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I caught laryingitis too Bruce.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

"Let's Get It On!!"--Judge Mills Lane, Reno, Washoe County NV

"We both want this, 'Let's get it on!' [Judge and DA Mills Lane, Reno, Washoe County, Nevada]." : We all want



Workers are too often llantes [sp.] discarded at the end of their usefulness in a heap.


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

LUCY: You're a blockhead Charlie Brown! #acharliebrownthanksgiving @ClassicalKUSC #SamuelJohnson #JimSvejda

Who can criticize who here! #SamuelJohnson #AlexanderPope #JimSvejda

Classical KUSC

In response to Jim Svejda comment, "The old trick eh?"

7PM one hour away from #charliebrownthanksgiving

and later on, the #NutcrackerSuite by Tchaikovsky at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts.

#Misery #JamesCaan #KathyBates

You think I like takin' care of you?  Now you can modify your behavior or Nick here will take some hide off of you.


Fiction: #ISIL by any other name could be myself

Re: passing judgment

One can deny them and I can deny I drink.

#bloodsuckers--I didn't name an ethnicity @ChiefCharlieBeck @ericgarcetti

Bloodsuckers--I didn't identify an ethnicity.

blogosphere45.blogpost.com Talk is cheap, tweets even cheaper.

John Rubens 11-23-2016

Dear Father, I hope this tweet is not in vain.

Since God, I mean got elected, it looks like "they" the told him, "you can be silenced under these ."

Whachit with that mascara

You may lose some guy's virginity.

It was worth it.


and then some. I hope "they" feel the same.

On alert for Gloria Allred not for rape, but unjust enrichment. good thing I'm poor.

Time is the coin of our live. We must take care how we spend it. - Carl Sandburg

I saw that movie, didn't like it.

Rhetorical compilation copyright Carl Sandburg, twitter feed poster and John Rubens @raftofwater


"#Strangers" #RichCapparela would say, "Don't be a stranger." #RandAdTrade #PresidentNixon would say: That was after I resigned GFY. @msnbc At least CBS paid me.

Re: immigrants

Dear Randall Millard:

I think you may be right and/or offered me an idea + MSM on 2044.  We "european whites" at least me, feel we welcome these immigrants and they take our property.


#RichCapparela just turned on some Albinoni.

#PostJubileeBonus @Pontifex

Moral: What is the net and how does one measure "bias" as has repeated , we all have it. To me, bias in & of itself not sin.


Thank St. Ignatius


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

#BrazilianGuitar sounds like a #VienneseZither @ClassicalKUSC


Speculative Fiction and #RevolvingdoorsDC

Dear & Suppose applied means policies as one of the first of a number of steps.


Maestro of the Ethnic Gangs: Shall it be Anti-Christ or Putin? [Beware when offered only two choices]

Too much "tolerance" can lead to complacence and appeasement.

"[S]imple manners" are important, John Adams said.  See, John Adams (2001) by David McCullough at 554.

Saturday, November 22, 1800, Congress convenes in joint session for the first time in the new Capitol.

JOHN ADAMS: I congratulate the people of the United States on the assembling of Congress at the permanent seat of their government...and I congratulate you, gentlemen, on the prospect of a residence not to be changed.

John Adams, a biography by David McCullough (2001) at 554 


Monday, November 21, 2016

To: #PoliceChief: I obeyed 99% of time but got waylaid anyway.

@anandamarga_arg yogi taught meditation.

  1. or server or my old computer couldn't handle me clicking on , it went haywire
  2. on watch a.m., even the Goblins can't stop the markets. Inside day, grt time to buy low. Gl Brother.

In the chair @USCOstrowIT

Student Dentist: Anarchy?

Patient: "Anarchy, yeah. They came after us, the apathetics.

@petetownsend: Learn to spell; they came after Me, The Who.

source: radio interview, probably Johnsie's Jukebox or a rebroadcast
 KLOS-FM 95.5


Will the real #BabaORiley please stay standing [The real Baba O'Riley is levitating on a carpet] Baba: I am the true Baba O'Riley

The @oreillyfactor's Bill O'Reilly was on hand to heckle Baba with some Irish priest.


#WilliamSessions [FBI]; #JeffSessions

If a Chinese superior wants more Chinese under him, would he show favoritism to a Chinese candidate? Would she? and


#WarrenBeatty has a turn playing #HowardHughes, Engineer and Executive Producer in #RulesDontApply

Similarly, consider the #Entrapment of a Bar Candidate: When a roundabout becomes a lawyer and feels the weight of not only following the law, but new as well.

Mr. Rubens...


There must be a way to health via self. Faith, state of grace. Pray to be faithful and graceful.

#Damned, I guess it means cut off from God's grace one withers, suffers, dies and is cast out. Sounds like #Auschwitz or #Dachau #LivingHell

Two sides to many stories: id/ego/superego; dialectic reasoning--good and evil have power; where is the balance? Faith and Grace

Thank you God for chores to keep my mind busy and not go over the top into being a busybody. Dishes, here I come.


