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Death Wish (2018) - Nightclub Shootout Scene | Movieclips
I caught laryingitis too Bruce.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Let's Get Ratings #PresidentialDebates
POTUS: Joe, I'm sorry I ruffled your feathers. You are the wind beneath my wings.
JOE BIDEN: Seems like to treat everybody and everything that way.
POTUS: Let's meet again under less hostile circumstances. Pull off your stray cats.
JOE BIDEN: My son tells me it's the year of the rat.
copyright John Rubens
Sept. 30, 2020
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
[SAINT] Mother Angelica @EWTN "The Episcopal [Anglican, neither of us know which] Church Says Hell is Absence of Being"
July 17, 1996
Yours Truly recently suspended from the practice of law.
"You've got to choose to go to hell."--Mother Angelica
compilation copyrights reserved by parties
John Rubens
I'm 62 and a half today. 09/29/2020
Dress for Success at ROSS and Marshalls
President Trump is Less Intrusive Than The Democrats Have Been
What's that? asked John.
"The world's smallest violin."--Robert Burton
Sputnik Leaks ISS re: Trump v. Biden
I don't think I'd like him as a roommate. Either of them. Trump would tell me what's wrong with me and Biden would act it out.
Monday, September 28, 2020
Let's Dig
Transition Law: How to deal with gangsters among the youth
@CNBC @EWTN DX #Gangsters or #Youngsters? #ElSalvador #ArtLinkletter Kids Say The Darndest Things. Oh, poor dear!"
Trending now
What’s happening
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Friday, September 25, 2020
#MyChildren #Abortion #MyOperation: #ACA: Either way we gotta pay.
During the hey day of sex education in California, we were taught to prevent via contraception and/or abortion where preferred at the choice of the mother.
Whether we had kids or not, we have to pay for everyone's kids now, or at least feed them during the UI/Covid-19 crisis well into the future to keep the peace. The 1978 Iranian Revolution was triggered by embezzlement of funds from Tehran's Education/Nutrition programs.
See, Skyscraper Heavens (@xlibrispub, copyright John Rubens, 2015)
Thursday, September 24, 2020
The Witches of Eastwick https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/8208506701182723362/2373506964347518776
Actors were great, but I never really loved that movie. Only have seen it once so far in my life.
Take A Strike. "Baseball or Silver?" #BriansSong @CNBC #BrianSullivan
"Take A Pitch"
Take a potential strike.
#BrianSullivan: So there are a couple of stocks that will fade 2-3%.
Monday, September 21, 2020
Kimmel, Matt Damon in #ChasingAmy and More! Be a professional card-carrying journalist. #edgarallanpoe #CharlesDickens He with the gold is stuck in the Sierra Madres. @pimmfox I should have listened to you AND @jimcramer : Keep pwdrdry 4:45 PM · Sep 21, 2020·Twitter Web App View Tweet activity John Rubens @raftofwater · 24m Replying to @raftofwater "What about #sistema?"--Fictitious #HerbertMarcuse #dialecticmaterialism @FFRF There's a new "#WolfInSheepsClothing" coming out soon. @EWTN I'm a fan of #HerbertMarcuse and because he's from #TheFrankfurtSchool, even though he broke from #Heidegger, the first installment #lacked. Relevant people John Rubens @raftofwater Intermittent census employee; #UCSD BA; #SCU JD; http://johnrubens.wordpress.com; http://blogosphere45.blogspot.com #confinement Pimm Fox @pimmfox Follows you @BloombergRadio @Business Give the mundane its beautiful due. 1130AM NY, 106.1 Boston, 99.1 DC, 960AM SF, Sirius 119 Opinions all my fault.
GE is holding a dead hand.
Options #dialecticmaterialism
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