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Friday, May 29, 2020

#ADULTERYINCA Baby-Sitting Adults #Casablanca "Gambling?"

If one like King Henry VIII can get away with adultery, we can. Murder? Call the National Guard.

#ZERO: Is he on our side or the Sirens? #ZeroTheSuitor #IT #AskAndAsk #AAA #Floyd #MiaCulpa

Blaming the Sirens again. #HumphreyBogart: That's nothing new John, now pass that f'ing joint. ME: I guess we're all bogies. HB: Yeah, but at least I went after gold or platinum, you and silver...what is IT? ME: You died in the desert Humphrey. HB: It was the kraut! #Treasures

You know that Australian song about the Aborigines: "Give IT back!"? The German's stole back their labor. What is fair anymore if courts aren't fair; and although seeking justice, how accurate can a human contingency be? Bleeding hearts. Ask and Receive.

Unemployment and promises of a supplemental insurance benefit due to COVID-19 are mostly a given, but I still have to ask and ask.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Complete Insider @SenKamalaHarris Once Down, Not Out of The Running

#OxVengeance #OccidentalPetroleum: Who's ox is gored. #SaudiArabia "I voted for the Iraq ground assault and confrontation leading to the demise of #SaddamHussein."--speculative @JoeBiden @HillaryClinton #ProudSenators? "That's what I don't like about @SenKamalaHarris #completeinsider."e

Monday, May 18, 2020

A Pure Heart 1958-1973; The moment of knowledge. Knowing One Is Saved. DEVIL: You'll never forget IT will you?

Put a blonde in a bikini by the border crossings at the Tecate train station amphitheater. #BlondeBeerBorder 4.5% alc. #AlcoholUnderPressure 10% less alc than
Quote Tweet
John Rubens
Replying to @gkampiotis
Fairness in Testing; GOVT: We can't test everybody. #AbrahamLincoln: We can't test everyone, but we can test some of the people, some of the time. @dallasmavs #RememberTheAlamo "Both sides." The Gates of El Paso to be gold in the sunset; Tijuana silver shores.

Zoom and Wait

#TelemarketingIsContagious by
Better to be on shore or even a raft on the high seas than drown in a flood of email and spam. "Yeah, but make-up only helps our self-esteem on line."
"What about @zoom_us?"

"Yeah, what about Zoom?"

"It seems 2001 is not quite 2001."

"It ain't the meat it's the motion."

"Oh, '[It isn't the length of life, it's the depth']. Ralph Waldo Emerson."

"That's what she said. That's how to get them pregnant, but they don't tell you that in sex education." 

"The closer the more intimate." #SelfReliance Makes sense  

compilation by @raftofwater May 18, 2020

Friday, May 15, 2020