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Death Wish (2018) - Nightclub Shootout Scene | Movieclips

I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Age of Aquarians #RedCross #HerbertMarcuse "Minds of Liberation--#Aquarius" #The5thDimension

Lucia likes the shoe and the lighter; I like the attache case with accoutrements and attachments and sniper scopes.  #PierceBrosnan didn't use a scope until #Matador did he? #silencers #ManFromUNCLE #theColdWar > #Hippies > #NeoCons > #NeoLibs > #Idiocracy @MikeJudge @UCSDalumni

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Blast the Prosecutors Out of The Park: The AT & T Hoax

Like an old worn out baseball.

#JokeByWife: You can go to law school that doesn't make you a good liar.

How'd you do that so fast? I thought about unilateral contracts this morning. @cher @djmelissamaxx re: give and take without express contract. @Square @twitter @Policy "You can go to law school that doesn't make you a good liar."--Lucia Rubens @MichaelAvenatti @ABAJournal @jack

Thursday, March 21, 2019

#SonOfMan #Jesus #HomoDeus #NextAlphaOmega "[I am the Alpha and the Omega...others will come to do even greater works than these.]"

Sons of Men: Alpha Omegas all?

"Oh son of man..." [Psalms] Is there being post-Omega?

But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.  The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:) That word, I say, ye know, which was published throughout all Judeaea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached; How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.  And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom they slew and hanged on a tree: Him God raised up the third day, and shewed him openly; Not to all the people, but unto witnesses chosen before of God, even to us, who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead.  And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of the quick and the dead. 
The Acts of the Apostles 10:35-42; see also Matthew 28:19,20.

Zondervan; Dugan Publishers, Inc. (1988)

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

#NothingButTrouble (#DanAkyroyd, 1990) A Group of Good Looking Folks Get Caught in NowheresVillage.

HANGIN' JUDGE: This is somewhere and your in it, hehehe!

DEMI MOORE: But Judge, Your Honor, if you could see it...

HANGIN' JUDGE: See what--Striptease? Ha ha ah ha!

Saturday, March 9, 2019

@CIA: Made me look! From "Common Wombat" National Geographic

A group of wombats is known as a wisdom,[10][11] a mob, or a colony.[12]

Southern hairy-nosed wombats dig and live in burrows which they connect into warrens with many entrances. These warrens are their prime refuges and are shared by up to 10 individuals.[12] A wombat digs with its fore claws while sitting up.[16] It leaves its new burrow backwards and pushes out soil with all its paws.[16] The central warren is surrounded by a circle of small, simple burrows 100–15 m from it.[14] The small burrows along the outer edges is where young wombats go when they are displaced from the central warren.[12] Wombats may favour a certain burrow and not share it with others. However, there is no monopolization of burrows.[17] Wombats move between burrows and even warrens. Male wombats are territorial towards wombats from other warrens, possibly to defend food resources and the warren refuges.[12] Trails of droppings connect the burrows. The males also mark their territory with anal scent secretions by rubbing their backs and rumps on objects.[8] Fights between males over territories or mates do occur and involve bites to the ears, flanks, or rumps.[7] Also, a dominance hierarchy exists among males.[7]

From Wikipedia articles on the three extant species of wombats

Friday, March 8, 2019

Jan-Michael Vincent, RIP Jay Thomas Lookalikes. #CharlesBronson co-stars #NightGallery

Bronson: You gotta be dead right--or dead.

Jan-Michael Vincent: Rest in peace brother, 73 years of life and beyond--paradise we hope earnestly for you and all of us.

#Hickenlooper + GOP = #HickGOP #FlatTax is the way forward. #ColoradoWhiteHouse


Dear Sexy Beast: I was a hedonist according to a Polish/German.

What can I do to gain the kingdom of heaven? Give away what trash I have?

I'd like to be admitted.

1: To the infirmary?

A: No

2: To the insane asylum!

A: :)

Know Your Place #NecroNixon: As true now as ever. #ZeitgeistJournal #CarlJung: #CARTA #ArthurCClarke #SigmundFreud #dialectic


Dear Americans, if not California in particular: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=r5O0hKgP&id=96F73EA9A49D2C41F40E79745EC968FDA593B7A7&thid=OIP.ZJouk_jJsNtXkH4vtViS6wHaFk&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fzactopia.files.wordpress.com%2f2010%2f02%2fwombat.jpg&exph=556&expw=740&q=wombat&simid=608027326031792135&selectedIndex=1&ajaxhist=0 #PeaceWithDignity albeit #lasting guilt, mostly in the twilight hours.

