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I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Spirit Water Fire and Flesh

I prefer spirit to flesh but I've enjoyed flesh in imagination and flesh. I prefer imagination but experience is real. I prefer real but fantasy is a passtime. #RomanCatholicism #Penance #Romans7

#SpectrumBands In 5G? #AllThree! #HighMidLow

"How many #spectrumbands are in 5G?" "#AllThree! #HighMidLowBand." #HML #HMLBand

Friday, April 26, 2019


Combat Wombats--The Fourth Extant Species of Wombats [Fiction]

Like John Dean during the Nixon-era cover-up of Watergate, if you're "stuck in the middle" [Michael Jackson] you'll be pulled to and fro like goo until you shred off one way or another. Take law and crime.  If your frequency laps over a channel like a water skiier over the motor boat wake, does one know where the boat has your destination?

John Dean is still on television; Nixon only incarnate as Stone, Manafort and/or President Trump.


Prince Frog
Dear Eric Garcetti:

Can I be "Angeleno" if Angelyne has her name as the Los Angeles namesake?

I wonder if the swastika added a perpendicular to the cross against the proscriptions of Revelation 22:18

Going beyond the dialectic.

The man with the diamond in his hand is her stepping stone to the promised land. 

The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

has two definitions; has four.

Why punch and lose one's balance. Use Tai Chi or hip ki do instead.

Pfizer, Inc.

#GlobalTrust: #Rollerball by #WilliamHarrison The Triangle Countries

Like so many corporate names, they get shortened.

"Shorten it."--Jennifer Hudson, The Voice

I suppose someone else's non-sequitur is my trying to steer the conversation my way. What if the OAS merged the three triangle countries into a country called ? Obstacles, benefits, duration, risk. can help.

Speedy in Cockney #JTLeRoy #Kelly #Knoop #KristenStewart #CourtneyLove #LauraDern

"Get in Line" It is more #prismatic isn't it? #Enron >#prisma #KenLay #ClooneyFoundation re: Film #JTLeRoy "So long #dialectic." #SavannahKnoop #JustinKelly #LauraDern #KristenStewart #CourtneyLove Re: single file or counter-service? i.e. opposing forces #Syriana #offshorebalancing. See Foreign Affairs, MAY/JUNE 2019 @ 8.

#JudasPriest: What do YOU hear? Hypnotic, but it doesn't make me want to kill like those Las Vegas Goth Teens in 1990s.

  1. I'm sorry. Win with a ! An with "a lugar [P.38] in his hand... . He looked quite religious; been..."

Requests Taken @JonesysJukebox 1-800-955KLOS #Godzilla now playing

3words ! Win with a . . An with "a lugar [P.38] in his hand." "He looked quite religious, been an outlaw all his life."

#OffShoreBalancing #ToursOfPeace #PeaceTrain? #EastToWest #PhilippinePoliceInBetween? @NATO

#TheStateBarofCorruption #TheChinaRadicals: Think South Florida Cuban dissidents. "We go the other way." #PhilippinoSwathe #PresidentDuterte: We'll weave around like #Oman for peace in our region as they in theirs. #fiction by John Rubens @OmanTourism

Balancing Dialectics

Like State Bar CA Investigator John Noonan asked me, "Out of the frying pan and into the fire?" May/June 2019 at 8. re: "" "Say it ain't so ."

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Bad Men In Bad Lands

"I say we shoot them down."

From a theoretical standpoint, I've known since elementary school an ##Oligarchy world was the way to go. #SocialStudies 5-6th GradeUSA

Portia, clean my plate. "I've cleaned you out alright."

Last Words--"Lean and Mean".


Dr. Watson: Now you start.

Portia, clean my plate. "I've cleaned you out alright."

Call Me Doc

Call me 'doc'. @JonesysJukebox A #QMProduction "#QuinnMartin" #TheDuke had a land grant in Australia but didn't pay the taxes. Neither did we. Then to #NewZealand, finally, #PortlandOR and #SanRafaelCA.

My Law Review article was on "Water Rights In California" A tricky subject. And then there's eminent domain and the public trust, int'l environmental standards where, if breached, convention[s] allow for incursion to clean up hazard[s] [#Chernobyl may need help next time].

