Saturday, June 15, 2019
Friday, June 14, 2019
Looking for ways to exclude you. 'Minor typographical errors' a prime example.
"Prime numbers."
HAL9000: Very astute!
Re: Crossing the street at Franklin and Orange: Speed Kills
#StevePerry talks "streetlight people". "That was mine. I said that; we all contributed [to #Believin']!" @RecordingAcad
HAL9000: Very astute!
Re: Crossing the street at Franklin and Orange: Speed Kills
Dear #jonathancain:
Humans Have Started Growing Spikes in the Back of Their Skulls Because We Use Smartphones so Much "Look up!"--#StrasbourgFrance "You don't have to hide [behind your hair and #smartphone] anymore!"--#thehooters
#Census2020 #CensusQuestionaire @POTUS @uscensusbureau
Dear Mr. President and the U.S. Commerce Department:
Re: CENSUS 2020, Census Questionaire, Citizenship Sector
Sample questions, maybe have freedom to chose one of three "scripts" to elicit quick and accurate responses?
Q: Are you a citizen of any nation?
--If no, ask: Were you ever a citizen of any nation?
--List response and follow-up questions as necessary for "stateless" individuals [small minority, but more data than not asking any citizenship questions].
--If yes, ask: What country or countries [nation or nations of citizenship, list appropriately, or mark "refuse to answer"]?
Re: CENSUS 2020, Census Questionaire, Citizenship Sector
Sample questions, maybe have freedom to chose one of three "scripts" to elicit quick and accurate responses?
Q: Are you a citizen of any nation?
--If no, ask: Were you ever a citizen of any nation?
--List response and follow-up questions as necessary for "stateless" individuals [small minority, but more data than not asking any citizenship questions].
--If yes, ask: What country or countries [nation or nations of citizenship, list appropriately, or mark "refuse to answer"]?
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Wisdom of A King
There was a great king from Mesopotamia, Africa or the Middle East who came to realize the more successful his Kingdom, the more it grew. The more it grew, the greater new problems [challenges] arose to work on and pursue an altered, augmented or diminished course of action.
If I ever die, will I know I've "died"?
From realization to realization.
I'm not dead yet.
AA Conference
Catering Kitchen Lobby
HENSEL HERRIG: John, just make sure they never run out of fresh coffee.
KITCHEN STAFFER: Okay Hensel. We'll have coffee together.
HENSEL HERRIG: Now you're thinking.
I'm not dead yet.
AA Conference
Catering Kitchen Lobby
HENSEL HERRIG: John, just make sure they never run out of fresh coffee.
KITCHEN STAFFER: Okay Hensel. We'll have coffee together.
HENSEL HERRIG: Now you're thinking.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
It's Not France, but I'll Do. #NapaSanitarium #StoogesInTheSanitarium

"I'd rather hire an illegal than a Trump supporter."--Blocked On Twitter
@CarmineZozzora That last guy you blocked was an example of what we've
been living with in Los Angeles since 1989. It's apparently in #NorCal
too now. @GavinNewsom re: I'd rather hire an illegal immigrant than a
Trump supporter. What else is new?
Monday, June 10, 2019
Why shouldn't we "trust" as much as anyone else that's an atheist, #KimJongUn? #LegalSystemRemains #FreeTradeAgreement[s]
RE: #45 No Tariff agreement in free trade with South Korea.
Mexico, don't be late. #MexicoMalcolm #JorgeRamosNews "I'm not that cheap Gringo." #speculativefiction
#DaveyJohnstone says LA audiences have an "impress me" attitude. We have
a strong Latin presence and population. I served #NoChildLeftBehind
with #LAUSD until it was discontinued. Make amends; build the
#OnyxGateToMexico #MexicoMe @jorgeramosnews "I'm not that
Business Music Bigger Than US. I had fun #SaturdayNite #3Stooges #SaturdaysAlrightForFighting #Karate
Elton John was quiet. #DaveyJohnstone #Guitarists @JonesysJukebox
Dear #DaveyJohnstone: Now I know why #PeterFrampton #KirbyWright #StateBarCA blocked me @JonesysJukebox. "Is it okay if #JohnLennon comes over to hang-out?" John had said #SaturdaysAlrightForFighting was some of the best stuff he's heard since @thebeatles #RonCampbell hasn't acknowledged receipt of my secure message, email nor hard mail letter sent U.S. Mail.
Reason: Bigger than US. Although we are individually very special too.
Reason: Bigger than US. Although we are individually very special too.
Sell Ice To China!
I think we like to be entertained so it's my own fault I watch these
shows of which you refer. Thanks @MeTV for helping me see.
#haplessknuckleheads. "#Lullaby go to sleep my poor baby, drive a truck,
take a pill and eat a meal at Applebees." #poem is my receipt of what
I'm "fed"
We should sell ice to #China.