John Rubens got caught up in a conspiracy like I did. Almost as soon as we found out, we tried to get out but there was some incidental cover-ups to get to Peace With Dignity. #VietnamWar #NecroNixon

"No one wanted to kill Jesus." #SaudiArabia @JonesysJukebox re: #OG #BillFickner [phonetic] "The PACT killed Jesus."

Study marsupials from Australia.

Special Counsel: anomalies in pay, sentencing of criminal defendants.

"And they made a pact that no one was to eat until they killed Jesus. #ThePact "We are legion."

subtext: No one wanted to kill Jesus. #ThePactKilledJesus

ironically, Jesus told his disciples to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

marijuana thoughts: What if the disciples ate of the corpse?

text: That's not what the text implies.

ME: You're right Professor.

Would #wombats fare well anywhere in #Scotland? #AustralianOrigins #Wombat #JoeStrummer001 SpecialCounsel.com

SpecialCounsel.com: Anomalies in pay, sentencing of defendants in federal court.

CIA says it couldn't hurt to study. Today we study animal tactics. Wombat is known to attack humans is as far as I got. Maybe you can go further down the E-Machine. There are as many rooms as there are religions in China and sides to the Pentagon and pentagram.

New Day, Fresh Start--Ben

I remember fighting Schwab stockbrokers when I was 29. Made me want to sue stockbrokers. #litigationcity Then I found my place on the floor. #TWTR

RICE LENTILS ZUCCHINI #BlackMountain #FutureShade #Destroyer

What am I gonna say at the performers mixer if they ask of my background?

"A suspended lawyer without a smartphone"?

"We have a house we rent in the Black Mountains."

They'd ask, "Black Mountains?"

And off we go...

Thursday, March 7, 2019

#WagonTrain @MeTV "The Story of Juan Ortega" #EqualProtection

#WagonTrain "The Story of Juan Ortega"

"We want you to stay with us. We'll adopt you and give you a home."

"But...I'm a murderer."

"We know. We'll deal with that when the time comes."

"But...I'm a Mexican."

 "Yes. [That part is hardly noteworthy] You're sorry and made peace with God. Now you'll have to face man's justice."

PENTAGON TALK: Let's hire our own people to do the investigations. #CENSUS2020

"You want evidence? I'll give you evidence."
"That's not what I asked for."
"That's not what you asked for? That's what THEY asked for [points to crowd, audience or mob]. They can handle the truth. I don't know about you."
"Now you know that's not fair."


Be Counted. Join the Effort. 

copyright John Rubens

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

@POTUS: Mexico can solve the problem if it wants. [BOO! says the crowd, tentatively] Mexico can solve the problem by having an immigration center in Juarez and another in San Luis Potosi and Saltillo outskirts.

CROWDS on both sides of border celebrate with loud cheers and applause. Texans Cheerleaders do a dance with Mexico's National futbol team.

Dear #RepMassie of the #OversightAndReformCommittee

Thanks for appearing on Cuomo Prime Time to explain your performance in the recent hearing while questioning Michael Cohen with your Republican colleagues.

"What else could I do ethically but observe and ask the Respondent volunteer if he realizes how far and for how long he strayed from his professional responsibility.

Michael Cohen may have replied [but he couldn't without opening a 5th Amendment can of worms?], "Mr. Trump was not a person who held standards of professionalism is high regard.  He doesn't like "isms".  Or simply, "Mr. Trump holds no affinity for the professional responsibility of others. He wouldn't consider that his problem unless it touched his Teflon."

Fiction: "Little Ronny"

The last several lovers I've had get violent.  This never happened to me before say, the Reagan Administration.  I wonder if Nancy said 'no' a lot?

NECRONANCY: It's just you! Stop brooding and get up!

JOHN: It's raining Nancy. How did little Ronny get up in the morning?

NECRONANCY: Same way he does now.  He knows what will happen if he doesn't.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Fuck @judaspriest #LoveReignOerMe @theWho

We'll never play at your barmitzvah.

Cum on my casket. 3 hits, maybe a half-dozen if one includes Headed Out To The Highway.

