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Death Wish (2018) - Nightclub Shootout Scene | Movieclips
I caught laryingitis too Bruce.
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
If you have discretionary income, or you want to 'park' your money, consider the SLV ProShares and AGQ is available if things go bad.
Silver derivatives. Is SLV a 'good' deal?
It's avail for $19.99 or less at the bid.
I'm sorry to say I do want to hear your hits on you tube.
Let the Oligarchs Take Over. Death Is But a Precipice.
REWIND: Matt Miller BloombergTV
Oman: No, thank yous. [sic; he's trying to say 'y'all']. Divided States.
If Musk Knows Minerals and Jim Cramer
It all works out in the wash.
Howard's Appliances has a showroom.
Be REAL ID and be cool: LL Cool J, Snoop Dogg, re: With God, all things are possible. Mark 10:27 re: Can Caruso? #carusocan? More artillary?
jim cramer: Silver investors: We've died by the sword, now LIVE BY THE SWORD.
In Jesus' name we pray Amen.
JUDAS: Thanks for the reprieve.
JESUS: Don't count on it.
RASPUTIN: Better Hedge Your Bets Commie. I may have been a pinko weirdo but I wasn't a commie.
Monday, May 30, 2022
Don't be the bat that I behead with my teeth. "You are not chopped liver, ever."--John Rubens about a Queen. Integrity Breaks. Sometimes It's Love and We Are Sustained
It's still legal in some quarters.
Drawn and quartered.
King Henry VIII
credits: Sharon Osbourne and Linda Ramone.
Dear Billy Idol: Linda's for you.
You are not chopped liver: "EVER!: #Rollerball @normanjewison 1975 Saw the pre-recorded Nicolas And Alexandra last night (1971).
compilation copyright
John Matthew Rubens
Memorial Dayz 2022
Better watch out who one disses: Rasputin may be in heaven with Powers.
Dear Rasputin:
I'm sorry for my drinking sins but like the hallucinations.
RASPUTIN: Hallucinations, Delusions or Illusions son?
TOM CRUISE: Why do you call me son?
RASPUTIN: Oh Son of Man.
copyrights reserved:
May 31, 2022
The Rest of Our Lives Will Be Blest: Enter Into My Rest https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=moonshadow+lyrics
Song by Cat Stevens 1971.
Enter Into My Rest--The Lord
Saturday, May 28, 2022
Speculative Comedy by John Rubens: https://wordpress.com/post/johnrubens.wordpress.com/28507
May 28, 2022
Outlaw Mocking? Is There No One Left to Mock You? #Seinfeld: I don't mock. #RUBENS: I must mock myself commensurate with my mocking. #HermannHesse #Steppenwolf
David Hogg does not do much mocking.
He's no stand-up comic.
Compilation Copyright
MAY 28, 2022
Daily Affirmations: Gas Prices Are Low [take that MSM]; Gas Prices Are Low [Would you rather be in Ukraine Mr. Ramos?]; gas prices are very low.
Did you know gasoline prices have never been this low...considering death.
Amadeus: Gas Prices Are Low; Pray You Eat Fresh. https://getpocket.com/explore/item/science-says-it-s-possible-to-train-yourself-to-be-happier-here-s-how-to-do-it?utm_source=pocket-newtab
"Dr. Zaius."
"[Don't go there Taylor. You might not like what you find.]"
"We've Got To Get Out Of This Place, If It's The Last Thing We Ever Do." https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=we%27ve+gotta+get+out+of+this+place
Good luck will end in death.
Dressing Up For Each Other is Service: Serving Others.
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Q: Is blogging work? "Should" we share our work on the day of rest?
Maybe the World is Upside Down: Bravo David Hogg! https://wordpress.com/post/johnrubens.wordpress.com/28915
Serve Others by Staying Home.
May 28, 2022
Lynn's Birthday, 1969
It was a very good year. It's a different world and includes our moon and Mars.
Pray. It's the Sabbath. Plenty of time to serve another day.
Serve the Lord. "My yoke is easy, my burden light."
"Open and Notorious" is not "Armed and Dangerous"
--Law School Sabbath Lesson by John Rubens
Friday, May 27, 2022
Dear SteMandrierFrance: It's Through Italian Bloodlines and in-laws we carry on.
John Matt Rubens 12:49 pm PDT
Gerry Spense: If You Won Every Case, I'm With Billy Joel.
Governed by consent.
CA DMV: Do you want a driver's license?
To Avoid Judas Goat: "I don't control the price of silver or goat cheese."
