How many NCAA basketball player you know who are married?
re: studies and sports as distractions from mating [time for dates but not much else]
FAIRY TALES: The Wizard of Oz (Victor Fleming, 1939) "Home Sweet Home" v. Outer Limits [Outer Space] (sixties tv series).
See also, Price Harry v. Prince William, A potential schism in the UK monarchy? 'Divide and Conquer', who would benefit? Question for Oliver Stone?
[Conjecture: Bias: My ancestor the duke was banished too, but for his sexual conduct; in a way, marriage is sexual conduct. My ancestor was apparently an adulterer with the queen, but I didn't get ANY details. Exile: Australia > New Zealand > Portland, OR USA, San Rafael, CA
compilation by John Rubens
MARCH 21, 2021
Early Spring in Ireland too.
Maud Gonne/W.B.Yeats
credit: Ireland: County by County (2021 tv series, Sligo episode)