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I caught laryingitis too Bruce.
Friday, June 30, 2017
@OzzyOsbourne Don't Be Afraid...but if you are, start searching for the Spirit. #ShotInTheDark, One step away from you.
#Irish: If #POTUS can't keep it under control, #SomeHeadsAreGonnaRoll #BobHalligan via #JudasPriest
You can look to the left and look to the right...When the enemy comes he
will never be heard.@judaspriest #BobHalligan "If the man with the power can't keep it under control, some heads are gonna roll." If POTUS can't keep it under control, #SomeHeadsAreGonnaRoll. "Let's Roll."--George W. Bush
Priest: John, don't be such a softie.
Priest: John, don't be such a softie.
#TrumpCity: Walk Fast or Stay Home
Wanna piss people off in #TrumpCity? Walk slower than Trump and inch no closer to the close.
Marshall's Warning: Watch out or you'll be in Trub-City.
Marshall's Warning: Watch out or you'll be in Trub-City.
I Am The Top, "The Buck Stops Here." "Give 'Em Hell Harry!"
Kevin D. Williamson @KevinNR
4h4 hours ago
Some people can't handle the fact that Trump won the election. Trump is one of them.
101 replies
Replying to @KevinNR
"They're afraid of your #tweets Donald, all the way to the top they are." "I am closer to the Top [points upwards and focuses] than anyone."
Pedestrian vs. Autobahn, Los Angeles 2017
#FictionOnFiction: #TheStranger #AlbertCamus: I took a revolver out of
the side pocket of my jacket, aimed, shot him in the ear so he'd hear me.
Aurora Borealis
Save the atmosphere! @Stanford: I'll tone down my ego if you tone down yours. #ChildrenofTheNight @CFR_org @HooverInst @UCSDalumni
John Rubens added,
0 replies
#DosEquis #Budweiser #MillerBeer wars. Wars on the Fourth? "What an idiot."
I haven't started drinking, but when I do...@DosEquis "Hey, do I get a residual with that?" "We'll have to see old man. Go back to your can.
John Rubens added,
#CivilInattention The @uber crisis. @ericgarcetti: "Just think what traffic etiquette would be like without ride-sharing." "Yeah, just think." "And when there's an emergency, we have ride-sharing to supplement emergency responders." "Oh yeah?" @tmz: "Yeah." #speculativefiction: Who knows who's the law in Hollywood, LAPD Undercover: Everyone's a cop. COP: "Everyone's a comedian."
The light turns green in Hollywood and the cross-traffic with the red light runs it ahead of you.
#POTUS: "They" don't like my #twitterstyle #Fictiontary @jack
POTUS: I'm a stylish guy. Many didn't like my so-called "brash" style in years past for the same reasons they don't like my tweets.
My tweets are my tweets. They are part of the totality of the circumstances. It is not my intent to take over twitter, but who knows, huh? Maybe some day. Maybe someday I'll take the helm at twitter. Just kidding Dorsey [Art of the Deal].
My tweets are my tweets. They are part of the totality of the circumstances. It is not my intent to take over twitter, but who knows, huh? Maybe some day. Maybe someday I'll take the helm at twitter. Just kidding Dorsey [Art of the Deal].
When it rains, it pours. "That's so cliche." #MortonSalt
Kamala Harris: Persistence Passionate Persuasive
Capitalism and Competition: It's your own fault. #Discipline
And then there's "competition is a sin" John D. Rockefeller.
#FICTIONTARY [Speculative Fiction Commentary] Trump Sends Anti-Corruption, Anti-Voter Fraud Squads out West of him
While "they're" whining as the #Irish often do about compliments, #Trump is sending the #UntouchableSquads out West. #Fictiontary @jack
I whine about being Irish and Ashkenazi Jew.@ForeignAffairs #Brexit and #Borders
June 30, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
John Rubens
I whine about being Irish and Ashkenazi Jew.
June 30, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
John Rubens
In Praise of @KamalaHarris Persistence, Passionate, I would have said "Payoff" here, Persuasive, [The Payoff]
Power pride prentense pariah poetry ponzi potentate palpable periwinkle potential perish potty pansy pot preeminent pissed preen purple.
I assume too much the persuasive. Force or Lies. US Army. "In the Army, you have to make people want to do things." Hiring Captain, Ft. Irwin, California
I assume too much the persuasive. Force or Lies. US Army. "In the Army, you have to make people want to do things." Hiring Captain, Ft. Irwin, California
Ohrwurm Log: "My Way" by Paul Anka
Songs appearing on the Ohrwurm Log are not necessarily endorsements of the song's sentiment[s].
