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Death Wish (2018) - Nightclub Shootout Scene | Movieclips

I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Friday, November 27, 2020

I'm Not Writing No Stinking Screenplay

 Richard M. Nixon: As Necro Nixon, As 43, as 45 and 44 and 46, I will play my dead hand against yours in faith: May the best soul win.--Necro-Nixon

#FellasFiles: Maybe 43 performed geometry well. I got C-, D and B as a tutored remedial.

     Richard M. Nixon had it right about so many things...but one thing in particular struck me about RMN's uncanny perspective against the "zeitgeist" or how the chips might fall. For instance, his quote, "[Both LBJ and I wanted to be president, only I wasn't willing to kill for it.]"

#TrickyDick #NecroNixon

Reading the tea leaves. The domino effect.

"We've got a file on you."

RICHARD M. NIXON: Well I hope so, eh 43?

More to come.

Nixon was a Republican. One strike against him. Nixon got caught, two strikes against him.

"Bases are loaded and Nixon's at bat [again, but as Necro Nixon], time to change the batter?"

Dear Joe Walsh:

He's already been battered.

"[You don't have Richard Nixon to kick around anymore.]"--Richard Milhous Nixon



Thursday, November 26, 2020

#PotRoast Thanksgiving, 2020

 Aurora Cannabis

Tim Seymour, CNBC with Melissa Lee

reference: Enron Task Force ETF

Jim Cramer said ETF for cannabis is MJ.

I don't recommend or discourage investing in cannabis companies.


Thanksgiving Day, 2020

Los Angeles, CA 90028 

Monday, November 23, 2020



#GoodFellasBehindClosedDoors I met "Henry Hill" when I represented his girlfriend in North L.A. County. Watching the documentary referenced above, I get the feeling, "You're money isn't good here." Henry's was good, he made me ask for it since we lost the motion.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

One of Many Definitions of Mine to "Deep State" is "Something to kill or die for for a common vital reason"

https://twitter.com/raftofwater/status/1330291912675356681?s=20https://twitter.com/raftofwater/status/1330291912675356681?s=20 https://twitter.com/raftofwater/status/1330336447253999616?s=20

It's Not Bad To Be Suspended, But It's Not Above Average #Bitcoin: Is it, like gold, worth the effort...and in the end, the bag is left in the desert. Treasure In The Sierra Madre #NecroNixon: I'm gonna get rid of that stuff.
