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I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Musgrove Pitching in bottom of 7th for @Astros 1 @Dodgers 3

Sad delirium, meditative opioid without the addiction. re: . Probably like touring, acting and playing ball. 

Fox Sports brought tears to my eyes with California Dreamin'.

Gothic Nights with @955gary and #djmelissaMaxx?

and don't forget ! His cock is hitched. It's hitched on YOU! Sad delirium is opioid without the addiction

Kenny Polcari, Ann Coulter and COMES NOW Jennifer Granholm, "Right? [just agree with me].""

It's a man's world, am I wrong? It's a communicator/salesperson/insurance/banker's world, right? : Just say "Right."

Wayne's World Next Gen

"Just agree with me.  'Build it and they will come.'" 

Can He Even Change The Weather? Leaders of Disruption Apps: "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision."

"Let's double down on ." : "Could be infinite, who knows where will lead or wander..." .

Day 6 World Series 2017

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.
The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining.
Joel 3: 14-15


Mt 8:26 Can he even change the weather? #EnronOdyssey #KenLay: Well, that was hard to do in my era. Governor Cuomo of New York: It begins with #PowerInPuertoRico.

Monday, October 30, 2017

@pbs: #TheRaven by #EdgarAllanPoe 1845

Halloween, 2017
He wanted fame and boy did he get attention with The Raven schtick.

Friday, October 27, 2017

2001 A Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick, Say it ain't so. #EatingAlone

Re: possible meaning[s] of denoument in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

@elibroad: Northern California open spaces have specific purpose[s], rustic beauty beyond compare/weather, sincerity.

Also: Keep Northern California Beautiful. Trees not motorcars. @ericgarcetti as #Yosemite and local public spaces diminish, filled by @uber.

@HillaryClinton's base is big if it includes @realDonaldTrump. @BillClinton--and of course it does. @BillyGraham #Xi of #China

Stay away from the Irish miscarriages [of justice]

#CheshireCat Hillary Thinks Her Grand Establishment Will Save Her. "I'm a lawyer." #RoseLawFirm, Washington, D.C. Move the @WhiteHouse to #DenverColorado and you're out in the cold.

Some need out of syndicates. I've been there Lou. As they say in France, "Arrete!" Hillary mimics a Cheshire Cat. somewhere
John Rubens added,

www­.news­.com­.au - @WikiLeaks’ released trove of secret CIA documents revealing attempts to remotely hack automobiles/#MichaelHastings conspiracy theories of death

www­.news­.com­.au - ’ released trove of secret CIA documents revealing attempts to remotely hack automobiles with 'undetectable hits'/… .

Thursday, October 26, 2017

#Bargain @TheWho

Dear Similar issues in politics, legal matters, Bargaining or Boycott, "You've got a deal."

Conflicts of Interest; Appearance of Impropriety; Execute

Dear : "behind the scenes". Did you know & know ? Can I still dream of them without feeling guilty now that Los Angeles is taking a mini-residency in Houston?

Paul Shaffer, The Who

John Rubens

#WindShiftPolitics Rosa L. DeLauro's #TheLeastAmongUs (2017)

  1. NOV/DEC 2017 @ 159: by of "The Least Among Us:..", by Rosa L. .

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

#JoeBuck @FoxSports: "Off the bill of the cap in centerfield." #DaveRoberts: It happens. [If we won 'em all it wouldn't be a game/series.] #Happy

Game 2
2017 World Series between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Houston Astros. State vs. Feds.

Dear #Tommy: Let Hill play for his name too!

Duty. Quadrants. Steve Garvey.  Dear Tommy, I almost forgot Dave was managing now.

#HR4HR @TexansCheer

Sweden figured out how to stop people from smoking. knows its secret weapon

Houston Cheer

Ah the truth comes out! But you're something the world has never seen until last night. "don't you forget bout me"
John Rubens added,

#HR4HR @Sprint may not be a #slowbadass but just think how fast they'll be with @TMobile at their back? @mattmiller1973 @955gary @JohnLegere 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Re: T-Mobile's #HR4HR promotion/charity.

#Marcuse #TheFrankfurtSchool: We're in a different realm here!

may not be a but just think how fast they'll be with at their back?

John Rubens added,

The Will of God...in Baseball? #Compartmentalization v. #Unity toward God's Will

may not be a but just think how fast they'll be with at their back?

Bewary of AJ [@Astros v. @Dodgers; @AllBlacks v. #Brisbane, AUS.]

1982, I was ready for love. no need to fight sometimes when you're ready. 🙏🏉⚾️

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

A.J.: We're Gonna Leave Everything Out On The Field. #Roberts: I have butterflies but they are playing, 'We Are Young' at the Stadium, can anyone blame me?