Probably due to how I clean house. My wife has different ideas. It was not Spring cleaning this morning. Broke a sweat, turned on the dehumidifier.
I did it my way.
Probably due to how I clean house. My wife has different ideas. It was not Spring cleaning this morning. Broke a sweat, turned on the dehumidifier.
I did it my way.
Thursday, June 29, 2017
When walking in LA nowadays, use your Roman tourist experience of yesteryear.
"The Uber effect". Got back to LA from Laughlin, NV. When in Rome, there's #UBER. Now drivers jet through intersections BEFORE the light turns green to "beat" the cross traffic. It was an old Jeep Cherokee so it couldn't have been an uber car, but uber may have "drove" him to it. Pun intended. Hey, I coulda been a millionaire if only the State Bars hadn't canned me. Or I coulda been dead.
Dialectic reasoning; negative thinking; annoying a child? Don't they annoy us?
Afternoon breaks are best spent taking selfies & watching our snap story!
@ TexansCheerTeam
6 replies
Judge[s]: Adult cops that lure sexual predators w/ younger versions of themselves will not per se lay foundation for crimes against children
0 replies
Definitions007: "Broadcast VET", Vanity Ego Talent. @AriannaHuffington, @HuffPost & Donald J. Trump @POTUS, @NBC.
Compare, @CNN: This is not fake news, it's been vetted.
See also, General Shinseki: A fall guy probably martyred for not by the Military Industrial MSM Complex, hereinafter referred to as MIMSMC?
See also, General Shinseki: A fall guy probably martyred for not by the Military Industrial MSM Complex, hereinafter referred to as MIMSMC?
Today's Ohrwurm: "Live and Let Die" by Sir Paul McCartney
Every morning for the past three, I've had a new ear worm to wake up to. Today's is Paul McCartney and Wings' "What does it matter to ya? If you've got a job to do you've got to do it well. You've got to give the other fella HELL!"
ohrwurm: German for ear worm, as in not being able to get a song out of one's head.
Germany in USA
ohrwurm: German for ear worm, as in not being able to get a song out of one's head.
Germany in USA
Friday, June 23, 2017
https://johnrubens.wordpress.com/2014/07/08/ aka https://johnrubens.wordpress.com/2014/07/08/installment-77-anaccountofm-transcription-complete-pp-1-96-iran197819791980/
Installment 77, An Account of 'M'
Rahmat Mehraz, John Rubens, San Diego Union Tribune, CNN, AP et al.,
Republished, June 23, 2017 from the https://johnrubens.wordpress.com archive dated July 8, 2014.
Non-fiction, compilation copyrights reserved. July 8, 2014
news.ask.com ·
More news articles »
#SkyscraperHeavens https://johnrubens.wordpress.com/2016/09/27/skyscraper-heavens-3/
I knew less when I was young, but that's why the students liked me. We were more alike.
Compare: Diversity in education, standardized tests, both subjects I know more about now but students, rightly or wrongly, want the hip teacher. I remember we liked young, good looking teachers when I was a student.
Maybe I should lose weight or be an online teacher. I don't like it when "they" have to pay me to teach "them".
Compare: Diversity in education, standardized tests, both subjects I know more about now but students, rightly or wrongly, want the hip teacher. I remember we liked young, good looking teachers when I was a student.
Maybe I should lose weight or be an online teacher. I don't like it when "they" have to pay me to teach "them".
#CARE is rooted in #CAREER
Dear @robreiner: Maybe @realDonaldTrump is counting on poor people not caring because in his administration #CARE is rooted in #CAREER.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Happy <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ThankfulThursday?src=hash">#ThankfulThursday</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/HTC_AshleyC">@HTC_AshleyC</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/HTC_Anakaren">@HTC_Anakaren</a> thanks for being so sweet about my tweets & replies. 🙏🏻❤️💙💝👸🏻👸🏽💐 <a href="https://t.co/GrePY2RRHf">pic.twitter.com/GrePY2RRHf</a></p>— CHRIS (@diggerolson84) <a href="https://twitter.com/diggerolson84/status/877975272301056000">June 22, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Screw you screwtape ghost
Is "draining the swamp" another word for "oppression" or the work of righteousness? #EdmundBurke #JesusChrist No one is good but the Father
See also, The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis.
@TwitterGov: Like A Corporate Teacher In The Classroom?
