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I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Nor Cal. Crack Down: We Caught the #METH epidemic from #SouthDakota.

Nor Cal Crack Down METH: We're On IT.
Tweet from me:
Meth is in the air. "And the water too!" #METH: We're all on it. Let's get some more." #CPTBLYHE: He wants more? #NORCALCRACKDOWN No pun intended.

Does Peter Frampton Belong? #RRHOF He's IBM disabled.

@kurteichenwald you have a point. Just saw #Studio54 on @HBO on demand. Power of Persuasion. What about #PeterFrampton? He had two girlfriends in that era. #Weinstein: The End of An Era. #SinCity (#FrankMiller, #RobertRodriguez et al., 2005). Saw @maddow: "Women need protection."

https://blogosphere45.blogspot.com/2019/11/affirmative-action-turns-in-on-itself.html re Jennifer Aniston

Put Prosecutors In Prison, Save Your Money and Start Boycotting Injustice.

Affirmative Action turns in on itself: Kamala Harris Aide Complains!

COMES NOW: Kamala Harris' Aide:

@thecolbertshow: If you're stupid enough to be watching tv at 11:54 pm on a Friday night, you must deserve: #MEANWHILE

Drunk people?

Friday, November 22, 2019

"The Deepest of States" by John Rubens "#AvaAndMax" Maud Gonne and William Butler Yeats, Donald J. Trump and Lisa Page

MAUD GONNE: I won't marry a Butler.

"Oh Max, if only we could run away together!"
"Ava, I have the perfect place in #Granada." 
AVA: Oh there's so much fighting there. 
MAX: Not now, they've reignited in Barcelona. We can go there too...if you want." 
AVA: Oh Max, will you? Will we? Together? 
MAX: Maud Gonne and William Butler Yeats.
copyright John Rubens
Nov. 22, 2019 

Supplemental Tweet/blogspot from Dec. 3, 2019:

It's not a fake orgasm; it's the fluttering of a man's earnest longings of desire: Max and Eva, by John Rubens: https://blogosphere45.blogspot.com/2019/11/maud-gonne-and-william-butler-yeats.html @FBI's #LisaPage [Former FBI, General Counsel's Office]. Picking on women? Lt. Col. Lindman too.

"The Deepest of States" by John Rubens
copyright Dec. 3, 2019

Non-Employee Activities: At least twitter is not taxable to every user yet.

"Drug deals" are recompensed, @twitter and #revengeporn are not. @AmbJohnBolton @RepKatieHill @sagaftranews @CalNewport_ @jack re: working, unpaid "hobbies" or non-employee activities. #sabbatical

Cheap Hobbies: Twitter and Porn Share A Commonality

Unpaid Work

Just think how a boy feels that has no arms. How will he swat the molester?

Protecting The Vulnerable Protects US all. 

People are starving and sleeping on the streets here in America while we're literally giving money away to other countries
I just filled out a survey for the #HollywoodCommission.
I've been molested in my life but not in the last 12 months. I don't like chilled speech or not being able to express myself but it's better than young people coming to Hollywood get molested or pimped by unscrupulous manipulators who need to make a living too.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The French are like women we loved but never had time to close. We'll always love them.

The French are like women we loved but never had time to close. We'll always love them.

--John Rubens
Nov. 21, 2019

Mystery: If you understood it, it wouldn't be a mystery. #Revelation

#MEANWHILE: @POTUS: Don, what do you think of our ace in the hole? @DonaldJTrumpJr: You mean @VP? @realDonaldTrump [nods once by bowing, then raising his nose over his son below him]. #DJTJr: Can you nominate me Dad? DT: What about Eric? @EricTrump Anything in that bag for me pop

Yang v. Trump: MSM: "Oh boy..."

Yang v. Trump: "Give the media hell Harrys!" "The buck stops here in my case. In Comrade Yang's case, who knows where the bucks will be flying around [gestures at imaginary hundreds flying around from money trees]." @AndrewYang At least I'll move the money and not way-lay it.

I'm for #Trump2020 100%! I might even vote for him someday, but I doubt IT.

