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Death Wish (2018) - Nightclub Shootout Scene | Movieclips

I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Sickly Bickley: I've got better things to do.

 subtexts hidden

"Turn back, O Man, forswear thy foolish ways."--godspell.

ME: What about Lucia?

PRIEST: Treat her right.--Pat Benatar.

Flags are uber Constitutional.

Copyright March 25, 2022

Retiree John Rubens

Either that or buy Campbell's Insurance. Independent INSURANCE AGENT. RON CAMPBELL.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

If today you hear His voice like at Meribah, harden not your hearts. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=john+malkovich

 Harden not your hearts. Seek his face. Ye shall find Him.

Supporting Actor: Martin Landau for Rounders.

The Jews Knew Each Other?; John Malkovich, Martin Landau.

How you know Matt Damon's not Jewish?

I don't.



MALKOVICH: yes john; don't be so damned shy one minute and so damned arrogant RIGHT NOW!

RAFT OF WATER: I realize it.

MALKOVICH: The first step in YOUR twelve step program.


MARCH 22, 2022


Sunday, March 13, 2022


 "It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than a camel to go through the eye of a needle...but with God, anything is possible." [Two verses combined of Jesus speaking].


A rich man has diversion ability unlike the poor, who are destitute and rely on God for more, seeking survival.

Acts and Thoughts of hedonism, specifically adultery, for instance, not only cause hurt in my experience but while one is debauching oneself, one squeezes out God. God becomes the eye of needle[s] and we, like Jack Falstaff in Henry IV [Shakespeare], not that Falstaff is a 'bad' man, he's Everyman in regard to sinning in selfishness, finally find ourselves flat-footed against "the world".  Jesus overcame "the world".

Moral: Taking care of animal appetites can squeeze out the kingdom of God. Humans must pray, concentrate and grow in God or our very souls, not only our bodies, dissipate.

Unload your heavy burden lawyer, and I will give you rest. "Yoke easy...burden light."

Short Sunday Sermon in avoidance of the onslaught of worldly living.  As Jeff Goldblum told me, "Focus."

John Rubens

March 13, 2022