Haven't seen it yet. [s] in it? "It's the bull pen for the ." subtext: ?

Rather on Trump: "He can't win against all of us."

Reporter: Synchronization?

Rather: Conspiracy and Boycott. Just kidding.  A little chaos is all Will, Brian and I ask. 

Shout It Out! #Sports Are For Fans Too!

  1. Sister Anne Retweeted Sr. Theresa Aletheia
    Ditto but without the skull tweet.
    Sister Anne added,

Monday, October 23, 2017

#CapitalintheTwentyFirstCentury by Thomas Piketty [No Wonder DeNiro Doesn't Like The French Economists] (2014) "How Should Governments Address Inequality? Putting Piketty Into Practice" by Melissa S. Kearney, A Book Review of "After Piketty: the Agenda for Economics and Inequality" by Heather Boushey, J. Bradford DeLong and Marshall Steinbaum, Harvard University Press, 2017 [Curated Essays].

Foreign Affairs, NOV/DEC 2017, p. 133-138

"Make me."

Power-Lawyers/Judicial Forums; Privacy/Property Rights v. La Revolte de la Publique! Liberation & Rights to Pursue Righteousness [without the "nominal gift" to give to a third party's foundation].
  1. I see what we're up against with regard to inequality but now commoners know where to start looking. NOV/DEC pp. 133-138 Provisions for Prosperity and Retirement Lifestyles

#TheGrowler's, Performing with the B-52's 28th and 29th of October; Bring Your Costumes! @955KLOS

-Dope On A Rope tinged with laborers' hopes for transcendence,  a new mix #GoingGetsRough, but it's nicer "going" with

The Growlers make me think.  I'm still thinking of them after one hour. Romans 11: Grafted on the Rock N' Roll tree. Where will they grow from here?

Saturday, October 21, 2017

#MEDIAOpEdSolete #Weinstein #PussyRiot Is #PeterFrampton #MI5? "why not MI-6 like Pierce Brosnan?" @CIA/Plame et al operation against #Russia & #Ras#Putin?

Meanwhile, Motorhead fans revving their engines to stay alive.

Do You Feel Like We Do? Peter Frampton et al. (1973).

#TavisSmiley Has On #PeterFrampton, #GordonKennedy @pbs @JonesysJukebox

Lynryd Skynyrd  Free Bird blocked by the Framptons and the TVA like a fish out of water. @POTUS and the 25th Amendment.  Peter Frampton blocked me on twitter, but so did my old friend Kirby Wright.  If not for X, how can you get to the living water and fly? Madonna: Hey guys, I wrote that.

Peter Frampton: We are keepers.

POTUS: My point exactly, so where's the problem?

John Rubens: I once found a bumper sticker.  "God made man and rested. God made woman and no one's rested since."  I put it on my bumper and it got keyed.

My impression: I'm more empathetic toward Madonna than Sean Penn at the moment.

When I first read This Business of Music, I would have been partial and biased for Sean Penn's ballsyness especially after his war movie with poor Michael J. Fox: Casualties of War (1989) A Film by Brian De Palma.

Trump, the chosen president for this period of knowledgeable open season.  
Matthew 22: 15-21.

Fish & Birds by John Rubens

credits: Tavis Smiley, the Framptons, Gordon Kennedy, Jonesys Jukebox and my parents, John and Arlene.   

Friday, October 20, 2017

#PlanetofTheApes #PostMillennialLesson #2

Don't forget, #RememberTheAlamo.

If things get much better for a time you forget, you're safe.

@JoeWalsh: I'm a personal friend. @GeneSimmons: Well I'm an intimate friend [this is fiction folks, get the make-up?] @PaulStanley: Look at my #TulsaTrain! #JeffandBeauBridges will want to visit.

Dear It's a 1939 moment for you id'nt it? We're with you '! Davey and Steve.

#PostMillennialLesson 10-20-2017 "Remember the Alamo" until #GeorgeAndAmalClooney teach droves how to teach quadrants.

That's what I see for post-millennials, sent out farther. --George Clooney would be a great post-millennial educator.

Perfect Clearance is Just Enough

Restores my faith in justice. I was beginning to think there really was an anti-male conspiracy like Spenser spokesman with yamika claims.Equal Protection, not that they should not have perfect clearance.
John Rubens added,

#HollywoodTimeWarp: How Can Post-Millennials Ever Understand #HarveyWeinstein? For a child, I wouldn't think Oscar Mayer #Weiner Is As Difficult

Fictional Confessions

I am a Post-Millennial.  Marcie told me what my name and place was at.

I want an X-box or at least Nintendo.

