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Death Wish (2018) - Nightclub Shootout Scene | Movieclips

I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021



Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Therapy: AMC "All My Children" "Adults Mio Cardia"

 Children's and General Audience movies. Add massages and video games and you've got a parlay.

Suggestion by John Rubens

#occupywallstreetamc this is beginning to sound like Aldous Huxley's "feelies". Are we in that BNW? Brave New World

I can see a CEO of AMC say, "AMC is all about therapy for you for all."


John Rubens

unsolicited, not a shareholder yet

Monday, June 28, 2021

Jesus, Son of Man [see Kahlil Gibran's novel] My Take on The Wedding at Cana

 You know, the people at the wedding were Mary's friends but that doesn't necessarily mean those at the reception liked or even paid attention to him. The fact that Mary had to tell the wine stewards to "Do as he says" leads me to believe Jesus did not hold sway there, at least not yet. Yet, even the steward, seemingly oblivious to where the wine came from, admired the vintage immensely.

That'll get you a reputation.

re: privacy; freedom to pursue happiness

It's a Wicked Business with The Wicked, The Clever and The Fugitive Kind

 Hollywood, CA

compilation copyright 

John Rubens

June 28, 2021

I Wonder How They're Doing Now? Just as Well. https://wordpress.com/post/johnrubens.wordpress.com/28252


Sunday, June 27, 2021

It's Still The Same Law Whether You Are One Lawyer or Another #CLA "Cold Comfort!"--Regulators

The law changes--sistema.

See One Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse (1964, 1968; see also An Essay on Liberation Marcuse 1969). 

Occupy Wall Street AMC? How does that work?

JOE KENNEDY: Don't let them know what you're thinking.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Ghosts of The Castrati https://johnrubens.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=28217&action=edit

 Because we have no descendants, we want to make sure our sacrifice was worthwhile to you all.

Play and Screenplay concept by John Rubens

June 25, 2021


 Ghost of the castrato says, "'They' cut me off!"

If we are apt to throw our hands up, do it for acting or if one prays, for God.


Prepare Ye

https://wordpress.com/post/johnrubens.wordpress.com/28209 Sayings of Rube Elmer




Commie Films Are Not Communism

Au Contraire! Cherchez la femme!

Defy Karen, trick Mutt and Jeff.

But sometimes...sistema.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Not Yet until I'm median rich. #MedianRich Norweigen Cruise Lines https://twitter.com/raftofwater/status/1407406878636736512?s=20

https://twitter.com/raftofwater/status/1407406878636736512?s=20 https://twitter.com/raftofwater/status/1407406878636736512?s=20

Church For Some, Church For Many: Is there anybody else here? -- Nilsson #Echo?


The Sayings of Rube Elmer

 I sold my PerkinElmer today for over a $1.00 profit.

Sure glad Google got me a server. I'm rarely served anymore. Started eating more and drinking less but see my stomach getting big again. "Slow down buster."



I'm doing this for your own good.

See what I mean about Russia? They butt in with their politics. Could you imagine EU countries doing that? We'd broach the subject with the UK or Ireland due to historical roots of jurisprudence. Russia?

And don't get me started on the Ukraine and "East" Germany.

--Rube Elmer

Don't let others get you down.--KISSOnline @etrade

Monday, June 21, 2021

Sunday, June 20, 2021

The Sayings of Rube Elmer

 The Russell 3000 are 3000 of the most highly capitalized companies around.

"You're the best around, don't let nobody get ya down."--etrade

God's World is the Same World for Rube Elmer, What He Can Make of IT Here On Earth

 These are the sayings of Rube Elmer, an alter-ego/pen name for John Rubens

"This guy's In Love."--#HerbAlpert 

Since I liked "Taste of Honey" and other Tijuana Brass hits more than Lani Hall with Herb singing this guy's in love. Sounds more like a Burt Bacharach hit.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

It must be surfer's Day

 My stocks are getting knocked around a lot.

Meanwhile, in politics:


"Sometimes It's Better to Do Nothing"--#RobertChapman aka #BobChapman

 I'm drinking Stella Artois

Dear #BLM #MAGA I like the good news about #TikTok. #SCOTUS is doing some things correctly. @leonpanetta @ChrisCuomo @pontifex #theItalianHour?

 Thank your American Supreme Court: The Supreme Court of the United [not untied] States of America. You all are more than a twitter address. You always were. SCOTUS is fine sometimes. "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime."

Liberation is Now https://wordpress.com/post/johnrubens.wordpress.com/28127

 re: "#ConfidenceIsSilent I remember Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. I was late for the final exam. Steinman saw me on the way to the classroom. I was confident but for him starting the final early. He said, "You'll do fine."