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I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

What's more racist than separating people by their genes? Or is the U.S. Government saying #diversified is the positive side of racism?

#DialecticReasoning on "What can be more racist than categorizing people like John Podesta by their genes?"

Diversification is not a sin. Out of many, one.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

We are better we are worse...and that's not including the environmental factors.

We are better we are worse...and that's not including the environmental factors.
March 29, 2017 59 years begins near midnight.

John Rubens

Is Trump kinda-like Mr. Potter in #ItsAWonderfulLife? "No, and he's no Hitler either. He's unique."

Pay to play his game. Trump Style Negotiation, by George H. Ross

I you do not think the general public is worth your effort, chances are others may share your attitude. Only the [$] will be left.

Don't take the game too far.  Get involved, be heard. I tweet, how about you?

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Put A Smile On Your Face Americana! #JimSvejda @ClassicalKUSC

Listen to #JimSvejda giving his best: #storytelling on @ClassicalKUSC #DeBussey http://kusc.org 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Jim Svejda, dj KUSC-FM

Have a back-up for @Wordpress, @Blogger

Dear : Without , how do we know you won't kill the weak in times of ?

Premise: #Putin is fearful of #Ukrainia's #Thugs. Treat #Ukrainians nice and have a nice regulation scheme, and they will compete. Don't get injured if you don't.

were nice at . They know what's going down. .

Putin is afraid of Ukrainians. I fear them.
Dear The Daily Mass from Alabama was inspirational! ! Competition inspires; I was tempted by MassAway

Nunes and Citizens United @Wikipedia online 03-26-2017

In April 2016, Nunes voted for a bill titled Preventing IRS Abuse and Protecting Free Speech Act,[9] which was pushed by the Koch Brothers.[10] The bill lessened the ability of the IRS to know the names of donors to so-called "social welfare" non-profit groups, 501c4s, which increased after the Citizens United decision.[11] [12]The information on donors assists the IRS with assuring foreign funds and money, such as Russia's, does not covertly enter U.S. election politics.[13] Since that vote, serious questions have been raised on Russian interference in the U.S. election. [14][15]

#CrippledCourt @FoxNews

Mr. Smith takes Washington down.

Trumpers carry on.  Tax Reform.

#appearances #abc7eyewitness

It has appeared since I turned on the tv a little over an hour ago, that Fox News has been invaded by the so-called Republican "conservatives" who are on a harder sell.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Health Care Will Take Care of Itself

If we take care of each other, which includes ourselves.  Insurance is for the unpredictable or unforeseen.

"But that's not covered."

TRUMP: What did you say?

TRUMPERS: Covered 100%!

PHARMACY: We'll take care of you.

MEDICAL INSURER: Yes, we'll see if some plans may include some treatments standard and free of co-pays, like one chiropractic or physical therapy treatment every two years, blood testing, prescriptions and so forth.

TRUMP: You get what you pay for folks.  You heard it from the horse's mouth.

JOE BIDEN: Be nice to Mr. Ed and Mr. Ed will watch out for Wilbur. 

NEWLY-INSURED:  I don't know what's real anymore?

MEDICAL INSURER: Let me see your policy... .  Good news! We cover that too!

Fiction by John Rubens a/k/a Joyn the Ranger.
Friday, March 24, 2017

In Full Disclosure

: PR arm of . It'll be legal if I link the fictitious name in full disclosure. Kind of like the free clinic.

They arn't called Huns anymore, are they?

  1. Apologize to that Hun? Hell will freeze over my dead body before I warm up to him. : They aren't Huns anymore. USA

#missngdcgirls: D.C. Circuit: on a manhunt. Word on SM: Judges #execute the law. @polNewsNetwork1 Trump knew in 2012, & he knows now. Many of these missing kids are being trafficked for the pleasure of the rich & famous. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/255294883680632833

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


broadly. I prefer "diversity" breeds a foil. Not so much anymore, . >x>Y>z M>


: "I'll never challenge the authority of the final arbiter, the . Maybe the whole Court, who knows? ."

Words: No one said it was easy. "I'm sorry for your loss." #Tower of Babel. #Examen

OnTheMendPlenge Tweet text
Reply to  

A matter of fighting style. I do not fight like Admiral Nelson unless engaged. As follower must I be proactive?

