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Death Wish (2018) - Nightclub Shootout Scene | Movieclips

I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Newmont/Barrick #GoldHasHistory CEO on Bitcoin Newmont promises reliable returns. #GOLD is Barrick


#TheSouth is interesting to storms. #FlanneryOConnor #AynRand Arguments used by so-called believers/conservative atheists and free thinkers alike. Confession: Watching your station and . says too much free time on my hands. #SaintsAndScoundrels #NoForumsBind

Reading The Tea Leaves @CNBC #BuddyEbsen #LesliePicker #LeslieInc IPO Update: HYLN #AllAboard? Hyliion Fuel Cells

 re: Leslie, Inc [swimming pool company IPO] $^$4.00

Leslie Picker, "no relation" to the Beverly Hillbillies, "SWIMMIN' POOLS, MOVIE STARS"


Monday, October 26, 2020

Vested Interests vs. Lawyers Without Vests [coalitions]

Beats Suspended and Disbarred and Resigned Lawyers Association

Subsequent Tweet:


Lawyers without vests v. #VestedInterests #TWTR doesn't look like it will rebound to $50.00 by close, but it's only down two percent. #RockyHorrorPictureShow Nov. 1 Standard Time Fall Back


Friday, October 16, 2020

Movie Review: "A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing II" @EWTN #RobertPayne #StephenPayne #DougKeck et a..


Despite Simone de Beauvoir's points, she may now say the women were better off at home during the pandemic. re: #AWolfInSheepsClothingII #AynRand #SaintsAndScoundrels I am. Time to pray if not meditate. And then there are the abstractions of people as armies of ants. #Adama
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Replying to
I didn't read the Jean Paul Sartre works you mentioned except perhaps excerpts in high school and college. In high school we studied "existentialism" and in college I studied in France and read #LesMots in French and excerpts of his existential and/or social philosophical thought.
Later Tweet:
#MovieReview #AWolfInSheepsClothingII #SimoneDeBeauvoir "Women of The Pandemic" re: #AWolfInSheepsClothingII Time to pray if not meditate. How can a mother meditate with 4 or 5 kids running around the house? Abstraction people, distracting as armies of ants. #AdamAnt

Thursday, October 15, 2020

It's A Shakedown!--@MadMoneyCNBC @jimcramer "You don't want to touch [airlines] oil, gas, or tobacco. #tobaccokillingmanyofus @ChrisCuomo #SPACME


"It's a shakedown!" #Jokers: #KenLay is now #BTS. YES WE WILL! #BooyahJim! @CNBC @jimcramer is great, but don't give him a bigger noggin. @CNBC Staying MADD with @uber even though my significant other voted NO on 22! :) #Aberdeen #PPLT correction: I wrote the ''s and "'s wrong on another piece of this thread.
"Through the lens of Tesla."

Neat. A play on "The Iranian Revolution Through The Lens of Herbert Marcuse". Nice Jimbo! Jim has more integrity in my mind than George Gero or Charles Schwab & Co. "But that's just me. Maybe that's just me."--The Man Who Took My Wife in The Netherworld, my colleague and comrade, Bruce Willis. #SupportStaffMedic

Timeline Ides of October 2020


Replying to
Dear "MAGNATE LOVE AFFAIR! Feinstein dumps Gumps for dashing "the silver debonaire", If I don't feel good, I try harder to look good, and like the president, I do.

Dear Condie Rice: Great Things Come From Sacrifice and Charity

 re: Condoleeza Rice quoting, "Nothing great is ever achieved without sacrifice" in regard to the Iraq wars under the Bush Administrations.

In my vein, silver trading has a sacrifice mode: Judas, poor man, margin calls. 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Saturday, October 10, 2020

The 1978-1981 Iranian Revolution Via Prism or Lens of Herbert Marcuse. See also #SkyscraperHeavens by Yours Truly

 cc. Columbia University

UC San Diego Alumni

Barack Obama

Bill Clinton

Hillary Clinton

Mitt Romney for the 1984 Olympics without Russia

Eternal Word Television Networks and Global Eternal Word Television Network[s] [EWTN]


Yours Truly

Thursday, October 1, 2020

#FlushITout #ProudBoysLtd.

Under my kimono

what I do is my own business

after my wife exposes her unwantingness 

of my prick.

#DEVIL: Masturbate. 

Under My Kimono #HunterBiden

Proud Boys Limit Masturbation--@CNN

A Proud Boy Caught Me Masturbating

He told everyone and they guys girlfriend came up and looked at my crotch. I didn't know what to do! I began to perspire and looked over at her Proud Man.

"I won't tell anyone," she whispered. "I don't tell anyone about Donny."

"Your man's name is Johnny?"

"Donny. That's him over there. The guy who caught you--literally with your pants down."

"Shut up."

[She smiles empathetically and returns to her Proud Boy dressed in his khaki fatigues. The ones he's worn to the party aren't camo but generic green].

Dr. LAURA: We Could easily spend 40 days Masturbating or Holding a National Town House on #Masturbation and #YoungMen


When you grow old, jacking off means more--but so does making love.

Fictitious Executive Jimmy Caan Coaching Fictitious Crocodile Trump Coaching Poor Boys


"Distract 'em"
"What Jimmy?"
"Distract 'em." 
"That ought to do IT."
The Proud Boys have one inherent thing in common with me. We struggle with spilling our seed. The only time[s] I hit paydirt, I let it slip through my hands. I might has well have #masturbated. The #zygote was apparently mutilated. : You were the last one to have IT.

Despair is for Saving Energy

 Dwell in hope because despair is an uneasy housing unit.

Cramer Teased The Spread. Sparks Flew Like A Honeymoon


A surrender to Christ presupposes a confession of one's shortcomings. #Confessions Well, it may not be masturbation, but it is business. Jim Cramer used to tease the spread... . #TheWolfOfWallStreet I have a martini at night but that guy was #LeDelireRight2BeHere

Confessions In Public


#Confessions @jimcramer: Well, it may not be masturbation, but it is business. He used to tease the spread... . @DanaBashCNN #TheWolfOfWallStreet: I have a martini at night but that guy was #LeDelire! You have a right to be here, no less than the moon and the stars.--#AbeDisraeli

Le Delire

@DanaBashCNN #Confessions @jimcramer @MiltLarsen on #TheWolfOfWallStreet: I have a martini every night but the protagonist in that movie was #LeDelire! "You have a right to be here, no less than the moon and the stars."--#AbrahamDisraeli-PM England circa 1873; #LawAndOrderAdolfHitler
The science of delirium
John Rubens
October 1, 2020


#JESUSCONSCIENCE "Science?" = #Priest "If We Had Time To Masturbate, We'd Have Time To Party or Feed the Poor"

 If you have enough time to masturbate, maybe you have enough time to help the poor in some way?

Virtue Signalling: Am I holier than thou wasdst yesteryear? #relativism; more given, more


Was I a sinner more than I am now? #relativism; more given, more expected by duty to Lord. What's the difference between mental sins and physical sins? Physical sins may affect others short term by concrete actions.
NARRATOR: Just buy some MXN and shut up.