re: Arnold on Cuomo and vica versa. Parents: Honor Thy Parents.
a commandment I often forget.
I caught laryingitis too Bruce.
re: Arnold on Cuomo and vica versa. Parents: Honor Thy Parents.
a commandment I often forget.
You've cut me and you've scarred me through and through. And I walk out a wiser weaker man, Mr. Adam Schiff, you understand.--compilation by John Rubens
see also Michio Kaku on twitter
Re: I have love in my heart, but it took 5 beers to do IT.
compilation copyrights reserved by parties interested.
httpsK:/K/ Know Your Place
Outer Space
"Cold out there. In fact, it's cold as hell."--Taupin/John
David Bowie went Ziggy Stardust.
That show was weird. Saw it on tv.
I wonder if the word 'we' led to the word 'weird' somehow?
"What place?"
"You haven't figured out what your place is in all this?"
"No. I don't even pray enough. I suppose I'm lukewarm?"
"You said it, not me brother."
"For someone who played the heavy, you sure found your establishment."
"Establishment. I was established in Los Angeles in the green room for my Happy Days audition."
"I guess times were not that time--in the seventies?"
"No they weren't. You had all sorts of actors there I had seen on tv. They were on tv and I was breaking in the business. You had Mickey Rourke there."
"You kicked his ass Fonze."
"He got me the part."
"You gotta know your place and the obstacles of competition--melt away. Mickey went on to be a movie star, me a producer. I think I made the right choices for myself. Mickey Rourke? I'll let the Irishman speak for himself."
JIMMY CAAN: We don't talk politics.
Re: Gremlins and my imagination of demons taking the place of people like me tapping. See, The Invaders (1967) by Quinn Martin Productions, Music by Dominic Frontiere.
I can hear the gremlins communicating about me at the Pentagon. Hopefully they understand my language and thought pattern. I mean well Joint Chiefs.