God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit Supercede the Server. #Lynchpin: @judaspriest #KKDowling #SomeHeadsAreGonnaRoll by Bob Halligan, Jr. "Rob made us famous due to his confidence and zeal." #ZsaZsaGabor: I just call it 'Slapping Back' broham.

Rollerball (Jewison, MGM, 1975)


Supercede and outnumber the binary server and the number of the beast 666 calculated.

Yuval Noah Hariri
Pepperdine University
U.C. Santa Barbara
Cal Newport
William Harrison of Arkansas and Texas
Norman Jewison
Stanley Kubrick
Arthur C. Clarke of 2001 A Space Odyssey fame.

Zsa Zsa Gabor, born in Hungary, "[The world is crazy for a reason, to keep us straighter.]"
Dialectic: Herbert Marcuse, The Frankfurt School

Promoted and Color Coded

The Authorities.

#Sex #Religion #Politics #MultiplePersonalityDisorder #Gluttony @MarciWiser: The brain of a man and the ass of a French teenager. Time for #SteveJones @955KLOS. #GirlThingOver

Re: My latest legal defense to accusations regarding the past.

Sex Religion and Politics

Thanks @MarciWiser re: Getting warm regarding "multiple personalities".  re: e.g., gluttony,  waking up and finding one of many personalities was a glutton. If no baseline personality could be.

Accusation by reporter

RESPONSE: I'm not the same man I was when you asked the question.

PETITIONER: So you're a sociopath?

RESPONSE: Depends on many factors. Are you a doctor?


RESPONSE: Neither is my wife.

PETITIONER: So you're not the same man, then who are you?

RESPONSE: The light we see from the stars is not on the star.

PETITIONER: You saw the Air Force Thunderbirds last night didn't you?

RESPONSE: No but I heard them, I felt them and saw there trajectory from the tail exhaust cloud toward Las Vegas, Nellis AFB. People in their SUV's looked excited as they saw me come out of our apartment and look East. There were two LAPD helicopters nearby to secure the area.

PETITIONER: Are you stoned?

RESPONSE: Since you're initial question?

PETITIONER: Oh brother.

RESPONSE: I told Matt Miller of Bloomberg Berlin Bloomberg ought to allow drinking on a Friday night, now I see commentators drinking on air.

PETITIONER: Jekyl and Hyde.


Friday, March 1, 2019

Ideally, when one marries a spouse, one should be able to say, "I am not worthy," but I'm obliged to say I don't believe that is the case. Life is too difficult.

Dear Male Dominated Society: Like the servant who is being fired in the gospels, make amends with your master's debtors so when the females take control of the United States, you, like
, can ask for help. #WomenMayBe2Smart #Zero #Rollerball (
, 1975).

Malfeasance is out there, even if you're as virtuous as #Palau or #Oman @qotsa @kcet

Dear Oman: You're as yet untouched. If you want potential criminals assassinated or incarcerated, it can be diverted by procedure. [See Stanley Kaplan, @barbri, #HarvardLawSchool]. In short, stop acting in concert with any that disrupt the Holy Spirit.

A sacramental/ritual nod to our president couldn't hurt. He's been attacked by his own people, as you have. I agree with you, but others are hard-headed.

Malfeasance is out there, even if you're as virtuous as #Palau or #Oman @qotsa @kcet

Stand up to your Irish heritage if applicable. We are Cops.

Fitzpatrick, stand down.

If U want criminals and bullies assasinated &/or #incarcerated [aren't we all?] stop acting in concert so the cops in #Germany will stop the #SoundofMusic @qotsa @KCET

Don't collaborate with the devil unless you can't help it. We'll forgive sincere repentance. #CatholicChurch

#Willard (Bing Crosby Productions, 1971)

The title character in Willard is a "hemophiliac" prince destined to be over-run by his own preoccupations and social shortcomings. Rats understand him, especially two, Socrates and Ben.

Compare: Charly, starring Cliff Robertson, a hit from a few years earlier, 1967.

REPORTED That Louis Armstrong and Bing Crosby were "friends".

REPORTER: Are you and Bing Crosby friends?

ARMSTRONG: Friends? Yes we are friendly...but he's never invited me to his home.

Based on hearsay and recollection.

The rats have the house. Developers have the floor.