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Death Wish (2018) - Nightclub Shootout Scene | Movieclips

I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Saturday, September 29, 2018


  1. John Rubens @raftofwater 2 minutes ago
  1. the pain/pleasure principle.
  2. 1 reply
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    1. 39 seconds ago
    1. How many sluts does a woodchuck fuck if a woodchuck could fuck wood?

  • Thursday, September 27, 2018

    Did Ken Lay die a wino? He quoted scripture--anything is possible

    All things work together for good to those who love the Lord.
    --St. Paul Letter

    Preceding Tweet:

    www.sweetjames.com It all comes down to credibility. #DeepState #OneDimensionalMan2DimensionalWoman3DRobot Bring back third party #BADFAITH! @DianneFeinstein What do you say Senator? "They" deserve some taking from if @uber does? Oh that bad faith. Killed #KenLay died a wino


    Two changes in idioms: "rule of law" for the media and computer valleys/servers/banks/algorithms/insurers and "penalty of felony" [because perjury is hard to prove and lawyers/cops scoff at the prospect at times].

    Shy Ford Captivates, Focuses Nation on Procedural Savoir-Faire, or, #LawyerRehabilitation #reformReformREFORMreferral?

    Inspired and enlightened us. @SenRichardBlumenthal @CSPAN Thank you Ms. Ford. I believe your testimony. Lawyer re-hab by a psychologist from @Stanford. #Honest

    Referral to Katz firm near D.C. by Dianne Feinstein's office.

    Wednesday, September 26, 2018

    #IndustryInteraction @RichardTrumka #Free now playing @JonesysJukebox

    #AskTika: Does the 'abuse' [discomfort] of working for the entertainment industry continue to be fair and beneficial? Example: For me it still is, but don't work more than 3 days a week except every 10 years on average.

    Private/Public @Uber

    Meanwhile, residents have less actual to live in! ! "Lemmings into shiny metal boxes' right where the used to stand for 's 2000 album. We need so we can touch.

    Goal Keepers [Goalie] is exactly like a 'gatekeeper' if you consider the goal a gate to scoring and possibly winning.


    #goalkeepers2018 @TheBushCenter @gatesfoundation Sounds like #gatekeepers. #inclusion vs. #exclusion. See recent comments by @CIA director #Haspel on #diversity. #HighTurnOver #disqualifiedbecause #muchlikegatekeepers


    And that's not getting to the information gleaned. @LouDobbs @JudicialWatch @RalphNader @JudgeJoeBrownTV @JudgeJeanine #MichaelCrichton: [What I'd be willing to pay for is reliable, correct data]. He died trying to find it. @apple #speculativefiction @FBI Who's zoomin' who?--Aretha Franklin performer

    "You're fired!  Go be a brand ambassador or drive UBER."

    Tuesday, September 25, 2018

    Knock Down These Skyscrapers Mr. Garcetti

    I blame the rise of the #skyscraper. #SkyRights #DonaldJTrump #TrumpStyleNegotiation So little space. @MayorOfLA @uber @lyft @lime UAS See also #BladeRunner (1982) & #Predator2 (1990). Get on your bad motor scooter and ride. @sammyhagar Ro0om to RoOam. @JonesysJukebox

    #QueensOfTheStoneAge @JonesysJukebox

    Thank you for the B-Day Card @twitter that keeps me happy. #FirstTweet @kingsthings @JonesysJukebox @CrisValerio @mattmiller1973 @aplusk @justdemi #OpenUpYourEyes #starcrawler #GenerationX @maxwinkler You can wake up now [Daddy won]. #BarryHBO @KennyPolcari @barryritholtz

    "Now I smile and laugh continuously." "Sounds like the #funnyfarm." #ChevyChase

    "He's a ." "Trump genius? What's that?" "No one like him.  A student of mine once said an associate professor called a method I used of teaching evidence 'unheard of'.  I was taken aback but now I laugh AND smile!"
    "Sounds like the #funnyfarm [#ChevyChase]. Are you alright?" "Better than you at the moment thankyou./" #AbruptEndings

    It's stopped. Took about 75 seconds...that's relatively long for me.

    Monday, September 24, 2018

    Polling Places

    Security professionals have the relative luxury of being open about worst case scenarios.  Election administrators decidedly…do not. A delicate balance of security with appropriate seriousness, getting the logistics right and staying optimistic --not to strike terror at polls. Paraphrase for @DCDOOZY's tweet of a third party short article.