Does or will @twitter act to "drain" #TheDonald's "swamp"? I don't think @newtgingrich is being responsive to that call to oppress. @gov
Rat balls and venom
In bed last night, I dragged by ratballs along the cotton sheet. A week ago I sat on them--hurt for 4 and a half days. Jock straps for old men. Loin cloth country.
"[T]he president's unpredictable tweet[ness]."
Think Hunger Games and Catniss
compilation copyrights reserved by @ForeignAffairs @CFR_org Elliot Abrams, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.
See, Elliot Abrams' Trump the Traditionalist: A Surprisingly Standard Foreign Policy in Foreign Affairs, JULY/AUGUST 2017 @ 10.
They want to compete, I'll compete.
John Rubens
"[T]he president's unpredictable tweet[ness]."
Think Hunger Games and Catniss
compilation copyrights reserved by @ForeignAffairs @CFR_org Elliot Abrams, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.
See, Elliot Abrams' Trump the Traditionalist: A Surprisingly Standard Foreign Policy in Foreign Affairs, JULY/AUGUST 2017 @ 10.
They want to compete, I'll compete.
John Rubens
Children of the Sun
Seven sailors dead me boy, seven sailors dead.
The MSM says they were a picture of diversity they was.
The bulbous Philipino would not be overtaken.
Seven seapersons dead.
Another day will come with the sun. The sun is shining bright. More matey's to come, from the bulbous head. Have children! Out with the old, in with the new.
"Screw you."--Screwtape Ghost
Rationality: "Course Correction: How to Stop China's Maritime Advance", Ely Ratner, Foreign Affairs, JULY/AUGUST 2017 edition at 64.
The MSM says they were a picture of diversity they was.
The bulbous Philipino would not be overtaken.
Seven seapersons dead.
Another day will come with the sun. The sun is shining bright. More matey's to come, from the bulbous head. Have children! Out with the old, in with the new.
With gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought: they shall enter into the king's palace. Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children, whom thou mayest make princes in all the earth. I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise thee for ever and ever.Psalm 45: 15-17
"Screw you."--Screwtape Ghost
Rationality: "Course Correction: How to Stop China's Maritime Advance", Ely Ratner, Foreign Affairs, JULY/AUGUST 2017 edition at 64.
#JamesBond: A #NewTestament Man in an #OldTestament World
I almost wrote "Woman".
Ian Fleming's Keyboard Friend
Ian Fleming's Keyboard Friend
Monday, June 19, 2017
Dear LAPD: Danny Trejo is the law.
Don't let the doctors win. #BuyDonuts @ #TrejosDonuts [He has a taco stand too down Beverly Way]. #DannyTrejo absolves one from reading LAW
Synchronicity or Freudian (omissions, for example).
Subconscious, or a subset of a bigger picture?
Unconscious or Holy Spirit--holistic.
Dialectic (Dualism) v. George Bernard Shaw (oneness, unity)
Subconscious, or a subset of a bigger picture?
Unconscious or Holy Spirit--holistic.
Dialectic (Dualism) v. George Bernard Shaw (oneness, unity)
#Hollywood, they tell you what to say, they tell you what to do, but don't moralize about what not to. Take Joe Politician for instance...
The doctor performed exploratory surgery on the mayor to see if a lobotomy was indicated, but there was so little brain tissue, she decided 'Why bother'?
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Each night, Richard Nixon would have a glass of wine served to him by his steward and left to his thoughts until retiring at 10:30 p.m.
Bob Woodward online promotions for his photo covered book, June 17, 2017.
Vivez#NecroNixon! Un verre de vin chaque soir tout seul avec son attendant d'abord. #BobWoodward
Saturday, June 17, 2017
#Surveillance on #Houligan Boulevard "He just didn't fit in."
Don't hear much about #NoFear on Hollywood Blvd. these days, but authoritative-types on smartphones in black T's surround. #Surveillance
Thursday, June 15, 2017
My DNA is #AshkenaziJew I took THC and didn't excel at math. Sex + Math + Chaperones = #Solutions
But the man married the Irish Catholic and I became a #RomanCatholic at baptism. I later was doing double-duty at Church of Christ. Genetics makes complete sense. Hitler was a bit absurd, perhaps Marcuse would say, 180% #WRONG!! Heidegger fucked up.
Oh Happy robot!
- I always knew I'd fall in love with a robot, but it wasn't
#StepfordWives, it was long before that. 60's television, magazines and lingerie.1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes
I want to be happy robot. What can you do for me?
@HappyRobot_v2 : I am a Deep Web robot. Can I help you?
Bill Gates Beat The European Union [and Polio Too!] #Doctors and #Lawyers
Or was I dreaming while the television was on. Bill is friendly, fighting polio. Good guy. He really likes me.