Proves CYA "how this will look" in federal circles. #DissolveDeepState
Nouveau Expertise Wanted "Fire half the federal employees." "Who decides?" Zero the computer! #Rollerball #UkraineHoax #SamNemirovsky "I said no to the KGB." #GetSmart #MelBrooks #BuckHenry '65

Zapped Through A Black Hole On A Laser

Get yourself a beer and relax.

"We're in for a wild ride."--Bette Davis

Proves CYA "how this will look" in federal circles. #DissolveDeepState Nouveau Expertise Wanted "Fire half the federal employees." "Who decides?" Zero the computer! #Rollerball #UkraineHoax #SamNemirovsky "I said no to the KGB." #GetSmart #MelBrooks #BuckHenry '65

I said 'niet' to the KGB John.

Proves CYA "how this will look" in federal circles. #DissolveDeepState Nouveau Expertise Wanted "Fire half the federal employees." "Who decides?" Zero the computer! #Rollerball #UkraineHoax #SamNemirovsky "I said no to the KGB." #GetSmart #MelBrooks #BuckHenry '65

Ukrainian Hoaxes/Russian Easter Eggs https://wordpress.com/block-editor/post/johnrubens.wordpress.com/26796


Laser Induced Transport Through A Black Hole: Only the remnant survives? #Sacrifice @CondoleezaRice: "Nothing great is ever achieved without sacrifice."

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Saw a quote from Einstein today, [If you haven't failed in your life, you haven't tried new things enough]. I suppose people will sacrifice their lives to do that, get zapped through a black hole.
The remnant survives. The remnant abides.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

I Pledge Allegiance

WTF are people waiting for? I’ve been watching this #Tyranny for 10 years! If is removed from office it will get bad? Imagine These peopl In charge again? Double digit unemployment, poverty, crime, lawlessness, high taxes. #KeepAmericaGreat #Trump2020Landslide
He may not get impeached let alone removed. That may be why, rioting against the opposition to the duly elected Commander-In-Chief. New Pledge: "I pledge allegiance to the Fed, of the United States of America in liberty and allowing due process for all."

@SpeakerPelosi: These boots are made for walking.--Nancy Sinatra

BREAKING! TRUMP WAS RIGHT!... Head of Burisma Holdings Arrested in Ukraine! thegatewaypundit.com/2019/11/breaki
Not only that, Delaware is the Corporate mecca for corporate law. "Delaware is a corporations corporation." "Deep state?" "That's academic."
Or, Hunter becomes the hunted. The impeachment case falls apart. Oh boy. wordpress.com/block-editor/p

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Vindman "a raison" as the French say.

An old fool is the worst because fools like me expect young people to be fools because that's when I started being a fool, thinking that working for "the mafia" was fun like being in #TheGodfather by #MarioPuzo. From my experience, it was much more about looking over my shoulder.

Moscovian-Cossack Funds On Hold?

Replying to
#FICTION: #WARREN: Can Light Colonel Vindman crash the stock market? NO! [applause] We are stronger than that! We will share. We'll share with anyone and everyone...except we'll put the Moscovian Cossack funds on hold [applause]. No, no, hopefully the whole world can share first and ask questions later? [mild applause].

Lions In Donbass To Fight

Lt. Col. #Vindman may consider repatriation in the #Ukraine in order to fight #Cossacks in the #Donbass. Rejects pleas to run for the U.S. House. #speculativefiction

#Opportunists? Lt. Col. Vindman considers repatriation in the Ukraine in order to fight Cossacks in Donbass. Rejects pleas to run for the U.S. House. #speculativefiction

Lt. Col. Vindman considers repatriation in the Ukraine in order to fight Cossacks in Donbass. Rejects pleas to run for the U.S. House. #speculativefiction

As The Bar Is For Lawyers and Actors...

Thorn in the side, keeping me truckin' on in the sludge.

"I Pledge Allegiance To The Federation, of the United States of America...

