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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

#SpeculativeFiction: #ChuckNorris to Officiate at Korean Border

We think Chuck Norris will take on Kim Jun Un in a karate match, but South Korean Premier comes out of off-stage area to take on Un.

At the North/South Korean border, we see Norris take over as referee for the two Koreas.


Norris has the two leaders hold hands and the match begins.

Jiu jitsu, Kung fu, or Tang So Do, mixed, very mixed martial arts.  Perhaps many in the audience get a laugh or applaud out loud after witnessing and experiencing the dramatic 'Un stomp & chi cry'.

Match is a draw, Norris has both contestants hold up their hands.  SK Premier holds up his straighter and higher.

Norris gives sledge hammers/tools to each contestant and they begin demolishing the wall and/or fence that still separate the two Koreas.

Un steps on fence and waves on the North Korean Army into the demilitarized zone controlled by South Korea.

NK troops run and come face to face with the South--then a surprising, "We Are The World" moment.

Chuck Norris and Kim Jun Un bow to one another, others, including the South Korean Premier, who follows suit, bowing 360.  Much bowing can be seen as a camera in a helicopter takes our POV further into the stratosphere.

This afternoon I saw a man along the boardwalk at Miramar Park in Torrance wearing a blue windbreaker with KOREA embroidered or decal-ed on the back.  The jacket also had a South Korean flag patch.  He was smiling.  After he passed us, he turned around and walked the other way.  That's when I noticed KOREA in the middle of the back of his jacket. 

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