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I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

#IndianGivers Would Americans Stoop So Low As To Sue Germany And Ukraine for Recapture Under Constructive Trust?

#PlaintiffLawyersMotto: Rape those who open their kimono. Protect #MicMulvaney and #HunterBiden, because some things we don't want to know.
Yeah, because people like you can't handle the truth. "People like me? People like me? I can't be impeached, they can." #Judge: Not without naming the UK as a Defendant as well.
Untied for Ukraine. "What?"

"United For Ukraine" a propaganda machine out of the UK followed by Senators McCain and Graham apparently.

The People, By Representation In The U.S. House, #Impeaches non-fiction followed by fiction:

#SpeculativeFiction: : When the President finishes swabbing the deck of scum, #impeachment, but not #removal, will be the coolest thing on the #tropicofcancer.

Friday, January 17, 2020

#IncarcerateCongress "Confine Congress To Their Chambers Caverns, Cells and Quarters"

"Confine Congress"
"Confine Congress.  Do you mean refine Congress? Define Congress?"
"No, they are to be confined to quarters."

@JudgeJoeBrownTV re: "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with."--Stephen Stills et al.

Living with my wife and having to listen to her as a marital duty, I can see why most of my trysts and lovers didn't last more than a couple of months.

I'm not such a volunteer unless challenged. Weird, when I was 15, just as I got an accelerated interest in women, I got less and less competitive until now.

Dendrites, E-Machine, Deep Work and not get lost. #LittleRedRidingHood

Work on one's blessings after their anointing.