#WaterRights #prescriptive #priorintimesuperiorinright #riparianrights #ebb and #flow #lowtide #hightide #monsoon #publictrust #religiousrights probably subordinant, but see #sacredcow.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Righteousness or Debauchery?

People without discretionary expenses allowed into their strict budget . ?

TV RADIO #BorderPatrol

We had rad tug-a-wars when I was young. I hope we can entertain them. First we have to get more open space for the players.🤠🤑🤓

The Military Industrial Complex #probono

@StanfordLaw @UCSDalumni This is truly where I see the "rubber meeting the road" in CA. @TedLieu @FSIStanford subtext: our invasive #jurisprudence must be maintained to tune well. "It takes a village." @CondoleezzaRice @HillaryClinton @ForeignAffairs Volunteer work expected 2day.

Monday, April 15, 2019

#NotreDame #Paris @Pontifex @BBC "There's already talk of rebuilding the church." #JamesMartinSJ #AmericansForNotreDame

This is what I think of your "rule of law" from , until it's not.

The Rule of Law! The Rule of Tiger!

This is what I think of your "rule of law" from , until it's not.

Dear Paris and France: It's Holy Week, but not Good Friday. 12-Pack Of #Mueller

Watergate does not bother me. Where is your faith? : The Man & A made-up ghost-writer, yours truly. credit for

Poor .

♦️ سخنرانی وزیر خارجه آمریکا در داشگاه «ای اَند ام» تگزاس| پمپئو: ما برای تحقق ثبات در خاورمیانه با ایجاد ائتلافی، داعش را از تمامی زمینهای که گرفته بود، بیرون راندیم و جنگ ما با آنها ادامه دارد. بخش دوم تحقق صلح و ثبات در منطقه شناسایی تهدید عمده دیگر یعنی جمهوری اسلامی است...

Now @JonesysJukebox plays #KurtVile

Dear Easter: You are taking so long. .

On a day I want more sex or another beer.

Dear Easter: You are taking so long. .

"You'd Think You We're Losing Your Mind"--#JimiHendrix @JonesysJukebox #Blues

Did you hear about the new @sagaftra #commercials contract? I would like to participate in the new economy of images. #DavidWhite We've decided to call it, and they may indeed be our adversary in negotiations [but with us, Gabrielle et al.] maybe not. #JimiHendrix #QMProduction

#TradeSecrets: So Many Secrets #Qualcomm has a chance versus @Apple @UCSDAlumni

#GrandCoalition "Rule of Law" #semantics are precarious. I never heard of "rule of law" until I heard of "globalism." I heard of "law and order" first in a San Mateo "head shop". It was bold words on a florescent light poster "--Adolf Hitler" @ForeignAffairs @FSIStanford

A Universal Call For Jimmy Carter "Do You? Mr. Jones?"--#BobDylan

"Do you, Mr. Jones?" invites former President to the box. [If I had to choose [in retrospect] between re-election to the Presidency or , I'd choose having established [with Rosalynn and Amy et al], ].

Why Did John Lean On Jesus? Suppose it's the subconscious realization I'm no long up to raising a family, so like a narcoleptic, I tend to feel dizzy and faint. A pleasant numbness overwhelms me.

Women's flesh is so luxurious sometimes, lately I almost faint. "You're turning into a woman?"
This photo, with ravens flying above the burning Notre Dame feels like the end of the world

Who Died And Made You King? "Not King, arbiter."

What is the role of reproachment in society? @ABANews A matter of degrees. #China, #Japan use more social correction among peers. America, at least California, tends to use municipal and county resources to correct/adjudicate grievances or claims. @FSIStanford

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Atheist Reagan America

Julian Assange has information that could 'destroy Russian hoax': Jerome... via implicated in --murdered in Washington D.C. Put Prosecutors In Prison rotection

American Jurisprudence Fractured, Biased, Atheist [What Else Is New?]

But it was never fundamentally corrupt and based on the letter, not spirit, of the law. "By the Book" when the "Book" is not the Bible.

Julian Assange has information that could 'destroy Russian hoax': Jerome... via implicated in --murdered in Washington D.C. Put Prosecutors In Prison

Friday, April 12, 2019

#Sweeps "We used to call them 'dragnets' but #Neilsen bought the term." #NationalConsumerPanel

Stay out of trouble, off the streets, and you probably won't get caught up in the dragnet sweeps arriving today.

