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I caught laryingitis too Bruce.
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Dear Kirby Wright, Craig Thigpen: MIA CULPA
I have committed adultery in mind, heart and spirit and am torn. I see what women went through because of me. The song "TORN" was out and the woman forgave me at the end. I left Eddies Fabulous 50's Casino and Diner for the last time.
P.S. Another woman wanted me, but it didn't work out for the same reasons: torn hearts.
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Dear Middletown Mustangs: It's better for me to destroy, or leave well enough alone. Prop. 27 "It's all part of my rock and roll fantasy. It's all part of my rock and roll dream."--BadCo
Highway 175
subtext: Rollerball (MGM Studios, 1975)
Does Lake County, CA want to join the fray, at any cost?
We were playing pinball and bingo before these wippersnappers.
"The Sky, is burning, I believe my soul is a mass of jelly." Rogers, Ralphs Rubens compilation
"Little Pink Houses for you and me."--John Cougar Mellencamp
DEAR GOP: I may be a Mormon tomorrow but today, it was a "virtual affair" I couldn't lift or marry even if a Mormon. I'm staying Roman Catholic. As a subjective person view from who I think as baseline "objective", as a Roman Catholic, since I entered into DesCartres sex, it wasn't physical but chemical, biological and primal. Silver went up a few percent. I got off first with my wife. I wanted more, of course. It's well documented but not since I was well and married.
Teammates Can Scare The Shit Out of USA: Gomez, Peterson, Corky Ryan, Mansueto Lenci and Bob Baker with the feud Ferrari.
Feud Ferrari.
RE: CAMPBELLS INSURANCE: An Independent Insurer
Matt Miller 1973: Joe Strummer. 'Nough said.
compilation copyright BloombergTV et al.
John Rubens
FICTION: Have Farley and FORD cornered the market on Lithium?
Fictional Elon Musk: It appears so, and FORD is not particularly leftist.
compilation copyright John Rubens 07-27-2022
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Sign, Sign Never Wear A Sign [Unless Your Disciples Are Like Bulls and Present Other Bovine Traits And/Or Mentalities] Community Standards: LAPD is constantly adapting pretty well.
Five Man Electric Band
Signs (1970).
INDIA: Our sacred cows are more apt for heaven than some of you guys.
USA: We're trying to get the gals in trouble.
GEORGE W. BUSH: It's hard.
JOHN RUBENS: Thanks God.
re: get a hard on, not necessarily a sin
"It's hardly a sin per se."
"O come cum now."
LAPD: Maybe you didn't read the sign.
USA: Don't forget, insurance lawyers get pay based on work per hour.
BAR: Hurry up and wait. You're getting paid meantime, okay?
LIZ CHENEY: Okay Your Honor.
JOHN RUBENS: It was nice. I got off.
LIZ CHENEY: How about her?
JOHN RUBENS: Touche [Dear Liz: I'm lazy about some things. I took typing in 7th Grade but the semester was over before I came back to finish numbers on the keyboard. Above, "Touche" has an accent at the end as in the sport of fencing].
LIZ CHENEY: Not too close Big Boy.
JOHN RUBENS: Mais non! UCLA et "Deep State".
UCLA: Cheap state is no better.
Credit to Music Choice, Solid Gold and 70's and REELZ: Judas Priest 3 Songs that defined them.
compilation copyrights reserved John Rubens July 26, 2022
Monday, July 25, 2022
https://wordpress.com/post/johnrubens.wordpress.com/29023 If you like Ted Nugent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygbeGtG4qMM
@youtube is more important to me than twitter.
Ready for Love and Shooting Star by Bad Co. with Paul Rogers.
Stranglehold by the UP #TedNugent. "Si" "That's why they call me, #BadCompany I can't deny." https://wordpress.com/post/johnrubens.wordpress.com/29023: Look up Ted Nugent yourselves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygbeGtG4qMM
Senior [Senor], we don't need your stinking badges.--Treasure in the Sierra Madre. Good Lovin' Gone BAD. Baby, I'm not a Dad man. I'm a sad man. https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/8208506701182723362/1164271090821106936
ELIZABETH TAYLOR: Like I said, 'Can you blame him'?
THE WIZARD: And like I said Liz, it matters not in the end how much you love [Robert W. White, The Enterprise of Living, 1967, 1976)] but by how much [heart] you are love by others [too].
Vie Gehts?
"Bill Gates?"
Friday, July 22, 2022
American Sanhedrin: Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged
"Get a load of Dickhead's daughter."
"You think this 'No Country For Old Men' isn't wrapped in Cheney's panties?"
"Oh, I see you left out the lesbian daughter."
"We need all the friends we can get."
copyright John Rubens July 22, 2022
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Honorary Valley Boys, Donald J. Trump and Michael Jackson
"You want me to apologize? Go fuck yourselves."--Fictional Donald John Trump
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Sinners Unite In Humility https://wordpress.com/post/johnrubens.wordpress.com/29012 Carl Jung, Peter Frampton "Do You Feel Like We Do?"
