In it, #ScottCaan's surfing and martial arts training has lead him to fly a bit like a 100 m. sprinter but with a Michael J. Fox #BackToTheFuture aloft feature [think Putin's cold stare]. @JamesCaan0nline: I submitted you and Scott Caan's name for "#RollerballZero: You're next."
@ImpactImagine "Rollerball II". Sting could sing Rage Against The Machine or one of his hits from 1982. "We are spirits in the material world...are spirits in the material world...are spirits in the material world." Jesus gave us the #HolySpirit. Are there six others? #Rev6:5
I received confirmation of your receipt of my submission, THANKS! It was fun to apply. #rollerballII "I did it twice."--#JonathanE as played by #JimmyCaan. He's now an Executive calling the shots until his player son wants to join the Executive ranks will all the perks. You remind me of #AmericanGraffitti Ron. #JonesysJukeboxDay Remember #WolfmanJack? Steve Jones is like a "Wolfie".
Thanks for messaging us at IMPACT! We'll get back to you soon.
"Ears, now they're important too."--Jonathan E as played by James Caan. #ClassicalMusic in Munich at the Olympic Stadia and at Pinewood Studios London with Sir Ralph Richardson.
"Jonathan E."--Mr. Bartholomew praising the champion.
John Rubens
@raftofwater 1m 1 minute ago
More Yeh, but did he make you and your buddies stand up and scream at the top of your lungs in the matinee theater showing like #JimmyCaan did as #JonathanE in #Rollerball? @JamesCaan0nline "No brag, just fact."--Walter Brennan @NBC 30-minute episodic with his charge WILL circa 1971.
Dear #JimmyCaan @JamesCaanOnline #JamesCaanOnline: Remember your old nemesis, Zero from Rollerball? Kick that liquid beast's ass. What's the opposite of HAL9000? Let's see, HAL in the 2001 Odyssey sequel was legitimized. Let's say Zero can't be, he's a fraud. A missing link in the blockchain is discovered.
Each Rollerball City can be the situs of an "off-shore balancing" mechanism for "stability maintenance". For instance, NY hires CHI to two-team LA with a plumber's squad or the rollerball team, Houston Energy, for instance.
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