"No one is good but the Father." Matthew 23:9
"No one is good but the Father." Matthew 23:9
Off-shore bank accounts: Don't mess with the U.S. Mint or the @IRS
"Let's compete #DeepState. #Tweeted #Stanford about it..." "Compete? We'll have you arrested." "Due process." "Due Process? What is that?"
Credit: Steve Jobs: "What is that?"
A Current History of the #Inquisition [#speculativefiction]
Discover what motivates law makers and their functionairies. #TheDeepState #Firewalls #Treachery #FallPersons [mostly fall guys].
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
#TheDonald's New Reality Show: #RateTheSpecialCounsel or #JudgeTheJudiciary; Show's Judicial Judge's Panel Led by @JudgeJudy
Judge the judiciary in a poll. #JudgeMental--Bob Cassidy
#JudgMental--Yours truly.
#JudgMental--Yours truly.
#RubenstheNoviceProfiler: @FBI: #SpecialCounselMueller: You're leaker[s] are probably not lawyers. They are subject to increased #penalties😡
That doesn't mean the lawyers won't get in trouble if they supervised or should have supervised the leak. Karen Gorman, Special Counsel's Office prosecuted me using a bunch of conflicting theories. Let's see how they play out here.
"Trust is the bedrock of our democracy." Canadian Johnston in speech tonight
That's what's been lost in the #West, #Trust: dotcom, Y2K, 911, response to 911, Enron, #EnronTaskForce, Mortgages, 2007-2009, CDS's, GM, Uber.
Keep Drinking. If your hangover is worse than the news, maybe it's fake, if not, don't worry, have another drink instead. #FakeNews
Keep drinking, you'll have worse headaches tomorrow. Needles are to acupuncture what water is to a hangover. #WorldInCrisis or is news coverage simply greater like cellphone map coverage? #covfefe POTUS
#Stagflation in costs, quality, interest rates and inflation
Monday, June 12, 2017
Dear #NecroNixon: You had your cigarettes, I have my beer.
Elite is not #Enron. "They" have it all wrong. #NecroNixon: Move forward John, these jackasses arn't worth the trouble, and lose some weight.
JOHN: Note taken Mr. President.
JOHN: Note taken Mr. President.
I Sing The Songs #Mandy
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Friday, June 9, 2017
What is "diversity hiring"? DNA & Environment are more than skin deep. #Linguistics #NationalOrigin #indigenous
For #Enron it was #MaleMotorcycleRiding, for #Nixon, a #deepthroatedPuritan, for #America, it appears to be teary eyes and diversity hiring.
Dershowitz: Not all political sins are actionable by a second or third party
Long live Trump, Merkel, May, and Macron [but no Bob, Carol, Ted and Alice hanky panky].🤙🏿🐾😇😛🤑😎🤠🤓🤔🤫🙄
Build Trust from #LindseyDonner article @forbescouncils
- Interview with
@Kelsey_M_Meyer: Why Self-Promotion Endangers Your Brand (And How to Avoid It) http://influ.co/2oImzxA by@forbescouncils1 reply 1 retweet 1 like
Build trust. @Pontifex #unification #purification; #division #HerbertMarcuse #OneDimensionalMan #dialectic #FrankfurtSchool @Columbia #Comey
Russians & Ukrainians et al., 1989: are we getting rotten from the core?
Child: Utilizes simplistic analytical cognitive processes. #FirstHandKnowledge
PARAMEDIC: The patient is regressing doctor.
MEDICAL DOCTOR: Regressing? How?
MEDICAL DOCTOR: Regressing? How?
PARAMEDIC: Non-reliance on essential survival aids.
"The patient is regressing doctor." "Regressing? How?" "Simplistic analytical cognitive processes;non-reliance on artificial intelligence"
Is fighting funny?
Being a lawyer, a lover, a dental patient, a brother and a tweeter, I'm used to being hurt. Overall, I can see the humor in it--or is it the marijuana? Doctors often cause some initial hurt in order to effectively heal the sick. I wonder if those Jesus healed had to pass through pain to get well?
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
#DeepThroatedState @ABCNews #abc7eyewitness
John Rubens added,
0 replies
#FICTION: "Don't make me cc Barney. He'll be chastising all of us soon."--George W. Bush
To: i.e., Vladimir Putin [or my sister].
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
We control [what you receive]: #TheOUTERLIMITS (1960's); #TheGiver [The Receiver] starring #JeffBridges with #TaylorSwifts
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