I will do anything for gadgets that will aid my team to mobilize and grow up beyond self, team and planet.

How could I begin to understand Harvey Weinstein at 7?

He's a lot like a chameleon.  I can be a chameleon when I don't want my Mom questioning me sternly.  It's a tough room then.  Gotta be a charmer in the viper's room.

*Jimmy Kimmel with family in tow for Jimmy Kimmel Live in Brooklyn, original home of the Los Angeles Dodgers, elbows fellow Catholic De Blasio who roots for Boston.

She took off her purple panties with lace covering the elastic band around her right hip which she rotates towards me, points her life into mine.

She pointed at me. I was chosen. I ran to another field and started losing.  I watched sports again like Eric Garcetti.

My soul craves what lust howls in the night winds of Arizona [not really, it's on the teleprompter]

Led by lust, inter-personal gratification, dulled receptors charged. My soul craves what lust howls in the night winds of Arizona.

John Rubens
Credit: Memories of my twenties and thirties 

Lust Howled Cruel In My Twenties Until I Heard Their Echoes In My Fifties

Led by #lust, our inter-personal gratification, satiated receptors. My soul craves what lust howls in the night winds of Arizona.

Losing My Lust REM: Happy Birthday!

I was led by my lust I suppose. The lust however led me deeper , and eventually losing the , my would .

Thursday, October 19, 2017

@DCDoozy: Who we are and who we were @POTUS #GWBushLibrary

There's another . He's a former #43 and on at 9:44pmPDT.

Enrique Hernandez: Ambassador of Puerto Rico?

Yasiel Puig: Ambassador to Cuba I hope.

Dearest #Dodgers Owner: With a name like that, what's a rally banana or two?

Thank You God For #TommyLaSorda and #DaveRoberts!

Let's not forget to thank Dave Roberts.  Thanks Quadrant.

Peter Frampton Blocked Me On Twitter; #Marcie Says I Can Teach "Post-Millennials" From Home @POTUS

just told me how met a member and they may have disrupted with .

Credit: Marcie

@JimmyKimmelLive: "#CletoComeBack! #Hollywood wants #CletoandtheCletones Back!"

Liked your show from . Just thought of something: If hookers had & back then...I'd a got married sooner.  Not saying I'd be happier.  In Hollywood, the more illogical the choices, the more receptive the casting director.

Kirby Wright, U.C.S.D. Alum, 1983 blocked me on twitter too [#PeterFrampton].

Follow Your #SoulFire #LittleSteven

You want disruption?

I say usurp Harvard's! Wally George Fan

U.C. San Diego Alumnus
John Rubens

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Anecdotal: Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's me.--#BruceWillis

until like the , they control .

#Jesus #Reagan & #ThePunks: Send forth the news, pass a torch to someone you care about. #Townshend #Jones Those were weird times weren't they? (1983-1993) @HowardStern: I have come not to save the healthy, but the sick.--#Matthew 9:12

Dear I've been to rock concerts around the time you got huge. Who else could tame the goths that wanted to eat you?

#Readiness: To be righteous, evil, prepared or ill.

correlation with to overcome? Getting ready in too. Reason:

Daily Muse Wednesday, 10-18-2017 Amuse yourself if I can't do it for you. #HarveyWeinstein

If you can read this we survived another Friday the 13th. "With God all things are possible." Mark 10:27 feed righteousness; douse lust

We're free of that test of superstition until February, 2018 at least.  I looked through the month of January, 2018.

Everything is pertinent but not everything is useful.

Notes to Myself, by Hugh Prather

My girlfriends from Stanford gave me books to read.  They had to claw to get them back. 

A UC Berkeley woman gave me a bunch of books but I never bothered to give them back.  She married a man who has the same last name as one of my Stanford girlfriends.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Flashmobs: #Jesus, #Rwanda

Money pays for a lot of things. When the only discretionary money I have will buy a gun, lock your doors and windows instead.

Dear #Motorhead: I like the part where you say, "you son-of-a-bitch". I know I can trust you like a brother. @JonesysJukebox

Re: Radio Promos by artists

"Hollywood/MSM's" Open Secret: #Weinstein Is A #Scapegoat, A Huge Man, Company, Industry

Let him spend time in Great Britain with Theresa May.  She seems to see clearly and although an interested Party, see her as clear headed and lawful considering the behavior alleged [no I'm not going to change the spelling of behavior].

#HarveyWeinstein and Speech Free of Corporate Muzzle

Jennifer Lawrence said a producer once photographed her standing naked with thinner women as weight-loss inspiration
That's a tasty tidbit. The unforeseen thaw in . "Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead." "And another thing..." HW