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I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Dear @FFRF: Can I bask in the achievements of our [young] nation? re: In the "pursuit of happiness" I found IT.

Dear President Trump:

Must I apologize for being happy in these trying times? Think how Gavin Newsom has shone leadership, despite the fires [if they were lightening sourced as reported by MSM]. 

Disclosure: Enron, Dynegy, Mirant, Calpine, NOC, LMT investor circa Y2K.


John and Lucia Rubens

Friday, August 28, 2020

Wall Street Historically Closed Friday Night--Find Time to Pray, at least give thanks, offer charity.


Level 1:
Silver historically suppressed by terrorists. #AirportScreening No more camel transports in America? Bring back the mule! #Borax20MuleTrain The Greatest Days of American Prosperity, The Ronald Reagan Administration. "I Vie For Champion!"--Fictitious transpt
1:09 PM · Aug 28, 2020Twitter Web App

re: silver markets #JeffKilburg #GeorgeGERO #bullion FX "You can't take them with you."--Silver Tokens #Crude #Gasoline #Electricity
1:11 PM · Aug 28, 2020Twitter Web App
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I pray for everyone to survive, live and explore the world and their potential in it under the guidance of the church and the Holy Spirit, amen. Wall Street is closed, now what? “That’s what you wanted, isn’t IT?” “What, the shutdown? I’m as happy as I’ve been since my twenties.” “That’s because you are taking care of yourself much more and not wasting time on most pitfalls out the door.