TRUTH: When I read U.S. forces killed two Somali men, I did not grieve. Jesus, not many grieved Judas, did you? Somali men live by the sword die by the sword. Sounds like racism. I'll listen one more time to critical race theory in America and around the world, comparing Russia/Ukraine as a branch.
John Rubens 07-19-2022
Monday, July 18, 2022
Dear Bloomberg & Matt Miller 1973: Hell No We Won't Go! AGQ ETFIQ Invesco #Aluminum #EWW [Karen Finerman recommendation] https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/8208506701182723362/2134926057347247779
MR. BARTHOLOMEW: We can make you quit.
JONATHAN E.: You can't make me quit.
JOHN RUBENS: Smash them with AGQ, SLV pdbc [FOP?]
KAREN FINERMAN: cnbc, eww FOR mx banks, energy, infrastructure investment. OIL
OPEC+The Rolling Stones: And we like IT.
compilation copyright
John Rubens
July 18, 2022
Silver Investor, gas and food.
subtext: Los Angeles Libraries besides Central Library I want to close now. Such a complete waste at this time. So more people are unemployed. Welcome to the club.
Please George Lucas: Choose peace. 1977
Prayer and some fasting.
ATTILA THE HUN: Silver and Gold.
Dear American Millenials:
Just think how you'd feel as an upper-class-person, and the fresh-persons tried to tell you what to do. You'd be offended and insulted to think brazen co-horts could dislodge one's self-respect, but it's happening.
See The Deborah Project v. LAUSD and beyond, re: Equal Protection under the U.S. Constitution
I'm not saying the Germans and Czechs have NO power, but they are far from me.
EUROPEAN WARS: Every man, woman, child and other for themselves. Get thee to a nunnery.
Friday, July 15, 2022
Thursday, July 14, 2022
LESBIAN FBI: Worship Mary Now! [Humor] Dear GWB: In all fairness, #41 left for Texas. I'm against the balance of power all on East Coast. #TheBushCenter financed Tutoring. I wouldn't do it unless I was starving and they gave free food. @PeaceCorps
Wicker Man
New Posts: At this point, what I mean is, like Ben S. from thinkorswim said, "New Day, Fresh Start".
I like most lesbians.
NIXON: Unless you hate them; then you destroy yourself.
I have many Veterans as friends, but I wouldn't go so far as to say military personnel are my friends.
Strickly arms length agreements.
DISCLOSURE: Worked 3 years PT as a tutor until it was cancelled by LAUSD.
Dear #BorisJohnson: No need for the button. Build first, then destroy. #JamesCAAN #HoustonEnergy Enron Task Force/FBI/JusticeDepartment: GO FUCK YOURSELVES. New Haven is Out and New York is Next.
VLADIMIR PUTIN: Can't we just get along?
We drove Sister Delphina out of our 2nd grade Catechism class. Mother Superior came and said in so many words, the replacement can be much worse.
1966 St. Charles Church, San Carlos, CA 94070
TEMPTATION: Is it my fault if it rhymes? I want AOC in bed with me.
Dear Sister Delphina: Your services are no longer wanted, I hope you're dead. I killed somebody and I told a lie. Confessions.
I pretty much can't stand the marshmallow Mike Bloomberg right now. He's right inbetween Vladimir Putin and Donald J. Trump. Hucksters for profits.
compilation copyrights confidential and reserved.
John Rubens
BUY TWTR ANYWAY! 23, 27, 30 or Market if you have leverage.
DONALD J. TRUMP: Go fuck yourselves!
DONALD J. TRUMP, Jr.: Third Wife's a Charmer.
Gina Lolabrigida: I give you head.
Joe Biden Has The Power To: #BREAKTHEBASTILLE @SanQuentinNews My Work as follows: Grain of Salt and Humor. Take a Joke
AOC for President until Scott is.
disclosure: I'm not against Kamala Harris, but things along her lines have improved. SUCCESS
subtext: Release the grain scumbag Ukrainian.
Sinners untie your grievences; unite in glacial humility.
BOY: The glaciers do not move.
OTHER CHILD: [thinking] How do you know?
Break the Bank, but if they relent and kneel at your toes, some can kiss.
Kiss my toes. It's still a free country. I have fungus on one toe and am using medicine.
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Integrity Breaks, by John Rubens https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bury_My_Heart_at_Wounded_Knee
BORIS JOHNSON: Them's the breaks [brakes on nuclear holocaust].
"No one is 'good' but the Father." [Why do you call me 'good' {Master}, no one is 'good' but the Father, which is in heaven.]
Matthew 19:17
MY SEXIST VIEWS: Some women like to make their men fiesty. Can they blame macho men for lashing out?
JODIE ARIAS: What did you just write?
