUMP, TRUMP!! Trump pokes populist unpopular in the eye. @nytimes columnist Thomas Friedman KH: Are you trying to scare us? JR: Well it IS after all, still October. KH: Happy Halloween John. MARY MILLER/GREG VENNE: Cold comfort. compilation by John Rubens October 2, 2022 Moving the Capitol of the USA to Colorado, Kansas or Missouri.

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