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I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Thursday, September 30, 2021


 I like that FFRF's Ron Reagan says on recent tv ad for foundation, "[and I'm not afraid of burning in hell.]" 

A lot of us are unafraid of that at the moment. This is hell, I can take it and have to take what Godgives [sic].

by John Rubens

63 1/2 years old yesterday.

Monday, September 27, 2021

On A Day, Like Today

 I like Jim Cramer. He tells you how he sees it.

"I'm not trying to make friends, just trying to make my Cramericans friends first by making you some money. Back at you. I'm gonna put these images on twitter."--based on mosaic of Jim Cramer quotes.

by John Rubens

video of crew

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Tiny Bubbles, In The Wine--Dean Martin #TheItalianHour

 Rudy and Leon, you don't expect me to snitch on myself in social media. Like the judge said about Tucker Carlson, "He's not to be believed."--via #ChrisCuomo, relation of brotherhood @NYGovCuomo

"What you say or tweet can but not necessarily will be used against us."--"La Modification" par Michel Butor [because I still don't know how to italicize on these many programs].

RUDY GUILIANI: We'll use that against you too as regard to your incompetence. You're no lawyer and your no English major.

JOHN RUBENS: Amazing how I got through. Like Condoleeza Rice once said, "Nothing great is ever achieved without sacrifice."

compilation by John Rubens

September 11, 2021

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Like A Rolling Stone. @Ford a Field of Male Buck Deer, Ray! A drop of golden sun: Farley CEO

 The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, a complete unknown.

compilation by 

John Rubens, copyright September 8, 2021

It doesn't all rhyme, so what. Fix it yourself in a compilation.

Farley AND FIELD Press Innovation @Ford

 #FRANKENSTEIN: Electrify me now.

Monday, September 6, 2021

The Wizard of Oz Might Have Been Wrong: I love. I don't have time to receive? He was right too.

 Do well, if not good.

I Have Assurances from a fellow Former Australian Resident, That America Has Nothing to Worry About Militarily

 They will happily fight our wars and take our women since American men don't appreciate them, at least not enough for the time being. The time is now: Claim your wives.

#IranContra is Legal

https://twitter.com/raftofwater/status/1434930264145158145?s=20'Twas contra-legal. 

"Sistema ok'd?"

"Who knows, it's hidden in the bra." 

"Why you punk."

"You rang?"



Labor Day? GREEN DAY! "I Walk Alone, I Walk Alone"

 "Beverly Hills" It's Where I Want to Stay! "Do me do me. Do me do me."--#Weezer

"That's not labor."

"For her it will be."

Thursday, September 2, 2021

#SoylentGreen 1973

 It doesn't matter if you live or die; you are soylent green.

CharletonHeston EdwardGRobinson

Tell Tales and When Hunches are Ill

 UI Benefits scale down this week.

"Then why are cannabis stocks up?"

"Elon Musk"