"Of course two's enough. When you were a child, you only needed two ice
cubes to cool your drink." "Why do I use more now?" "It was beverage was
already chilled by the refrigerator or you use a bigger glass--plus
this is Los Angeles, not Daly City."
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Abu-Bakra Al-Bagdadi
- We do well to face
#AlBagdadi. We do well to answer Abu-Bakra Al-Bagdadi's questions--they need not be agreeable ones. We do well to escort Al Bagdadi and show him the respect of Cain or Alexander the Great. Doesn't mean we agree with him in 2019.0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
In order to prepare for #AlBagdadi, we do well to escort him. We do well to answer him. We do well to confront him and stand our ground and to die elevated if it be our faith, as Jesus did.
Simply Put, There Are More Weekdays than Weekend Days #DeepWorkMusicians: We rehearse for the Weekend. #KindredSpirits #Church #Cantors
Maybe America is great because we allow "week-end warriors" to work both "sabbaths" or perhaps it's more the weekday warriors that make America Great. Government Time-Clocked Employees.
No Presents From The State Bar of California On My Thirtieth Anniversary.
- Dear Carmine
@CarmineZozzora: A dog gave birth while I was tending ranch in Riverside, CA. The matron told me to get a towel and I took care of the puppies. When I got back the next day, the#AlphaDog was gone. The house sparrow[s] left a nest with two dead and a cracked egg.1 reply 0 retweets 1 like
Dear @SweetJames & @JonesysJukebox Today's the day of my anniversary parading with #StateBarCA 1989. I regret saying "Your Name" instead of "John Rubens".
2 replies
"What is that? @mistershovel?" "Thirty year anniversary."
0 replies
Nothing Great Is Ever Achieved Without Sacrifice.--@CondoleezaRice Quote the Quotestress. Also featuring: Bill Cosby [defunked living legend], Rodney King [legend] Muhammad Ali [Champ] O.J. Simpson: Spent Goodwill On Earth
Dear Carmine @CarmineZozzora: A dog gave birth while I was tending ranch in Riverside, CA. The matron told me to get a towel and I took care of the puppies. When I got back the next day, the #AlphaDog was gone. The house sparrow[s] left a nest with two dead and a cracked egg.
1 reply
1 like
Unfiltered Life
10:31 PM - 6 Jun 2019
1 reply
1 like
Moral: We're not the only #Dogs in town. #WeCanGetAlong #RodneyKing did it. #MuhammadAli did it better.
The matron told me it was the Irish Sheep Hound that coaxed the mother to give her one or two pups. I know why the sparrows might have left me two hatchlings and a cracked egg.

Suicide By Friendly Fire: From One Dog To Another. "I'm 'Runnin' With The Pack'. No more looking back!" #BadCompany #RogersRalphs 1976 #RunWithThePack
Dear Carmine @CarmineZozzora: A dog gave birth while I was tending ranch in Riverside, CA. The matron told me to get a towel and I took care of the puppies. When I got back the next day, the #AlphaDog was gone. The house sparrow[s] left a nest with two dead and a cracked egg.
1 reply
1 like
Unfiltered Life
10:31 PM - 6 Jun 2019
1 reply
1 like
Moral: We're not the only #Dogs in town. #WeCanGetAlong #RodneyKing did it. #MuhammadAli did it better.
0 replies

Re: "#Suicide" Especially from Friendly Fire in the Military
Dear Carmine @CarmineZozzora:
A dog gave birth while I was tending ranch in Riverside, CA. The matron
told me to get a towel and I took care of the puppies. When I got back
the next day, the #AlphaDog was gone. The house sparrow[s] left a nest with two dead and a cracked egg.
It's An Attorney's World. The State Bars Are Not Protected by The U.S. Constitutional
DEADBEAT: I'll knock your lights out.--Enron Investor
Compare:#Attorney #Reciprocity #CasesAugmentToo #LawyersBringCases @StateBarCA @StateBarNV @SupremeCourtCO #OARC What a joke. Injuries not so much. #suspendedlawyer @CommerceGov "Sore loser." "Game's not over 'till...".
DEADBEAT: Shakespeare says start with the lawyers. Start with Panetta. Put him on the waterboard until he recants. It's not a nation of laws man. It was your bureaucracy of laws under the Constitution, and it may not have been under the Constitution.
DEADBEAT: Shakespeare says start with the lawyers. Start with Panetta. Put him on the waterboard until he recants. It's not a nation of laws man. It was your bureaucracy of laws under the Constitution, and it may not have been under the Constitution.
#FICTION: "Ukrainians Invade The Russian River, Cite 'Off-Shore Balancing'"
It was an overcast day in Healdsburg, and no one seemed to care. The
memory of the record heat last summer was still in the minds of the
whole household as they were one of the only families left without air
conditioning. No one saw the periscope or the fishing boat lurking about in a popular fishing spot in the Russian River.
