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I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

BOYCOTT THE BAR: Mass Resignation: Get In Queue Before You Go Down. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=he%27s+got+the+whole+world+in+his+hands+lyrics


"He's got the whole world, in His hands". 

Woodstein & Dean, Where Perry's Investigators get first billing.


ac360: "WOODSTEIN" 

JR180: Fictitious Law Firm: Woodstein & Dean.

compilation copyright

John Rubens, reserved by contributors.

June 4, 2022


Thursday, April 14, 2022

Neither did I. @ftChina

JEOPARDY: What is know what the next Jeopardy question was?

JEOPARDY: No, that you will not know under pain of the Wheel of Fortune.


subtext: may we make mistakes to "make it better".  re: minor typographical errors and computer-generated editorial "mistakes". 

UKRAINE: We need the space.

Many of the Italians who are first shall be last. Many of the Last shall be first: You make healthy food in Chinese-American restaurants. @CIA

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Barney Like Toto Epiphany 2014 Getting the years right. We celebrate a "year" early in Roman Catholic Church: December 25-January 6.

BARNEY: Toto is gone.

MASTER: All is not lost.

WANDERING JEW: There's no place like home.


UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX: Pray anywhere but there. Don't get me wrong, the Kremlin needs our prayers. The people that run the Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church might be like the Queen of England influencing strongly the Archbishop of Canterbury. 

One thing I know: The Holy Spirit is Still there. St. Petersburg, RUSSIA.

Christmas circa 2014 @EWTN

subtext: President Putin had a lackluster Christmas.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=muskrat+love+lyrics @SCGraham: John, you just can't make this stuff up.

 I'm getting drunk like Prince Hal.

Finished HenryIV twice. Not too long. 

Hence: Part two. I read the notes online. Mostly fighting in Part Deux.

compilation by the reserved parties

John Rubens