This video has been watched more than 20 million times across multiple platforms. I have not made a single cent on it and thats ok. What this woman did at YouTube is awful, and there are many out there that feel the same anger. I fear this is the
- Total Social Media Immersion has fundamentally changed the brains of every connected person on the planet. In some cases it has created addicts with extreme narcissistic tenancies, people that have also become disconnected from reality and the consequences of their actions.Show this thread
- These people define themselves by their online persona and to them the predatory practices of YouTube, Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc are direct threat to their success and happiness. To them the censorship and perceived slighting that that they experience is as real as violence.Show this thread
- Unless we address the how social media is reprogramming our brains, and hold these companies to account for their predatory practices and targeted censorship, I fear that more unstable people will commit heinous acts just like the YouTube Shooter.Show this thread
- I don't have the answers, but I can see the problem from an insider's perspective. I have personally experienced censorship, revenue loss, targeted demonetization, and algorithm manipulation. I consciously work every day to not lose myself to a narcissistic death spiral of anger.Show this thread
- I try to keep myself grounded and sane in a world dominated by madness and and insanity. In my opinion this tragedy needs to be the start of an honest and frank discussion about the Social Media Monsters we are creating and encouraging.Show this thread
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