The Villarreal Garcia Familia et al.
Mazeltov Cocktail? #JohnMattRubens
Into You Tow.
Implications for growth.
Rollerball Poetry May 27, 2022
Thanks to HP and Microsoft/Google: Laptops are an opportunity to pray.
Thank you for own time.
God Willing, Jesus.
John and Lucia Rubens for silences and intermissions for work.
Game Plan for SLV 20 strike options Expiring Today: I'd rather have you in JN-SE calls.
squeezing the remnants of the era.
May 27, 2022
Memorial Day Weekend.
I Have Good News: Less People in Los Angeles. Souce: @KNX1070 and the @USCensusBureau.
Into You Tow: Because of you we have our business.
Monday, May 23, 2022
Much Has Devolved Into Chaos #DannonMartinez #JohnDuran @Facebook @JeffGoldblum: Focus! Be a hypocrite if you want to. #bigotsanonymous
But I'm Happy.
I wonder how the Ozzy Osbourne concert went last night in Helsinki, Finland? May 23, 2022
OZZY: Don't be my pet bat.
Dear Sharon:
I am sorry for my sins.
Go Forth!
A new purpose. If we have no purpose, pray at home.
In Memorium, Mrs Kelly, mother of twin astronauts.
John Rubens
Gary Gensler is in my prayers: Dear Gary Gensler: I love you as the ultimate. @HowardStern @BillMaher #RodSerling's #MEGAZOID: [speculative fiction] If they are still alive, as soon they will forget. #MegazoidEpisode
Dear @HowardStern and @BillMaher: You're not far behind.
MEGAZOID from #TwilightZone: Soon they will forget.
composition compilation copyright John Rubens May 23, 2022
John Matthew Rubens aka: Doobs by Mark Stoffle.
The State Bars of Nevada and CALI are well. Redwood City CA Police Dept. Fellow admireres of the man, Ted Nugent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRj5KT3742o
Fictional SEC Chief: What's SLV to you?
ME: Fuck You.
I Accepted The NorCal Hick Life: I certainly did not like the S.F. Highrises off the 101 freeway. @Warriors
Hick life in San Carlos.
May 23, 2022
Saturday, May 21, 2022
WORD GAMES: Memories and Aliteration
Put Putin; Place Putin.
Hold and Mold.
Play with Putin. Play Putin.
Things that have the appearance of sounding racist are not fit to be print.
Hold Gold.
John Rubens trying to remember the two word rhyme from midnight. It had an entendre which could be construed racist but was not conceived in racism. It was only after I pondered the two-word rhymer, realized the connotation. Could have been a rap lyric I suppose, but then again, could be punched to allude to CRT. At least Johnny Deep tried 21 Jump Street. I thought at the time the rhyme wasn't worth getting out of bed and tried to remember it by rote. Should have used association. I suppose my association was a racist connotation. Erasure. My mother said it couldn't have been to important by itself. [Place...Hold....Show...Win]. Could have been subconsciously picked up from the 1942 movie Cairo.
Faget about Putin. Let's talk St. Elon Musk.
Hey Honorable Pontifex:
We are facing Ukraine run by a Jewish President and council[s], one calling Americans "cowards" like the British before WWII and Russian Orthodox Vladimir Putin, all of whose Oligarchs don't like American-style capitalism either [too many millionaires diffuse control, but not if Merrick Garland can get his way. He sees the problems of American capitalism. We must inflate millionaires to deflate them, as in post-war Germany and this time, it may include a larger ratio of women and others].
I do remember the relationship of the two-word rhyme had a mild "put down" connotation. Made the speaker look worse than the recipient of the "tweet".
Next time I'll try not to be so lazy. I'll take a chance like Judas Priest and Merrick Garland.
Hold Handle/Fondle the Throttle/Rondo. I do remember the two words had the same first letter. First word four letters, second word maybe five or six maybe ending in "able" or "tle". Word games.
Holder of the Handle. I'm sorry Holder, I was lazy and went back to sleep.
JESUS: I told you not to do that. There are confessions now at Blessed Sacrament.
I just thought of a spooky thought: RUSSIA want an American and USA wants a Russian. RUSSIA asks CIA or other agency to have an American citizen without a criminal record arrested and traded with the Russian the Americans "desperately" need [i.e. for science or his outlooks; St. Elon Musk?].
May 21, 2022 copyright
Friday, May 13, 2022
Dear W: I'd like to visit the river that looks like the Pacific Northwest in Maine. #REALID plus @Amtrak
It's a weird name, so I don't remember it. Could be native American.