TONY PLANA: Drop it John. 1950 turned into 1951. This too shall pass.
DANNY TREJO: Bury the Hatchet.
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee by Dee Brown
compilation copyrights reserved by claimants https://johnrubens.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=28964&action=edit
Publisher Shaming: You sign or we derogate.
John Rubens
Arab-Americans calling our bluff on "Gold Star" Families. #IncentivesForDuty in America
RONALD REAGAN'S GHOST: It's partially obfuscation but recognition of valor.
UKRAINIAN: Cowards, I told you.
BRITISH: Them's the breaks.
INTEGRITY: No one is good but the Father. Matthew 17:19
PROMO: "Nixon: The lost reels."
TWITTER BOARD not only in DE but CA jurisdiction and Federal Jurisdiction.
ELON MUSK: Are you on board?
TRUMP: Options
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Like California Forests, Our Nation is Destroying Its Resources.
Congress is a drag on OUR economy.
VAN TATTENHORN is an MSM/MIMC destroyer.
Military, Industrial Media Complex [mimc] on CSPAN
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once.
If the shoe fits.
The Italians. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against Italians but they always pick the losing side.-Chris Dempsey
copyright john rubens 7-12-2022
Monday, July 11, 2022
TWTR: The Thrill Is Gone [there's no desire] #TheAddrisiBros "Our Groove is Back!"
Targets: 23 or Market
MUSK to TRUMP: Ride off into the sunset.
FICTIONAL VIOLENT IDEATION: Happy Bastille Week @SanQuentinNews
CASTRATI LINGUA: What am I gonna do with you? We give you a choice: you want to lose your tongue or your balls?
JOHN RUBENS: [rule of law] Beware what you write and/OR wish for, even if imaginary and in English.
copyright John Rubens, July 11, 2022.
Credit: Gasparino @ Fox Business July 09, 2022 re: twitter suspensions
CNN v. FOX #ViolentIdeation
GASPARINO: We've got to concentrate on these people who post indicia of violent ideation.
Italian-Americans preaching to the choir.
compilation copyrights reserved.
Today's Cup of Coffee
"It's full and hot and sweet and strong."
"Sounds like me," replied the Latina in her.
copyright 7/11 John Rubens 2022
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Based on my Bets the Merrick Garland's 'My Charitable Trust Can Beat Up Your Charitable Trust' Game
"My charitable trust."
WTC is a memory.
I liked seeing the metaverse Kershaw. All our money is going to Dallas. #COLORADO @Dodgers AND KERSHAW even if one last glorious time on the mound in the heat. It's cooler today.
Sunday, July 3, 2022
Soon and Very Soon We are going to see the King!
Personally, after all the afronts, I identify with David more than his descendant Christ.
Saw a Jewish Broadcast: 3 camps: traditional/Orthodox; reformed; collectives
Today's addendum from me: I accept 100% responsibility: https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/8208506701182723362/7371670803056436488
Poll: We want all three.
#MatthewArnold #KirbyWright #WilliamShakespeare #RobertDeNiro #TimCarlyle #TicPositive Looking at the stock market and Germany, Germany et al. respect NASDAQ and Cathie Wood. hal9000: I'm glad I got thru to you Johhhhhn: Joachim Giese was your host. You only made noise twice. Not three strikes. Neither did Hermann Hesse. He left for Switzerland. I'd like Strasbourg or Monfort.
Dear Kirby Wright:
Tic Positive!
Rebuttal to Professor Levin @UCDavis, Poetry 25 on Matthew Arnold's 1840 poem on the "ebb and flow" of hope, emphasize ebb. Levin also said William Shakespeare was homosexual and I instantly denied it for him. No one in class said a word. I got a 'B', same as Dresman.
compilation copyright John Matthew Rubens, July 3, 2022.
credits: Cindy Foran for introducing me to "Ripples" by Genesis and Maybe Jim Hildreth of whom I trespassed to his #TheLambLiesDownOnBroadway cassette tape because I was in love.
I saw Peter Gabriel in Nancy. Phil Collins at Winterland.
AIDA is Alive! Alive with 65! Cathedral of Faith, San Jose, CA 1987
Dresman: Choice
SARTRE: No exit stupid.
JOHN MATTHEW RUBENS: Herman Melville, An American Renaissance Man: I'd prefer not. [paraphrase without legaleze].
Bartleby The Scrivener
Credit: Professor Carter: Received a 'C' in his course, American Romanticism.
CREDIT: ALBERT MARSHALL RUBENS: "Moby Dick is a fish story."
addendum: "All the pickles are gone and the sky is not grey."
CHORUS: And the sky is not gray.
CREDIT: The Mamas and the Papas
It may be gray the day after.
July 5, 1776 Now we're at war.
Negative Thinking: Why did the CHP and LMU Law School knock on my door?
Illiois to prosecute the Italian.
I'm with you Garland.
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