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Death Wish (2018) - Nightclub Shootout Scene | Movieclips

I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Monday, August 29, 2022


GENT Returning to the Scene of the Crime [redux Kirby Wright] mash-up with John Rubens on "Discord" social media firm mash-up with John Rubens cite. compilation copyright John Rubens and Kirby Wright September 7, 2022 re: #disordercode commentary: Judas and silver

Sunday, August 21, 2022

@CNN #FareedZacharia with #BillyJOEL #ThisBusinessOfMusic "Because I am competent."

The standard of competence. FBI: We don't care. He's a demagogue. He's gone. A & R: JOEL? FBI: No, Trump and Nixon.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Sunday, August 14, 2022


STYX: We're all the same. STEVIE WONDER & PAUL McCARTNEY: Together. JOHN LENNON & DON McCLEAN: The days the music died. UKRAINIAN: We have music too. Stay in good shape. Dance the polka. MERRICK GARLAND & ARCHBISHOPS OF LOS ANGELES: Together In Mission. JOHN MARSHALL RUBENS: Don't be afraid to pay taxes [playing monopoly at Cobb Mountain]. ST. TERESE OF CALCUTTA: Go to Church anyway. DUKE of YESTERYEAR: Don't be too drunk to attend mass. PUBLIC OPINION: Better to stay home John. LAPD: Yeah John. MY DOCTOR/MYSELF: Thank you Doctor. GOD: How long do you think you can 'get away' with this? Adam and Eve did the same thing. MYSELF: When do I die? GOD: You may be dying now if you don't quit. JONATHANE: Are you telling me to quit? GOD: Blowing smoke up your arse. Dear GOD: When pot was illegal to consume, it wasn't available so we disciplined our mind to "fast" from the THC so when it became available to ingest, we'd get high again. re: "Cannabis for recreation is not something one wants to do everyday. But at my age, we want comfort." MARY MILLER [Contracts @Pepperdine]: Cold comfort John. Get some fresh air in those lungs of yours. Come to Malibu. ARCHBISHOP GOMEZ [FICTIONAL]: Brother John? ME: Yes? ARCHBISHOP GOMEZ: If you can make it to Target to get beer, you can make it to mass by foot. ME: Fauchi Ouchie Defense [I owe you $75.56 on the silver pledge {USO, The Jesuits latest drawdowns}. I think I deserve a beer]. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. JACK DANIELS: We got some 80 proof. RUGBY CAPTAIN: There's always one. compilation by John Rubens

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Maybe Mar-A-Lago/Federal Assets [constructive trust?]

Dear Joel Dimsdale, M.D. [psychiatry, UCSD]: More to come. re: Will the Mar-A-Lago Papers end up at UCLA too? re: CIA/Brainstorming 1952

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

We are ants according to Atilla the Hun. I bow to Merrick Garland for once.

Re: Making TRUMP take the 5th. compilation copyright John Matthew Rubens August 10, 2022

Angie: I let you to my window, almost my door. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VYHLjoeDWk

I will always love you. You 'pinned' me like all the rest, but you were the youngest. Ya baby now. Morning Sun. It's time for me to say goodbye sweet pea.


I LOVE GOD OVERALL.https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/8208506701182723362/480492017627013772 I NEED LOVE. EVEN BAD CO. ADMITS IT! Okay, I'll mind my place. Roman Catholic Priests: COME TO CONFESSION! In laws? Don't be afraid of death. Like taxes, take them in stride. Henry Winkler: Yeah, like a duck-tail. compilation copyright John Rubens August Nights in LA. 8-10-2022 In the MEANTIME: Smash them at will. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VYHLjoeDWk

Re: Anne Heche Accident: That's why acting is not so safe: We are paid to make the wrong choices most often. Compare: #KAMALAOCalifornia #AJewishStake

Makes the story interesting. To see what happens to fools. compilation copyright John Rubens August 10, 2022 P.S.: I am in no way suggesting Anne Heche is a fool. "Au contraire, mes amis." I can see how Drew Barrymore feels about women after lusting for her breasts in #WaynesWorldII PARIS HILTON: DREW...? MEGAVERSE? compilation copyright JOHN RUBENS AUGUST 10, 2022 subtext: Dear VLAD PUTIN: None of us are thinking straight out here. No one wanted me until I was WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE. PLEASE DON'T GO AFTER FT. KNOX. I'M NOT ONLY AMERICAN, I INVEST. Dear EWTN: If virtual mass exists...we exist. Live in the kingdom of God instead. #ModernFamily Dear
LittleBobbyCorker: Enbalm ourselves in petroleum oil. We are survivors, you and me. The afficted and ad hominem attack by the phoney father Donald J. Trump, my opposition hero, and still is. May God Bless you more than Donald J. Trump and I. JESUS CHRIST, JOHN THE BAPTIST Roman Catholic John Matthew Rubens



Friday, August 5, 2022

You filthy old man full of hate speech? MAYBE MIA CULPA: #Imsorrymerrickgarland I'd kill to if need be.

ARGO Fictional I can afford a beer. I still have the right. MEL GIBSON: John... LAWYER SUING MP: You filthy old man. ELON MUSK: I called out the "leftists." JEFFREY SKILLING: You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. MERRICK GARLAND: We do what we can.--Stanley Kaplan, Civil Procedure, Harvard Law School/BAR/BRI TODAY: THE SABBATH BEGINS ALL OVER THE WORLD. I got the Lagunitas and Bud beer. 7 12 oz. DENIAL: 8 12 oz. Dear Los Angeles Superior Court: I'm sorry. THE JEWS WERE NOT AND AS A WHOLE, LIKE ANT TRIBES, CANNOT BE OVERCOME BECAUSE GOD HAS A SECOND COVENANT.

If I wouldn't have been suspended, I'd still be the equivalent to a Captain. LA means Louisana Credit Cards. @theuso @EAFB

We need some fun too!

Le Petit Prince: #2: JOHN RUBENS: I broke down. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=st+exupery

LORD let me rise like Lazarus! Roman Catholic Potential Liturgy

Dear Internationals: Please let GRINER coach rugby at Penn State University; [Kathy?] Jones @ Charles Schwab & Co: 10 yr bounce between this half point. 2.50%-3 #YieldOfDreams @BloombergTV

Credit: Real Yield @ BloombergTV subtext: Gershon says: Kudlow and Cramer: "I lost my thought there." Kudlow is my hero. Gargi: Too early for high yield, "A yield of dreams for the elderly?" Disclosure: John Matthew Rubens: I don't know the pot laws in Pennsylvania. Dear EWTN: I want to thank ALL the people at the airport, like Le Petit Prince, who lost himself at the airport, or again, as an adult, on a bilobab plantation in Spain. St. Exupery. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=st+exupery compilation copyright John Rubens August 5, 2022 current events: MP: The baton is yours. Dear EWTN: I acknowledge my sins.