Saturday, November 19, 2016


Eventually, someone will pick a fight with me. I hope it ends up in a draw. Broken bones and messed up tendons hurt.

#MakeHomeAffordable #HARP & #HARP2: Have they determined projection of longevity for enough sustainable families? #Legacy Plan B: #ObamaCare

The @POTUS side of Transition: #Legacy #ObamaCare or #HARP?

#MakeHomeAffordable #HARP & #HARP2: Have they determined projection of longevity for enough sustainable families? #Legacy Plan B: #ObamaCare; Hillary gave Environment and Global Warming to Al Gore.


@realDonaldTrump @POTUS @KamalaHarris in a US Sup Ct. Justice roll?

The Art of the Deal

"I wrote that book."--President-Elect Donald J. Trump

When @FoxNews covers #ObamaCare proposals, my eyes glaze over.

Re: Repeal and Delay

President Obama's Legacy?

i.e. New Deal

"The bailouts are not getting many congratulations."

CONGRATULATIONS MR. PRESIDENT! Made retirement homes affordable.


Salman Rushdie on Writers

The so-called conservatives [Trump] may not like what you write, and when the so-called liberals [empathy/communist/diversity platform] start to complain, you're out of business as you knew it: #IRAN

Mike Pence might not have liked Alexander Hamilton, who knows?


#Hamilton Some men step on one too many toes.

If apologizes, can be an associate U.S. Supreme Court Justice? Understands criminal immigration, ethnic gangs and gang interaction. Don't know about IT [Russians/Chinese?].

Friday, November 18, 2016

The women who prosecuted me at the State Bar work at the Federal Government now. Go figure.


The doctors say many of my problems stem from beer drinking. The cops say the same thing.

Got to fill my day with something else... .


Forget the Alamo? @realDonaldTrump: Not on my dime. #RemembertheAlamo

It would take a lobotomy, a stroke or death or something to make me forget...brainwashing? Conditioning? Manchurian Candidate stuff.


Sunni Islam [Sunni denomination of Islam; Sunni's are aka Sunni Muslims or Sunni Moslems] Shiite, Shiet or Shia: Occured in Persia resulting in split of Islam and royal legacies

Re: Why doesn't MSM cover Islam?


Try the #wienerschnitzel; it's a Viennese specialty of the house.

1)  What's ur Firehose look like?
2)  Probably a lot like yours.
1)  Do you know who I am?
2)  Wiener! Is there something to it?
1)  Try the wienerschnitzel--it's a Viennese specialty--delicious.


Why doesn't MSM talk about Islam? I wonder how different individual Muslims and sect think of pork eaters and alcohol imbibers.


#alcohol, #whitemansburden #theshining #JackNicholson #AlCapone #Chicago: We defend that right. #Muslim tolerance 4 #moonshine 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Re: Prohibition: If your activities make your brother sin, stop.

Hence, George Thoroughgood

Beware the landlady.


If the beer doesn't kill ya, someday...that man will be waiting in front of the liquor store and he'll spot you.

What he does to you may not be up to him.


@megynkelly @donnabrazile "I'm a Christian woman." #HollywoodAngst

"Trouble in Hollywood"--Megyn Kelly

There is tension in Hollywood over culture, race and affluence. Maybe it's always been there but one gets the feeling we could get beat up at any moment [i.e., Megyn Kelly and her deceased father].

Like St. Paul said, if you're going to die, die for Christ! Why die for something less like racial differences or peeking where we shouldn't.

There'd be nothing wrong with peeking if affirmative action wasn't already in place. Like women who can play feminist and/or woman that wants the car door opened for her every time. "Whatever..."

Today's Reading--Psalm 10:11
He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: he hideth his face; he (his victim and yet himself?) will never see it.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

My Hispanic Wife Says to institute #communitypolicing

Neighborhood Empowerment #Tribes

Credentials please? [nothing personal]

3s3 seconds ago Los Angeles, CA
: You need credentials to get on . [That's like selling me beer two days ago and now you want to check id?]

@TheresaMay #France #EU

Maybe this time & are justified in saying a majority or plurality of like minded citizens can make a differ

Budapest? Paris or Los Angeles Chicago Crows Gather #DickGregory in #CHICAGO THEME: Baseball: From 1965 to 1989 Los Angeles thrived, now we have eaten Billy's tavern goat.

Chicago Crows Gather in THEME: Baseball: From 1965 to 1989 Los Angeles thrived, now we have eaten Billy's tavern goat.

Goat's Head Soup in #Chicago

They were saving Billy for this event.

@PIMMFOX: Traffic on the internet must be intense and competitive. @tmobe @JohnLegere

I can take off my ugly make-up and go au naturel but you my dear will always be the side half-empty.