#Variety of #Treatment: It doesn't have to be medical.* #RodStewart #JohnRubens compilation #MORALCARE

  1. had a special episode of "16 and Pregnant." A baby was baptized in the name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit.

Who Loves You Baby? #TellySavalas #JenniferGranholm #HoustonTexans

Everyone can benefit from ! "Every body cheerleads somebody sometime." compilation
OnTheMendPlenge added,

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

@955KLOS #RebelYell! #BillyIdol and I were riding Hollywood during the helmet transition.

The happy few, but what of the rest? "YEAH! WHAT OF THE REST!" "Yeah, what OF the rest Henry?"
OnTheMendPlenge added,

#WeWillRockYou! #Queen #955KLOSFM I didn't know the banner might have been a gay banner and the blood was a bash. #WeAreTheChampions

Caitlyn Jenner: Yeah, it is a fight.

President Trump: Yeah...Caitlyn, it is.

Caitlyn Jenner: Although I had my share of roses.

President Trump: We are the Champions my friend.  Yeah, you me and Kirby Wright.

The End My Friend (2013) by Kirby Wright

@pontifex @ArchbishopGomez #Marriage

Better to be than dumped. : "Let's go upstairs and I'll read you a little poem." played by
SufferingTogether added,

#HealthCare & #MedicalInsurance don't need to be mutually inclusive. #VennDiagrams

Force the Fed into Bankruptcy if you have to.

Monday, March 20, 2017

#Dissembling #Dismantling #Deconstruction: "Oh my!"

Donald J. Trump: The Wizard
Booz Allen Hamilton
Private Contractor loopholes to the U.S. Constitution: The smoking gun that pins the tail on the donkeys [and elephants in the Bush/Cheney Administrations].

An-o-nym-i-ty: surmise FBI Director Comey has said it regularly.

Moth-ball #airrights, but don't tell ANYONE.

@HillaryClinton may run for Mayor of NYC--because she is secretly informed @DemocracyNow @JudgeJeanine

At the Break: #Diversity will never be the same after today. #affirmativeaction, heightened scrutiny to suspect classes. #EqualProtection #ReversePrejudiceAgainstAClassofCitizens

A nation of Corporations, not men nor laws. Enough to open an investigation? Not when heightened scrutiny attaches.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

#RamDaas #LtGenMcMaster "Sometimes a mirror works as well as a camera! 'The Time Is Now!' Fit your instruments."

Fiction based on helicopters and other variables.

@Clearasil commercial is honest. #CallMeCrazy! #BenStein

Liked new commercial. Clearasil good on acne. My 17 year-old testimonial: "It works."[from strength to strength]"


Did an Adam and Eve Cause the ? Was one or both transgender with the snake? : "Why do you think they call us 'lay'"?

#FrankSinatra to #JerryLewis & #DeanMartin: Why do you think they call us "lay"?

Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis, Jr., Joey Bishop look on.

The Russians Are Coming, they're already here. "Is that the best you can do?" #JudgeJeanine: #Hillbillary, #ElectricEye

Get up early West Coast & prepare! must be supported by the townsfolk, like in
HillBillary, they're on to you.

#Groovy2017: A #funnel-cloud to God. [From #plenge to God's hidden treasures] @EWTN

From "plenge" to God's hidden mysteries.--Pascale Mary M.F.V.A.

See, Johann Plenge; learning from our fleshly ways (hedonism).

Daily Notes:

Deconstructing America [and Nancy Pelosi]:

If we Americans were still of clean hands against the world of the 1960's, what is our condition after globalism has diluted our appointment?

Polluted--reclaimed wast, but the Samaritan woman with her five husbands past and one lower form of relations became an evangelist and catalyst of change in Samaria.

Relativity & Spirit & Truth: Water mixes with most/osmosis. Type O.

EWTN post-eucharist broadcast 3-19-2017: Replaying the post communion actions and subsequent words of Paschale Mary, M.F.V.A., feels like a transfiguration of before. Like Peter, [James and John]
I wanted to keep it for posterity.  "The Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head." "[The Spirit will go where It may.]"
 St. Paul for the Father:
...from strength to strength.

See also, Gene Scott, Stanford University Theology Graduate School.