I'd get a REAL ID to travel there.
Best advice from suspended Defense attorney: Know your rights. Know what you will defend. If you won't respect the "rights" they won't respect you in court. It's like Jesus said about him and the Father.
Dear #GeorgeBush aka W/#POTUS43
Thank you for your service Mr. President. I didn't realize what you did.
Life of Longevity to the earth! God help us. Have mercy on our souls. We repent. We try.
Thursday, May 12, 2022
May 13, 2022 Silver Futures Closing Higher: What will August 2022 options score? Although I've been drinking and smoking BUD, Am I the weiser?
When I realize I didn't have sex with Monica Lewinsky, it was an alter ego, Bill Cointon [sic], I am relieved. There's the spam call again. It wasn't a spam call, it was my wife.
Lucia E. Rubens and John Matthew Rubens [JohnMatt]
Dear Peter Komar:
SLV 6 mo chart. May 13/2022
John Rubens
You can ask Lewinsky: we never met, we never had sex.
Silver May Have Depreciated Digitally, but GOD is still alive.
Feels okay on the skin.
MS. JEAN: Keep Strong, Keep Paying Taxes into Social Security and Social Disability: AND GOD, I KNOW, I'M ONE. #TheAnimals @Pepperdine #CanCaruso?
Caruso Can. #HouseOfTheRisingSun
"Well there is a house in New Orleans, they call the Risin' Sun, and [every sucker like me] God, I know, I'm one."
p.s. Lucia Elena Rubens is voting CARUSO! Until further notice. I still haven't voted since 2008 but will need to re-register if my domicile moves to California in March of 2023.
John & Lucia Rubens
Dear Fellows Silver Is A Square Deal: Don't make a big deal out of it.
I don't think I'll be chopping heads off soon.
Monday, May 9, 2022
May 9, 2022 Hypothesis: A Silver Battle Rages On Wall Street 2x Silver VIX
JAMES CAAN: Ya wanna get shot?
JAMES CAAN: Listen to Doctor Rex Bannon.
John and Jonny Quest: To young to live, to young to die.
Paul Revere and the #RaiderNation
Dear Paul Revere & The Raiders: Too young to live [unwanted or emergency pregnancies]; too young to die: John Lennon; John Marshall Rubens; Julian Barnett
Sunday, May 8, 2022
Do Not Tempt The Republican Party: YOU WILL BE SHOT re: How Hunters Shoot
Twitter v. Facebook
Something to think about. Guns, their use and parlancy.
Do I want to be a corporate Democratic faithful or a dead Republican?
GOP: If you join us you won't be dead.
ME: Shot dead? That's why I don't plan trips to Montana.
JOHN LENNON; DJT on shooting someone in Manhattan and getting away with it.; hunting sons and a Godson with guns.
Dear LAPD: In Hollywood, a gun didn't help me. It was stolen. Now if I do apply for a gun, the police might categorize me as "armed and dangerous. Dear Cory Palka: I think about getting a new gun, but not yet. It could do more harm than good.
You've Heard "Smelly Cat" @ Friends, Comes Now "Shriveled Dick" c/o KTLA and maybe Howard Stern was talking about "turtle dick" in 1990. I can relate to both. I'm glad I didn't do IT photos of IT. #Fakes and humiliation always followed nudity in my life. Admission: This is not relevant to the Brisbane Australian lady calling LAPD Hollywood for the way I was dressed @ 96 degrees Fahrenheit. I got skin cancer. I deserved it.
After the work, after the sins, seek and you may well find, if not at first, after WORK.
Work sucks or rest wouldn't look so good from Jesus' mouth.
John Rubens
Friday, May 6, 2022
MC Didn't I have it right?
JOHN RUBENS: As far as that goes, yes. Some people may get hurt, or even die like Jesus said of Siloem.
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
The "cooling off period" Blogosphere45@blogspot.com @Blogger @Google see also: blogosphere45@blogpost.com #raftofwater Jim Cramer: Survival.
Blogger has been there, until "they" also turn off the servers, wi-fi or street utilities.
Jim Cramer: Like your show: My 64th baptismal anniversary.
Crush Gary Gensler's Crushing. https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/8208506701182723362/3476599136038808727
Enron Task Force [ETF]--Iron in the knee. Irony.
#GenslerSchmensler 8/10
That's an eight out of ten for Gary Gensler.
I hope it's a 2/10 day in commodities. SLV jumps $.10/sh at 2 pm ET.