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I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

WORD GAMES: Memories and Aliteration

Put Putin; Place Putin.

Hold and Mold.

Play with Putin. Play Putin.


Things that have the appearance of sounding racist are not fit to be print.

Hold Gold.

John Rubens trying to remember the two word rhyme from midnight. It had an entendre which could be construed racist but was not conceived in racism. It was only after I pondered the two-word rhymer, realized the connotation. Could have been a rap lyric I suppose, but then again, could be punched to allude to CRT.  At least Johnny Deep tried 21 Jump Street. I thought at the time the rhyme wasn't worth getting out of bed and tried to remember it by rote. Should have used association. I suppose my association was a racist connotation. Erasure. My mother said it couldn't have been to important by itself. [Place...Hold....Show...Win]. Could have been subconsciously picked up from the 1942 movie Cairo.


Faget about Putin. Let's talk St. Elon Musk.

Hey Honorable Pontifex: 

We are facing Ukraine run by a Jewish President and council[s], one calling Americans "cowards" like the British before WWII and Russian Orthodox Vladimir Putin, all of whose Oligarchs don't like American-style capitalism either [too many millionaires diffuse control, but not if Merrick Garland can get his way. He sees the problems of American capitalism. We must inflate millionaires to deflate them, as in post-war Germany and this time, it may include a larger ratio of women and others].

I do remember the relationship of the two-word rhyme had a mild "put down" connotation. Made the speaker look worse than the recipient of the "tweet".

Next time I'll try not to be so lazy. I'll take a chance like Judas Priest and Merrick Garland.

 Hold Handle/Fondle the Throttle/Rondo. I do remember the two words had the same first letter. First word four letters, second word maybe five or six maybe ending in "able" or "tle". Word games.

Holder of the Handle. I'm sorry Holder, I was lazy and went back to sleep.

JESUS: I told you not to do that. There are confessions now at Blessed Sacrament.

I just thought of a spooky thought: RUSSIA want an American and USA wants a Russian. RUSSIA asks CIA or other agency to have an American citizen without a criminal record arrested and traded with the Russian the Americans "desperately" need [i.e. for science or his outlooks; St. Elon Musk?].

May 21, 2022 copyright


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