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I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

#CharlieWatts Caught Sterling Bug At The Same Time as US? [phonetic frentic poetic {Amanda Gorman} A real poet. 1965

 Charlie Watts reported to have extensive silver artworks and other valuable silver pieces. 

This is Sotherby's time?

I'm a junk collector, but a 45 single of #EttaJames was worth the dumpster dive in early morning Havasu.

 Early for a test.

@BillCosby: Some people think they're funny. John Rubens, you are not...yet? #FatAlbert lost weight.

#Serendipity @CalNewport_ @UCSDAlumni You can't take a dishonorary degree away from me. It's in my heart. @ChrisCuomo @BillCosby Please do a joke about ---I know...some people think they're funny..."colored" vs. #InLivingColor v. "People of Color" as distinguished voting block?


#MookieBetts Homer on Bobblehead Day! Records are being broken. #OutOfAfghanistan "At Last, My Love, Has Come to Town"#SeagerBrosBobblehead

Honking not war.#TheLoneRanger I'm in a better mood today. @Dodgers Get Smart got everything wrong. Maxwell Smart Mookie Cookie Head. The #MookieBetts bobblehead and a homer to boot. I won't be cynical and vicious today God willing. #SeagerBrosBobblehead Will they bounce off--no!