Twitter Regulation/Goose Lays Eggs/Google's You Tube
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Death Wish (2018) - Nightclub Shootout Scene | Movieclips
I caught laryingitis too Bruce.
Friday, October 30, 2020
The Penalty Box < Musings On Social Media @youtube
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Newmont/Barrick #GoldHasHistory CEO on Bitcoin Newmont promises reliable returns. #GOLD is Barrick
Reading The Tea Leaves @CNBC #BuddyEbsen #LesliePicker #LeslieInc IPO Update: HYLN #AllAboard? Hyliion Fuel Cells
re: Leslie, Inc [swimming pool company IPO] $^$4.00
Leslie Picker, "no relation" to the Beverly Hillbillies, "SWIMMIN' POOLS, MOVIE STARS"
Monday, October 26, 2020
Vested Interests vs. Lawyers Without Vests [coalitions]
Beats Suspended and Disbarred and Resigned Lawyers Association
Subsequent Tweet:
Monday, October 19, 2020
Public Figures Are People Too. Even Jesus Had A Breaking Point re: Let the Toobin Penis Go!
#Halloween "How Will You Use Your Extra Hour?"--#TimCurry As #Frankenfurter #TheRockyHorrorPictureShow
Spending a lost hour in Transylvania or understanding how Jeffrey Toobin deals @ zoom.
Sunday, October 18, 2020
All The Things I Wasn't In My Personal Relationships, I Make Up For Online
Friday, October 16, 2020
Movie Review: "A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing II" @EWTN #RobertPayne #StephenPayne #DougKeck et a..
Thursday, October 15, 2020
It's A Shakedown!--@MadMoneyCNBC @jimcramer "You don't want to touch [airlines] oil, gas, or tobacco. #tobaccokillingmanyofus @ChrisCuomo #SPACME
Timeline Ides of October 2020
Dear Condie Rice: Great Things Come From Sacrifice and Charity
re: Condoleeza Rice quoting, "Nothing great is ever achieved without sacrifice" in regard to the Iraq wars under the Bush Administrations.
In my vein, silver trading has a sacrifice mode: Judas, poor man, margin calls.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Saturday, October 10, 2020
The 1978-1981 Iranian Revolution Via Prism or Lens of Herbert Marcuse. See also #SkyscraperHeavens by Yours Truly
cc. Columbia University
UC San Diego Alumni
Barack Obama
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Mitt Romney for the 1984 Olympics without Russia
Eternal Word Television Networks and Global Eternal Word Television Network[s] [EWTN]
Yours Truly
Friday, October 9, 2020
Re: Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged
Dear Sam Antar:
If the self-righteous can determine "integrity" can we determine "bullshit"?
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Donald J. Trump's Rope-A-Dope: I follow Champions.
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Fictitious @JoeBiden: You don't really mean 'sue the lawyers', without more, do you?
Fiduciary Duties: The Next "BIG" Thing? What is a fiduciary and what are the Remedies for Breach of Fiduciary Duty.
Duties owed by fiduciary, Standards of Care: Consult your attorney or a Blacks Law Dictionary [mine got stolen].
Saturday, October 3, 2020
Let US Help #TrumpyBear Make Peace With God. Go With the Kingdom of God @POTUS @FLOTUS
The two shall be one.
"I accept."--John Rubens, citizen of the USA
Thursday, October 1, 2020
#FlushITout #ProudBoysLtd.
Under my kimono
what I do is my own business
after my wife exposes her unwantingness
of my prick.
#DEVIL: Masturbate.
A Proud Boy Caught Me Masturbating
He told everyone and they guys girlfriend came up and looked at my crotch. I didn't know what to do! I began to perspire and looked over at her Proud Man.
"I won't tell anyone," she whispered. "I don't tell anyone about Donny."
"Your man's name is Johnny?"
"Donny. That's him over there. The guy who caught you--literally with your pants down."
"Shut up."
[She smiles empathetically and returns to her Proud Boy dressed in his khaki fatigues. The ones he's worn to the party aren't camo but generic green].
Dr. LAURA: We Could easily spend 40 days Masturbating or Holding a National Town House on #Masturbation and #YoungMen
When you grow old, jacking off means more--but so does making love.
Fictitious Executive Jimmy Caan Coaching Fictitious Crocodile Trump Coaching Poor Boys
Cramer Teased The Spread. Sparks Flew Like A Honeymoon
Confessions In Public
Le Delire
#JESUSCONSCIENCE "Science?" = #Priest "If We Had Time To Masturbate, We'd Have Time To Party or Feed the Poor"
If you have enough time to masturbate, maybe you have enough time to help the poor in some way?
Virtue Signalling: Am I holier than thou wasdst yesteryear? #relativism; more given, more