@raftofwater: I resemble that remark [I'M SORRY! Hillary Rodham Clinton]
The computer sais often updating and loading which slows up my computer and leads to letter skipping as I type. [sic]

What One Maintains Is Not Always True--#LesMots Jean-Paul Sartre

1)What one maintains does not make it true, and in the case of Pontius Pilate, perhaps the inverse is true.

2) Lead the women forth! Joan d'Arc and Hillary Clinton

3) #HenselHerrig, Executive Chef, Stanford Sierra Camp during the mid-to-late 1970's until 1981: "It's easier to be tough on employees at the outset and give them slack later on than the other way around. If I give them slack at the outset, where have I to go with the discipline but to fire them.  I don't want to do that. I am not a true tyrant but one who cares for his kitchen like his home away from home.  The unruly student-worker is nowhere near deplorable.  He or she is as salvageable as an unruly student on campus.

#DraintheSwamp #RudyGiuliani: What do you think we've been doing in DC asshole, picking our noses or using them properly?

Speculative Fiction: @FictitiousDonaldTrump "I approve of this message."
See also @EricGarcetti: to @CNNDonLemon: "What do you think, he [Chief Charlie Beck] works for me."

To The Victor Goes the Spoils

+Donald Trump  "@RahmEmanuel? A great excuse to appoint Rudolf Guiliani as the next Attorney General of the United States of America."
Credit:19th Century U.S. Statesmen: Andrew Jackson and his contemporaries/predecessors.

#SpecFiction: "Just because I'm a caucasian man doesn't mean you can pick on me either when I'm @POTUS

When I'm @POTUS.

On the cover of the +Rolling Stone

That One Day: Do we outlaw name calling across the board or do we allow it across the board?

Do we outlaw name calling across the board or do we allow it across the board?


Dick Gregory will be in "Chicago" this Saturday, November 19 Pray for Social Justice, Cooperation and Peace

Dear Dick: I like you. Hope work and perseverance, fasting at times and prayer lead to many fruits. Light as the Spirit
John Matthew Rubens added,

I love it when an HTC Texas Cheerleader Tweets Back

  1. Sounds like the opposite of

Supreme Court Appointment Candidates, or, "What do I know?"

Alan Deshowitz
Erwin Chemerinsky [hope I spelled it right]
Laurence Tribe [hope I spelled it right and hope he's still alive!]
Barack Obama: I'm free to do what I and my family please.
A Woman
An Asian
A Diverse Person of Color
A Handicapped, brilliant scholar or a Wierd Artist
Kamala Harris

#SpecFiction @BillDeBlasio: Try it Trump. @dailykos

? [Visitor] v. [Home Team] You callin me a visitor? I'm going 2C !
John Matthew Rubens added,

What It's Like in Europe: Why do you think we all fight over the land and the produce of it's historied peoples

Celebrity: Don't you trash talk me. Reporter:
copyright John Rubens 11172016

What Putin and Others Have Done @pimmfox: This must be one of the reasons for blog shutdowns

Trans-Boundary Twitterfluence

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@Hannity @CNNDonLemon @pimmfox #DanRather

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and talks like a duck, the media is the story. @megynkelly: "I am not a duck!"

Presidents who do not warm up to the media, particularly LBJ and Nixon, tend not to close their terms as well as those that do. "The Times They Are A Changin'"--BOB DYLAN

Knowledge credit: Dan Rather

John Rubens

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

@pimmfox Re: So-called #AltRight

  1. The name calling is a phase before adulthood. To: France, UK: We are grown-ups. Let's get together B4 Putin buttsN


Possession is nine-tenths of the law. Regarding twitter, regarding wordpress and Crimea for that matter. It takes lawyers. I am not a lawyer.  Look, I had friends, and still do, lawyers. Roy Cohn for instance, God rest his soul. He worked hard, and for what? So he could be humiliated, but I talked to him, he could live or die with his life. He was proud enough not to whimper at the end.

You may be wondering about Crimea. I'll leave you in suspense mass media.

See also, johnrubens.wordpress.com
: Ana me a & I had to look it up. Sorry if I offended you. I am actually fighting "gringo" as a bad thing.
John Matthew Rubens added,

@leonpanetta: Government of Laws, Nation of People; Psalm 9

Have mercy upon me, O LORD; consider my trouble which I suffer of them that hate me...[P]ut them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men.
Psalm 9: 13pt, 20.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


In mid-October, Obama announced that U.S. travelers could bring unlimited quantities of Cuban cigars and rum. We can start with libations.

#Sanctuary! Charles Laughton in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" (1939). From novel by Victor Hugo; Directed by #Dieterle

Crippled at City Hall, "[I can't tear that public communication fabric over deportation issues.



A yogi told me that in Holland in 1982 re: Ronald Reagan Voodoo Economics [Milton Friedman].
John Matthew Rubens added,


    supports those at the brunt of the : so-called "innocent bystanders" like my wife and I in Hollywood CA
  1. No place to run, but still a place to hide. Pave paradise, put up a parking lot.