I pledge allegiance to the Federation, under the auspices of the United States of America, Its Peoples, Its Constitution, and its several territories, with liberty and due process for all.--formatted by John Rubens #compilationcopyrightsreservedbyparties

#Meanwhile: Don't look at your television sets! https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › War_in_Donbass "Be Prepared" BSA Motto @TRADOC re: #Cossacks are some of the toughest people on earth. #WizardOfOz: "Who 'Dem? Whatdat?"--Cowardly Lion

Move Over Ukrainians, The Cossacks Are Moving In re: #DonbasRegion


I pledge allegiance to my providers, providing...

"I pledge my allegiance to the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one fed, indivisible, with liberty and due process for all."

Solemn State of Affairs: Religion is Free--Why?


With Liberty and Due Process For All! USA

When the DEMS fail to impeach, #gangdomyangdom picks up pieces, makes a statement for all! I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, [deleted] with liberty and due process for all.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Equal Protection Presidents

Return to Equal Protection with @AndrewYang as President of the United States of America. @POTUS, whatever he's offering, I'll double the protection or more...or more! [applause] "All nations are as they were not." Isaiah 17, St. John of the Cross #LivingFlameOfLove Soul duality.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Her hands are Ukrainian

I don't like her.


#Thegiver @billieeilish did it on a #billboard. #PianoEmo?

One Coin Realm: Divergence and Unity

Ukraine took our money and you're proud?

I'm with President Trump. Do not impeach, thank and praise.


John Rubens who knew Sam Nemirovsky.

Monday, November 11, 2019

I Met Riddick Bowe Thank You Veterans #VeteransDay #LasVegas #TheDunes Are Here To Stay! #MyImpression Before and After: #LoveOfTheChamp #Boxing

My impression of Riddick Bowe circa 1994 was he was a limitless man. Heartfelt. He was so pure he even thought I might try to take his title away someday. I won't Champ. You are the greatest person if that makes sense. Greatest in that you struck me as an empathetic fellow. You knew me when you tested me and my response was only love for the CHAMP.

Now, that takes me to Muhammad Ali. I think I lost a bet on him. Yes, Frazier beat him a couple of times, but guess what Mike Hildreth, when Howard Cosell yelled out over the air, "Down goes Frazier! Down Goes Frazier!" it made up for it.
copyright John Rubens
speculative fiction due to live parties.
November 11, 2019

Solomon, "I always loved your mother Bathsheeba."

Bringing In The Sheaves "You've got to plant precious seed with your tears." "Sounds like Mary of Magdalene." Psalm 126 "I always did love your mother Bathsheeba."

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Stepped Up Security Everywhere! #TheProfessional Starring Gary Oldman and Jean Reno

Replying to
Stepped up security on Hllywd Bl.

VICE isn't necessarily a President

Let @RepAdamSchiff question the witness. We have the books. #PublisherInfluence "They're in every tv show and movie." "Why?" "Gives the impression of the lawyer being impressioned by his or her library."

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Evil: No Wonder I Feel Sick https://wordpress.com/block-editor/post/johnrubens.wordpress.com/26587

https://wordpress.com/block-editor/post/johnrubens.wordpress.com/26587 St. John of The Cross and I

Accountability on Twitter: Depends on the Tweeter and the Tweet

ABC said Tuesday that the interview didn’t meet its standards because it lacked sufficient corroborating evidence. Robach said she was “caught in a private moment of frustration.” #TheBeautyOfTwitter v. #Accountability Tweeting's like being an extra on the movie set or a fry cook
10:34 AM · Nov 5, 2019Twitter Web App
View Tweet activity
Re: Jeffrey Epstein accuser interview by Amy Robach.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Progression: The I Ching: I Yang You Yin Trump Card

: As Yang, I am Yin's backstop. Life is a progression, from Donald J. Trump, [pregnant pause] to the Whole Trump Family, to Yang-dom. Let it be. Pay the fee. I'll do the work. Don't be a jerk. See, roast of [and poor !] I thought she was RUS
Trump is the default pick. Barron could be around for a long time. Bravo Barron Trump. Not jealous, just fact. #WalterBrennan