"Open and notorious, that's what they are," an old, stodgy local exclaimed.
"Many are, but they are working around some difficulties. Ever hear about social engineering?"
"Yeah, I think so."
"Some say the Republicans let in the Soviet Jews to offset the LA Gangs who were ransaking and terrifying Los Angeles."
"Tall tales."
"Diversity is a tall tale?"
"We need tall ones too. Alexander Belov."
"He was Russian."
"Are you sure?"
"He played for Russia. 1972 or 1976?"
Some of the biggest black players' reputations had been destroyed: Rodney King, hooked on drugs like an aborted baby, O.J. Simpson, Bill Cosby; Mohammad Ali left a legacy. Ali designed his destiny, based on his foes. So do we.
"Ukrainian Power" the sign read, as the annual Armenian Genocide marchers filled the streets of West LA.
"Not everyone can be #MuhammadAli" I thought to myself driving by. He beat Frazier. He beat Frazier twice. #MichaelMann is White.
"Open and notorious, that's what they are," an old, stodgy local exclaimed.
"Many are, but they are working around some difficulties. Ever hear about social engineering?"
"Yeah, I think so."
"Some say the Republicans let in the Soviet Jews to offset the LA Gangs who were ransaking and terrifying Los Angeles."
"Tall tales."
"Diversity is a tall tale?"
"We need tall ones too. Alexander Belov."
"He was Russian."
"Are you sure?"
"He played for Russia. 1972 or 1976?"
Some of the biggest black players' reputations had been destroyed: Rodney King, hooked on drugs like an aborted baby, O.J. Simpson, Bill Cosby; Mohammad Ali left a legacy. Ali designed his destiny, based on his foes. So do we.
"Ukrainian Power" the sign read, as the annual Armenian Genocide marchers filled the streets of West LA.
"Not everyone can be #MuhammadAli" I thought to myself driving by. He beat Frazier. He beat Frazier twice. #MichaelMann is White.
Fiction: #UkrainiansInvadeTheRussianRiver, cite "#offshorebalancing" #TheRussiansAreComingTheRussiansAreComing (Jewison, 1966).
John Rubens added,

SputnikVerified account @SputnikInt
Putin invites female Bloomberg executive editor to challenge him on tatami… jokingly
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Stimulate Your Action @JonesysJukebox @BillCosby re: "Ukrainians Invade Russian River, cite "offshore balancing".
Fiction/Comedy #TheRussiansAreComing-ish. "Ukrainians Invade #TheRussianRiver". @BillCosby: That's not funny. #UkrainianGroupInvadesRussianRiver, cites "#offshorebalancing" #FictionalTweet
#CoffeeFutures #CoffeeOptions Stimulate The Action In Chicago, New York.
I simply remember my favorite shorts, and a smile from my lips spreads across my face.
Dear @omaniwww1 @KingSalman @IsraeliPM I was just thinking how my idea that Saudi nationals mostly carried out the plane attacks on 9/11 was in error. ISIS may have wanted naive Americans to think it was an official SaudiState clique behind it. @khamenei_ir #RoyalPeaceTourAnyone?
John Rubens added,
Modern War Institute @WarInstitute
"The capability that ISIS was able to bring a little bit later on in the battle was [with] those DJI drones... they're able to retrofit 40mm grenades, and now you have armed ISR, the same way that we would employ it." …
0 replies
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Practice Voting
There is no great accomplishment without day in, day out effort and training.
One, because that's how you build skills and a body of work. But also because steady practice is how you teach yourself to handle the stress of struggling for any audacious goal.
you're a SEAL you train a lot, you train a lot. You do everything
repetitively over and over and over again because you want muscle
memory," Roy explains. "The more you know about what you're doing, the
more frequently you train for the mistakes and the problems and the
hiccups, the more you're able to do a lot more in a shorter period of
time without much effort."
7. After action review
Why get out of practice. Be well myelinated.
Ref: "well myelinated" from a philosopher/psychologist/scientist/neurologist friend of author Cal Newport who said practice affects myelin and efficiency of the functioning and coordination of the neuron.
#compartmentalization and #china shall be studied @Commercegov and @uscensusbureau?
Dear @POTUS and @SadiqKhan As you both may know, #AdolfHitler was somehow able to hold onto power longer than perhaps, in retrospect, [@chriscuomo fuming for Mussolini-haters] he should have. #Impeachment is a tool. #NoConvictionInSenate is rumored.
0 replies
@ChrisCuomo retorts: "I don't hate anybody." #speculativefiction
Dear @POTUS and @SadiqKhan As you both may know, #AdolfHitler was somehow able to hold onto power longer than perhaps, in retrospect, [@chriscuomo fuming for Mussolini-haters] he should have. #Impeachment is a tool. #NoConvictionInSenate is rumored.
0 replies
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