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I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Practice Voting

There is no great accomplishment without day in, day out effort and training.
One, because that's how you build skills and a body of work. But also because steady practice is how you teach yourself to handle the stress of struggling for any audacious goal.
"When you're a SEAL you train a lot, you train a lot. You do everything repetitively over and over and over again because you want muscle memory," Roy explains. "The more you know about what you're doing, the more frequently you train for the mistakes and the problems and the hiccups, the more you're able to do a lot more in a shorter period of time without much effort."

7. After action review

Why get out of practice.  Be well myelinated

Ref: "well myelinated" from a philosopher/psychologist/scientist/neurologist friend of author Cal Newport who said practice affects myelin and efficiency of the functioning and coordination of the neuron.

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