Does Anyone Know Who Owns cumulusmedia.com? diablomedia.com? legalscout.com?

Evidence of former : "Good luck at cha."-- It'll do as my forgotten sentence.

I've gone to Vegas.

New Version on the old scene. @Aerosmith #Ragdoll #RickDuFaye: He stole that from me.

Disclosure: I don't like Rick DuFaye and never found out the correct spelling of his name.

More to add

I Think We All Agree Waterboarding [of a Reign of Terror Victim] Off The Table? @GWBLibrary

Dealing with a Dealer and Hillary Hater.

Put Your Pecker Back In Your Pocket Aussie.

Julian Assange Thrown To The Fates

Peck him apart muckraker.

What does he believe? Is he a "believer" in Jesus Christ of Nazareth as our Lord Jesus Christ?

Peut-etre George W. Bush a raison? [Fr.]

"Do ya punk?"-- Clint Eastwood 

We Got the Pecker

My father was born in Germany, not Switzerland. #Drumpf @GermanyinUSA Figurative Speech. "I deal in the subconscious, the unconscious. That Australian bugger deals in @wikileaks. I don't know much about them. It's not my bailiwick. #Brexit? I've been thinking. I like royalty. 

Figuratively Flay The Australian

If CA secedes from the Union, Trump will not have authority to send detainees to sanctuary cities.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

#SpinalTap @mattmiller1973 #SantaAnasRevenge

#DerekSmalls #EatURHeartOut! "Wanna see one of my many bank accounts?" #TheFrankfurtSchool #Euros are in for benefit or gains and losses. #DramaticShift? #SwissFranc #EnglishPound @CFR_org #interestrates

"I Want My Cut"--Steve Jones

"I want my cut." You know what I'm thinking.

Go To Lost Wages #SteelyDanTShirt @Kissonline @JonesysJukebox

#ManOnTheSilverMountain @CFR_org "Go to Lost Wages" #SteelyDan #Reno #Tahoe @stevewynn #lasvegas #adultplayland #employmentexhaustion @JonesysJukebox told me to do it. diablomedia.com legalscout.com

Does Blonde Hair Hypnotize? #AmericanWoman #TheGuessWho https://variety.com/2018/tv/news/american-woman-canceled-1202926191/

#HypnoticBlonde #BlindedByTheLight "You mean psychotic blonde." "No, psychotics are brunettes now-a-days." #PsychoticBlonde "Blinded by The Light" Manfred Mann and His Earth Band. @JonesysJukebox I told you to stay away from the birds. #QuinnMartin It happened @santaclaralaw '85

Are There Any Good Looking White Men Left?

Moral: Sometimes whether we like it or not, we give to the 'cause'. Many spilled their blood that were not 'of color' early on. The fact that the spilling of blood may not have been proportionate in particular eras 'should not' detract from certain white peoples endeavors.

Think: The Declaration of Independence (July 2-July 4, 1776)

Credit: I read a novel where the character says, "[There are no good looking men left.]" [reference to the Greeks intimated.]

Friday, April 5, 2019

"Trumpy" by @DonLemon

: It's an adjective! It's a verb! It's an adverb! : It's a state of mind!

Wearables As "Come-On" Repellant: No, I'm interested. Please do not interrupt me. ["#Manturrupted" as one famous online personality/musician coined it]

: How to distinguish creeps from harmless agents. employed as message to would-be offending parties. How to avoid unwanted attention and/or comments.

correction: The young woman on the park bench covering her face and phone with her hair as she interacted beneath the strands may have been in , or I think it was

John Rubens
April 5, 2019

Tentacles of a corporate surveillance unit creeping down on you...

WIDE: Like a sullen cloud singing a dirge. Droning on and on like POTUS imitating a windmill thats gears have been bent in heavy winds.

THE DONALD: Why pick on me John? Biden's the creepy corporate creature. We have a family trust.  What's wrong with that?  You want Wall Street and the Delaware Department of Corporations to invade your space?

WIDE: Are you rehearsing your skyrights spiel Mr. President?

JOE BIDEN: Buy yourself some Jenny Craig Wideboy. Better yet, Frankfurters Back 2 School.

Fiction by John Rubens
copyright April 5, 2019